A Lightweight Approach for Extracting Product Records from the Web
Andrea Horch, Holger Kett and Anette Weisbecker
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Nobelstraße 12, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany
Web Data Extraction, Product Record Extraction, Tag Path Clustering.
Gathering product records from the Web is very important to both shoppers and on-line retailers for the purpose
of comparing products and prices. For consumers, the reason for doing this is to find the best price for
a product, whereas on-line retailers want to compare their offers with those of their competitors in order to
remain competitive. Due to the huge number and vast array of product offers in the Web an automated approach
for collecting product data is needed. In this paper we propose a lightweight approach to automatically identify
and extract product records from arbitrary e-shop websites. For this purpose we have adopted and extended
the existing technique called Tag Path Clustering for clustering similar HTML tag paths and developed a novel
filtering mechanism especially for extracting product records from websites.
Obtaining product records from the Web is an es-
sential step when extracting product and especially
price information from e-shop websites which is im-
portant for consumers as well as for on-line retail-
ers. Whereas the consumers compare prices to find
the cheapest price for a special product on the Web,
retailers compare their own prices with the prices of
their competitors in order to remain competitive.
According to (Simon and Fassnacht, 2008) price
reductions compared to classical advertising activities
are more efficient and can be realised significantly
easier and faster. (McGovern and Levesanos, 2014)
show that one of the success factors for on-line retail-
ers is knowing the prices of the competitors and being
able to adjust their own prices.
E-commerce is a constantly growing market. In
2014 the turnover of Europe’s e-commerce increased
by 16.3% to 363.1 billion Euros. The number of on-
line retailers in Europe is estimated to be 640,000
(Nagelvoort et al., 2014). The rising number of on-
line retailers leads to an increasing number of on-line
product offers. Handling the comparison of such an
amount of products and price data is hardly manage-
able on a manual basis. Hence, online retailers as
well as consumers need software support for automat-
ically comparing products and price data. Such soft-
ware tools need to automatically identify, extract and
structure the product and price information on the e-
shop websites for comparing prices and displaying the
analysed data to the users. Automatically identifying
and extracting product and price information from ar-
bitrary e-shop websites is a very challenging task as
different e-shops are selling a variety of products of
different domains and there are various types of e-
shop software using differently structured templates
for displaying the product information. The first and
one of the most important steps when gathering prod-
uct and price information from the Web is the iden-
tification and extraction of the single product records
on the e-shop website.
This paper proposes a lightweight approach,
called LightExtraction, for identifying and extracting
product records from arbitrary e-shop websites. The
approach was built up by following the idea of Tag
Path Clustering like presented in (Grigalis, 2013) and
(Grigalis and Cenys, 2014) and simplifying the fil-
tering steps by exploiting the need for common at-
tributes for displaying product descriptions on e-shop
websites like product name, product image and prod-
uct description.
The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2
we present the related work. Section 3 show the re-
sults of the analysis of a set of product records of 30
different e-shop websites. Section 4 introduces our
novel approach. We demonstrate the adequacy of our
approach through an experiment and highlight its re-
sults in Section 5, and we conclude in Section 6.
Horch A., Kett H. and Weisbecker A..
A Lightweight Approach for Extracting Product Records from the Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0005441404200430
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 420-430
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
There are several existing approaches in science and
practice for extracting data records from the Web.
Tools like Dapper
, Kimono
or import.io
can be
used to extract data directly from a website. Before
such a tool is able to extract the relevant data it needs
to be configured. The configuration is made manu-
ally by a graphical user interface, e.g. an integrated
browser, where the navigation steps to reach the page,
which includes the data of interest, have to be sim-
ulated in the graphical interface and the data for the
extraction has to be marked.
Another interesting tool for web data extraction
is Crawlbot
. Crawlbot offers a web service as well
as an API for crawling product price data, historical
weather data or news articles from the Web. For the
automated extraction Crawlbot needs the URL (Uni-
form Resource Locator) of the product or article to
be scraped. Crawlbot analyses the website of the
given URL, structures it into its attributes (e.g. prod-
uct name, product price) and returns the attributes
of the product or article in a well structured format.
