In fact, more than 80% of the respondents rated
the effected functions a 4 or a 5 (out of 5).
Scenario 2: The major concern of this scenario
was the notifications functionality. Positively,
over 90% of the results rated this feature to be
near perfect with a score of either a 4 or a 5 (out
of 5).
Scenario 3: This utilises all of the functions of
the AALB, and thus its evaluation comes down
to the analysis of entire system. Overall the
system generated a successful feedback and so
this scenario has been entirely fulfilled.
Scenarios 4 - 9: These scenarios utilise the same
features, thus requiring AALB testing in its full
potential. This performed very well, around 90%
of the respondents gave a high rating in the
overall evaluation and above 80% gave a high
rating in the in depth functionality evaluation.
An overall evaluation questionnaire was used in
order to gather basic user information detail, along
with the overall system experience. This was divided
into three parts, (i) Personal Information; (ii) Daily
Activities and Scenario Capabilities and (iii) General
Overall System Usability.
With respect to the overall performance of the
AALB, the system was greeted very well and
positively managed to reach what it was set out to
do. Additionally, 95% of the respondents felt an
added sense of safety through fall detection and
location tacking. On a positive conclusion, just short
of 95% of the respondents indicated interest in
future similar systems, and the concept of AAL. An
in depth functionality questionnaire was used to
focus more on sole performance of four system
features, (i) Fall Detection; (ii) Location Tracking;
(iii) Notification Alerts and (iv) Voice Command
Analysing the respondents’ feedback, it was
observed that the system functionalities performed
very well. The great majority of the users gave a
score of 4 and above. Moreover, the greater portion
of the users agreed that the system features did not
seem to lack anything in particular, while others
pointed out that the AALB could use something
more. With respect to the fall detection, suggestions
were mostly related to notifying/ calling a pre-set
relative number. Some of these suggestions also
mentioned incorporating the GPS location with an
SMS alert in order to improve the response time of
the alerted parties.
The location tracking feature did not favour one
or two specific improvements. In fact, this generated
the distinct enhancements of, (i) Tracking past
locations; (ii) Audio alarms / notifications; (iii)
Stating the units for the input parameters; and (iv)
Accuracy. The notifications functionality followed a
similar approach with four distinct areas which the
users pointed out as requiring further working on.
Namely these are: (i) Repetitions; (ii) Location
orientation; (iii) Voice message / Read back; and
(iv) Important updates / relevant information.
It is also worth mentioning that both the location
tracking and the notifications functionalities found
users that reported that the specific feature worked
fine and did not require any kind of change and/or
In the end, attention was directed at the future of
the system and what this might hold for it, with
respect to any additional features that the users feel
such an AAL system should have. A prominent 80%
of the participants pointed out that some additional
features such as voice commands, notifications, etc
would make the system better.
Once again, apart from all this, it is worth
mentioning that a couple of the respondents simply
reported that the system does not require any
additional features.
This project involved research which mainly
revolved around the areas of ambient assisted living
and senior companions. Both of these areas were
discovered to be very vast and wide spread, thus the
most relevant of the two was put together to get the
basic idea for the development of the project’s
prototype. In fact, the area of AAL provided for the
concept of the project in terms of its required
functionality, whilst the area of senior companions
provided for the feel of the system and its interaction
with the target audience.
The AALB brought with it a number of valuable
achievements as well as beneficial and helpful
lessons. Both of these are regarded to be among the
most crucial aspects of the entire project. The
valuable achievements accomplished through this
project can be derived from the results obtained
through the evaluation of the AALB against user
feedback. In fact, (i) more than 80% of the
respondents were pleased with the system
performance, resulting in an overall average of 4.5
out of 5; (ii) just under 95% of the users indicated an
added sense of safety through the fall detection and
location tracking abilities; and (iii) almost 95% of
the users showed a tendency to use a similar system
in the future. All of these positive results proved to