More research issues and approaches related to the
development of systems to the cloud model can be
found in Armbrust et al. (Armbrust et al., 2009) and
our previous work (da Silva et al., 2013). Cloud com-
puting is still evolving, and research opportunities are
still being identified. The presented approaches are
still being investigated and are far from being mature.
More research and evaluations are still necessary.
This paper shows how the differences in cloud per-
sistence models can make an application difficult to
reuse and/or be ported to a different provider. It ex-
tends our previous work (da Silva et al., 2013) on ex-
ploring the use of MDE to overcome portability in
cloud computing, and shows how that previous ap-
proach can be used to solve the persistence related
lock-in issue.
The main contribution of our work is to show that
there is an alternative path to the standardization of
cloud technologies. MDE can increase the portability
of the applications, but it can also lead to additional
benefits inherently associated with it, consequently,
reducing the impacts of lock-in.
Our approach is focused on persistence, and there-
fore it has good support for CRUD operations.
A limitation of our approach, that is inherent to
most MDE approaches, is that if the generated code
needs to be adapted or modified, the MDE life-cycle
can be broken. Changes in the generated code have to
be replicated, either in the models or in the transfor-
mations, which is not a trivial task. This is why it is
often recommended to leave generated code unmodi-
In the near future we plan to include more plat-
forms to implement the repository of models and
transformations, and to perform some more evalua-
tions, which includes applying our approach to other
case studies.
We would like to thank FAPESP (processes
2012/24487-3 and 2012/04549-4), Coordination of
Superior Level Staff Improvement - CAPES and
There are some efforts to solve the inconsistencies
between changes made manually in generated code (An-
tkiewicz and Czarnecki, 2006; Hettel et al., 2008). Such
research area is often called round-trip engineering.
Brazil-Europe Erasmus Mundus project (process
BM13DM0002) for partially funding this research.
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