The problem with using Crawlbot to get the struc-
tured product descriptions of a whole e-shop is that
the URL of each product detail page has to be defined
as input since Crawlbot cannot handle pages includ-
ing more than one product record. Thus, for obtaining
the URLs of the product detail pages another auto-
mated mechanism is needed.
Over the years many scientific approaches to au-
tomatically identify and extract data records from the
Web have been developed. Some of the approaches
are based on machine learning, others are based on
phrase analysis or Tag Path Clustering. There are also
hybrid methods, which rely on several techniques.
The most popular scientific approaches for auto-
matically detecting and extracting data records from
websites are the MDR (Mining Data Records in Web
Pages) algorithm described in (Liu et al., 2003) and
the ViNTs (Visual information aNd Tag structure
based wrapper generator) tool introduced in (Zhao
et al., 2005).
The MDR algorithm compares the child nodes of
each node in an HTML tree starting at the root node
for discovering data regions inside a web page. The
node comparison is done either by calculating the
string edit distance (e.g. Levenshtein distance) or by
a tree matching algorithm (e.g. Simple Tree Match-
ing). The similarity of nodes is defined by a pre-
set threshold. Through this procedure the algorithm
searches for similar child node combinations in each
node. A node containing several similar child nodes
is considered as a data region including a set of data
records. MDR traverses only the trees of nodes which
are not covered by already identified data regions and
which include at least three child nodes. The similar-
structured child nodes of a data region are the data
The MDR algorithm is very useful when search-
ing for the data regions inside a website, but another
approach is needed for identifying the data region of
a website containing the relevant data records for ex-
ViNTS is a tool for automatically generating a
wrapper for extracting search result records of an ar-
bitrary search engine. For building a wrapper for a
search engine ViNTS needs some sample result pages
and an empty result page of the search engine as input.
ViNTS renders the sample result pages and removes
all content lines, which also appear in the empty re-
sult page, in order to remove all irrelevant content. On
the sample result pages ViNTS identifies some can-
didate search result records as sample input for the
wrapper generation step. The candidate search result
records are detected by three steps. In the first step the
Candidate Content Line Separators, which are HTML
tags like <p> or <tr> separating single search re-
sult records, have to be determined. For this purpose
ViNTS translates the content lines of the HTML tree
into a pair of type code and position code. The type
code specifies the content type of the content line like,
for example, text, link-text or link, whereas the posi-
tion code represents the left x coordinate of the ren-
dering box of the content line. All pairs (type code,
position code), which can be found at least three times
inside the HTML tree, are considered as probable
Candidate Content Line Separators. In (Zhao et al.,
2005) this step is done by a suffix tree. In the next
step the search result page is segmented into multiple
content line blocks by using the Candidate Content
Line Separators. Consecutive blocks are grouped by
their visual similarity with regard to a preset thresh-
old. The visual similarity is calculated by the type
distance, shape distance and position distance. The
type distance of blocks specifies their edit distance
(e.g. Levenshtein distance) of their type codes. The
shape distance measures the difference between the
indention sequences of the shapes of the blocks. The
position distance of two blocks defines the difference
between their closest points to the left boundary of the
search result page. In the last step of the candidate
record detection the first line of every record becomes
identified by a set of four predefined heuristic rules:
(1) the line following an <hr>-tag, (2) the only line
in the block starting with a number, (3) the only line
in the block having the smallest position code or (4)
the only line in the block following a blank line. After
having identified the sample candidate result records
ViNTS builds the wrapper. For this purpose ViNTS
determines the tag paths beginning at the root node of
the result page (<html>-tag) for each identified first
line element. The minimal sub-tree of the result page,
including all search result records, is calculated based
on the tag paths. The search result records are sub-
trees of the result page, which are siblings and have
the same or a similar tag structure. These sub-trees
can be separated by a separator fulfilling the follow-
ing conditions: (1) common subset of the sub-trees of
all records, (2) occurs only once in a sub-tree of each
record and (3) contains the rightmost sub-tree of each
result record. There can be several separators for a
dataset. The wrapper is built by using the smallest tag
path for detecting the data region including the search
result records and the separators to separate the result
records within the data region.
