They are researching about chasis control systems
looking for optimal solutions in rough roads. They
developed an HMI based on C++. This platform has
an open code: (1) to interact with sensors and actu-
ators, (2) to implement non conventional controllers,
(3) to design new road profiles, (4) to plot simulta-
neously several signals, and (5) to compare real and
simulated results on real time. Similar to Gipsa-Lab
approach, the main purpose is research only.
The essential difference of these related works to
us is: (1) the HMI which was designed for academic
purposes (Plug & Play Approach) based on a teach-
ing technique and (2) the software that support the
HMI, which is the result of two PhD dissertations:
(Lozoya-Santos, 2013), (Tud´on-Mart´ınez, 2014). An
important constraint of our proposal is the cost of the
card; however, there are cheaper options.
he proposed educational technology is based on both:
Plug & Play approach and Research Based Learning
(RBL). Early results show the Plug & Play approach
simplifies the used of the experimental QoV model
allowing an efficient teaching-learning system
Preliminary results are: (1) high motivation of stu-
dents, which greatly facilitates the teaching-learning
process, (2) the HMI allowed for experimentation
very efficiently, (3) unlike the original course (i.e.
only in a classroom), practical experience taught the
students to ”see”, ”feel”, ”listen” various phenomena
of vertical vehicle dynamics, (4) although we have no
evidence to prove the results of the writing reports,
we believe that the students internalized the concepts
they learned to better understand, organize and com-
municate their ideas (orally and in writing). Our only
evidence is that test scores were substantially higher.
As future work, we will begin to statistically
measure and compare the performance of students
through the terms. Designing rubrics to validate the
benefits of HMI in terms of efficiency during the
teaching-learning process.
Authors thank Tecnol
ogico de Monterrey and CONA-
CyT because their partial support through the Auto-
motive Consorcium Research Group and the Bilateral
(M´exico-France) PCP 03/10 and 06/13.
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