ViNTS needs sample result pages and an empty
result page as input, which can be difficult when ex-
tracting product records from e-shop websites since
there is usually no empty result page which can be
(Walther et al., 2010) present an approach for ex-
tracting structured product specifications from pro-
ducer websites. For the retrieval of the product spec-
ification the algorithm locates the product detail page
on the producer’s website and extracts and structures
the product attributes of the product specification.
For searching the producer’s page with the product
specification (Walther et al., 2010) process keyword-
based Web search by using the popular search en-
gines Google, Bing and Yahoo. After the Web search
step (Walther et al., 2010) rank the results by using
a method called “Borda ranking” described in (Liu,
2006) followed by the analysis of the page URI, the
page title and the page content based on domain spe-
cific terms for finding the producer site within all can-
didates which were found by the Web searches. For
extracting the product data in form of key-value pairs
(Walther et al., 2010) execute three different wrap-
per induction algorithms on the product detail page.
Each of the three algorithms cluster the HTML nodes,
which contain text to a node cluster as a first step.
The first algorithm is chosen if there are example key
phrases provided as input. The algorithm filters the
clusters created in the first step of the nodes, which
contain the example phrases. The XPath description
of the nodes is used for wrapper generation. If no key
phrases are provided as input the second algorithm
is used, which exploits domain knowledge from al-
ready stored product data as key phrases to find the
relevant nodes in the cluster for generating the wrap-
per. If there are neither example key words nor do-
main knowledge provided as input the third algorithm
generates the wrapper from training sets, which are
product pages of related products. In the last step
the key-value pairs are extracted by text node splitting
based on identifying separators like a colon in the text
The problem when using the approach of (Walther
et al., 2010) for automated product record extraction
is that example product data for arbitrary product do-
mains is required, which has to be given by the users
in the form of key phrases, or which must be provided
from the system as knowledge. For obtaining good
results, the key phrases provided by the users or sys-
tem must fit the phrases of the product detail page of
the producers, otherwise the approach will not work.
Additionally, numerous steps and different algorithms
are needed for the data extraction task.
The approach proposed in (Anderson and Hong,
2013) for extracting product records from the Web is
based on Visual Block Model (VBM) a product of the
HTML tag tree and the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
of a web page. The VBM is created by the rendering
process of a layout engine like WebKit
. (Anderson
and Hong, 2013) filter the basic blocks of the page,
which are blocks containing other visual blocks. In
the next step the similarity of the basic blocks is de-
fined by calculating the visual similarity, the width
similarity and the block content similarity. Blocks
are visually similar since all of their visual properties
are the same. Width similarity of blocks is given if
their width properties are within a 5 pixels threshold
of each other. The block content similarity exists if
the blocks include similar child blocks, which is cal-
culated by using Jacard index described in (Real and
Vargas, 1996) and a preset similarity threshold. For
the product record extraction (Anderson and Hong,
2013) select a seed candidate block, which is a single
basic block. The seed block is identified by selecting
a visual block in the centre of the page and tracing
the visual blocks around that block by moving clock-
wise in the form of a Ulam Spiral
until reaching a
basic block which is taken as seed block. The seed
block is within one or more container blocks where
one is assumed to be a data record block. Thus, all of
them are taken as candidate blocks. Clusters for all of
the candidate blocks are created based on the calcu-
lation of block content similarity to all blocks in the
VBM. The cluster including the maximum number of
container blocks is taken as the cluster containing the
product records.
The approach of (Anderson and Hong, 2013) de-
pends on the selection of a correct seed block. For
the selection of the seed block the algorithm starts in
the page centre and moves clockwise in the form of a
Ulam Spiral to identify a basic block including prod-
uct information. The clockwise direction was cho-
sen so as to not reach the edge of the page or include
noisy features like a left menu. The algorithm follows
the assumption that the page menu appears on the
left side of the page. But this assumption is not cor-
rect for pages of the Arab world like bestarabic.com
where the page menu is located on the right side of
the page. Thus, the approach can fail for pages with a
non-standard page structure.
Another approach called ClustVX described in
(Grigalis, 2013) and (Grigalis and Cenys, 2014) is
based on clustering XPaths and CSS elements of the
HTML elements in the DOM tree of a web page. The
proposed extraction process takes the web page ren-
dered by a web browser and starts pre-processing.
The pre-processing comprises the embedding of vi-
sual features into the element attributes, the trans-
forming of the HTML code into valid XHTML and
the removing of text formatting elements (e.g. <i>
or <b>). After the pre-processing an XPath string
enriched with visual information (e.g. font, font-size,
font-colour), called Xstring, is generated for each el-
ement of the page tree. The elements are clustered
by Xstring similarity, that means elements having the
same Xstring belong to the same cluster. For identi-
fying the data region of the elements in the cluster the
longest common XPath prefix of all elements in the
cluster is calculated. In order to segment data records
the approach identifies if each data record of a data
region has its own parent node or if all data records of
the region are under the same parent node, which is
done by comparing the XPath strings of the elements
beginning after the longest common XPath prefix. If
each element has its own parent node the data records
are the children of the longest common tag path node.
In the case that all data records have the same parent
node, the approach uses a technique called “HTML
tree hopping”. The HTML tree hopping technique
searches the first data item in the first data record of
the data region, then searches the first item of the sec-
ond data record. The separator of the data records
can be found in the HTML tree above the first item of
the second data record and can be used to separate all
data records of the data region. For determining the
importance of the data regions in order to detect the
data region including the relevant page data (Grigalis
and Cenys, 2014) calculate the visual weight of each
data region. The visual weight of a data region is the
product of the average area of one data record and the
square of the number of data items. The data records
of the most important data region are extracted by col-
lecting the elements of the identified tag paths from
the HTML tree.
ClustVX is suitable for identifying and extracting
data records from arbitrary web pages, but it includes
many different process steps which are not necessary.
Using the novel approach proposed in this paper the
data records of a web page can be identified and ex-
tracted by a few steps. As we prove in Section 5 our
novel approach achieves as good results as the ap-
proaches of (Liu et al., 2003) and (Grigalis and Cenys,
In order to develop an algorithm for identifying and
extracting product records from arbitrary e-shop web-
sites we have analysed the element structure of prod-
uct records of 30 different e-shop websites.
The selected e-shop websites comprise a wide va-
riety of product categories, various page structures as
well as different languages, diverse character sets and
different currencies as there were e-shop websites se-
lected from the United States of America, the United
Kingdom, Spain, Greece and Germany.
For each of the e-shop websites the product
records of a randomly selected product overview page
was analysed. The selected websites, the criteria
and the collected data for the analysis of the prod-
uct records as well as the result data for the assay are
shown in Table 1.
In the rows of the table the following data for the
selected e-shop websites can be found:
Column 1: The URL of the e-shop websites.
Column 2: The number of analysed product
records which corresponds to the number of prod-
uct records available on the selected product
overview page of the e-shop website.
Column 3: The name of the tag which represents
a product record on the page.
Column 4-6: The most frequent number of par-
ent elements of the HTML elements which repre-
sent the product records. That means, most of the
product record elements have this number of par-
ents. The maximum number of parent elements
shows the maximum number of parents one or
more of the product record elements have. The
minimum number of parent elements correspond
Table 1: Product Record Analysis.
number of analysed product records
tag name of product record element
most frequent number of parents
min. number of parents
max. number of parents
most frequent number of children
min. number of children
max. number of children
most frequent number of img elements
min. number of img elements
max. number of img elements
most frequent number of anchor elements
min. number of anchor elements
max. number of anchor elements
average length of included text
http://de.vila.com/ 10 div 11 11 11 41 25 76 6 2 20 5 3 12 609
http://raanthai.co.uk/ 72 div 19 19 19 28 27 29 1 1 1 4 4 4 129
http://www.bestbuy.com/ 14 div 7 7 7 158 126 158 1 1 1 15 14 15 1,056
http://merseyfuels.co.uk/ 10 tr 11 11 11 13 13 13 1 1 1 2 2 2 170
http://www.zazzle.de/ 60 div 11 11 11 8 8 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 45
http://www.e-shop.gr/ 9 table 19 19 19 25 20 25 3 3 3 3 2 3 305
https://www.hairshop-pro.de/ 24 div 10 10 10 21 21 21 1 1 1 3 3 3 102
http://www.my-hairshop.de/ 10 li 10 10 10 20 20 20 1 1 1 4 4 4 167
http://www.basic-hairshop.de/ 15 li 10 10 10 11 11 11 1 1 1 3 3 3 62
http://www.powells.com/ 25 li 9 9 9 15 15 23 1 1 6 3 3 3 61
http://heyshop.es/ 42 div 8 8 8 6 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 33
http://us.nextdirect.com/ 24 div 9 9 9 8 8 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 35
http://www.media-dealer.de/ 19 form 9 9 9 41 41 45 2 2 3 4 4 4 471
http://www.thinkgeek.com/ 11 div 8 8 8 6 6 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 53
http://www.flaconi.de/ 17 div 7 7 7 15 15 17 1 1 1 3 3 3 85
http://www.mrwonderfulshop.es/ 16 li 10 10 10 13 13 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 71
http://www.dutyfreeshops.gr/ 15 div 7 7 7 18 18 20 1 1 2 4 4 4 77
http://www.sammydress.com/ 60 li 8 8 8 14 13 17 1 1 1 3 3 3 98
http://www.fragrancenet.com/ 17 section 9 9 9 20 20 20 1 1 1 3 3 3 86
http://www.perfume.com/ 20 div 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 2 2 2 47
http://www.sunglasshut.com/ 13 div 14 14 14 47 39 47 2 2 2 8 7 8 1,740
http://surrealsunglasses.es/ 18 li 10 10 10 39 39 42 2 2 2 6 6 6 65
http://www.smartbuyglasses.gr/ 44 ul 11 11 11 17 15 20 1 1 1 4 3 4 58
http://zyloeyewear.com/ 33 div 9 9 9 10 10 10 1 1 1 2 2 2 45
http://www.tokotoukan.com/ 17 div 8 8 8 9 9 18 1 1 1 3 3 6 82
http://www.adidas.de/ 44 div 13 13 13 28 28 56 1 1 7 5 3 7 97
http://batterypark.gr/ 18 div 12 12 12 58 56 58 1 1 1 3 3 3 974
http://www.you.gr/ 20 div 11 11 11 32 31 34 1 1 1 6 6 6 258
http://www.fk-shop.es/ 96 div 7 7 7 38 36 39 3 2 4 7 6 7 108
http://la-shop.es/ 9 div 8 8 8 19 19 19 1 1 1 4 4 4 299
to the minimum number of parent elements one or
more product record elements have.
Column 7-9: The most frequent number of chil-
dren elements of the HTML elements which rep-
resent the product records. That means, most of
the product record elements have this number of
children. The maximum number of children el-
ements shows the maximum number of children
one or more of the product record elements have.
The minimum number of parent elements corre-
spond to the minimum number of parent elements
one or more product record elements have.
Column 10-12: The most frequent number of im-
age elements (<img> tag) included in the HTML
elements which represent the product records.
That means, most of the product record elements
include this number of images. The maximum
number of image elements shows the maximum
number of images one or more of the product
record elements contain. The minimum number
of images elements correspond to the minimum
number of image elements one or more product
record elements include.
Column 13-15: The most frequent number of an-
chor elements (<a> tag) included in the HTML
elements which represent the product records.
That means, most of the product record elements
include this number of anchors. The maximum
number of anchor elements shows the maximum
number of anchors one or more of the product
record elements contain. The minimum number
of anchors elements correspond to the minimum
number of anchor elements one or more product
record elements include.
Column 16: The average length of included text
shows the average length of text included in a
product record built over all product record ele-
ments on the product overview page.
The analysis of the collected product record data led
to the following results:
There are seven different tag types including the
product records in the selected page set for the
analysis. With 63.3% the most product records
are represented by a <div> tag and still 20% are
included in a <li> tag. Additionally, the prod-
uct records were represented once by a <tr> tag,
a <table> tag, a <form> tag, a <section> tag
and a <ul> tag. Since the tag type of the prod-
uct records vary in almost 40% of the selected
pages there cannot be made an assumption about
the type of tag including the product records.
Considering the parent elements of the product
record elements of the selected pages the num-
ber and path of parent was exactly the same for
all product records inside a page for 100% of the
analysed pages. That leads to the conclusion that
all product records of one page are located in the
same data region. Thus, if the parent path of one
or more product records could be identified the re-
maining product records can be obtained based on
the path built from parent elements.
36.7% of the product records of the selected pages
include the same children whereas even 63.3%
contain a different number of child elements. The
number of included child elements in the consid-
ered page set comprises a range from 6 to 158
children. For this reason the product records can-
not be identified based on analysing their child el-
ement structure.
66.7% of the product records of the considered
pages include exactly one image element. 80%
of the product records include the same number
of image elements as the other product record ele-
ments of the page, whereas this number differs for
20%. The range of the number of image elements
varies from 1 to 20 elements. On this account one
can only assume that a product record will usu-
ally include at least one image element, but no as-
sumption can be made about the number of image
73,3% of the product records include the same
number of anchor elements as the other product
record elements of the page, whereas it differs for
26,7%. The range of the number of anchor el-
ements varies from 1 to 15 elements. Therefore
it can be only assumed that a product record will
usually include at least one anchor element, but it
cannot be made an assumption about the number
of anchor elements.
Each product record element of the selected pages
contains text. The average length of the text in-
cluded in one product record element comprises
a range from 33 to 1,740 characters. Thus, no as-
sumption of the text length inside a product record
element can be made, but it can be expected that a
product record contains some text.
The proposed approach, called LightExtraction, is a
lightweight method for automatically detecting and
extracting product records from e-shop websites.
The existing approaches presented in Section 2
need many steps to identify and extract relevant data
records from web pages. The MDR algorithm is a
slim approach, but for the identification of the relevant
datasets an additional method is needed. In contrast,
LightExtraction automatically detects and extracts the
product records of an e-shop Web page through only
a few steps.
The functionality of the developed algorithm is
based on the results of the analysis of the product
records presented in Section 3. The LightExtraction
algorithm is shown in form of pseudo code in Fig-
ure 1. LightExtraction uses a clustering technique
based on a special tag path representation of the ele-
ments in the HTML page tree of a web page for iden-
tifying and extracting product records.
The input for the algorithm is the URI of a web
page, which is retrieved and rendered in the first step
e.g. by using Selenium WebDriver
. All information
like CSS or information created by JavaScript code is
made available in the HTML page tree. Since the ma-
jority of e-shop websites are automatically generated
by modern e-shop software which uses templates for
viewing the content of a database the product records
1 render web page
3 for each element in HTML page tree:
4 remove style & script elements
5 if product record filter matches:
6 generate tag path
7 add element to tag path cluster
9 get tag path of cluster with max. elements
11 results = elements with identified tag path
11 results += elements with same parent path
13 return results
Figure 1: LightExtraction Algorithm.
are usually located in the same data region of the e-
shop website and contain similar or even the same el-
ements. For this reason the page elements are filtered
by analysing their basic structure as described in Sec-
tion 4.1 and then the elements are clustered based on
a special tag path representation as depicted in Sec-
tion 4.2. The elements are extracted by the created
tag paths as described in Section 4.3. The output of
the algorithm are the HTML elements of the web page
including the product records.
4.1 Element Filtering
After the rendering process LightExtraction runs
through all elements inside the HTML page tree. The
algorithm rejects all elements having only a styling
purpose like <b>, <strong> or <em> or elements
including JavaScript code like <script>. In the next
step LightExtraction checks if the element probably
is a product record by using a special filter. The fil-
ter compares the structure of the element to a ba-
sic element structure, which is expected for a prod-
uct record. The filter of LightExtraction assumes
that a product record (1) contains at least five child
nodes and additionally, that it (2) includes some text
(product name and description) and (3) an image tag
(<img>, product image) as well as (4) an anker tag
(<a>, hyperlink to product detail page). In this
way LightExtraction prevents the detection of single
record items or items of large navigation menus as
product records. The filter was implemented as a sim-
ple if-statement which checks the elements for having
the mentioned structure.
4.2 Element Clustering
For the element clustering a special tag path is built
for each element. The first part of the tag path de-
scribes the path from root element (<html>) of the
web page to the actual element (including the actual
element). An asterisk in square brackets is added af-
ter the actual element for marking it. The second part
of the tag path consists of the tag paths of all child
elements from the child element to its last element.
That means the tag paths of all child elements are
connected together to one long tag path. In order to
be able to distinguish different elements which would
have the same paths (e.g. the tr and td elements of the
same table) as well as to store the information which
part is the parent path an asterisk in square brackets is
used to highlight the actual element.
Figure 2a shows the HTML snippet of an example
product record. The Web browser view of this product
is presented in Figure 2b and its tag paths created by
LightExtraction is shown in Figure 2c. The first line
of Figure 2c represents the tag path of the searched
list element including the product record data. The tag
path until the asterisk in square brackets represents the
tag path from the root element to the actual element,
the path after this marking shows the element paths of
the actual element’s children which were compound
to one long path string. The tag path built by LightEx-
traction does not properly represent the HTML tree of
the element since the tag paths of the child elements
are put together to a single long tag path string not
respecting the structure of the children in the HTML
tree. But the structure of the element’s children is not
important for the clustering of the HTML elements
since the goal is to cluster elements with the same tag
name, having the same path from root and containing
the same child elements.
The elements are clustered based on the created
tag path. That means each element cluster comprises
elements having exactly the same tag path. Thus, an
element cluster contains only the same element types
(e.g. <div>), which are probably elements of the
same data region of the web page and which include
the same child elements.
4.3 Product Record Extracting
LightExtraction assumes that the cluster containing
the maximum number of elements includes the ma-
jority of the product records. Thus, LightExtration
takes the tag path of that cluster for identifying all
clusters containing data records by searching for all
elements in all clusters having the same element tag
path. The elements with the same element tag path
are the elements of the same data region as the ele-
ments of the cluster including the maximum number
of elements. LightExtraction considers the result set
of that last step as the product records of the web page
and extracts them.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="de" lang="de">
<ul class="product-list" id="product-list">
<li class="item">
<a href="http://www.shop.com/shampoo250.html">
<img src="img1.jpg" alt="Shampoo 250ml">
<div class="col">
<a href="http://www.shop.com/shampoo250.html">Shampoo 250ml</a>
<em class="discount_price">
<span class="price">&#36;10.00</span>
<a href="http://www.shop.com/shampoo250.html">Details</a>
(a) HTML snippet.
(b) Web browser view.
(c) Tag path snippet.
Figure 2: HTML snippet, Web browser view and tag path snippet of a product record.
For evaluation the proposed approach is compared to
the two existing approaches MDR and ClustVX by an
experiment. We have chosen MDR since it is one of
the most popular approaches for the automated detec-
tion and extraction of data records from web pages.
ClustVX was selected as a recent approach promis-
ing very good results. The experiment comprises the
identification and extraction of product records from
the same data set of web pages by each approach and
the comparison of the extracted results by evaluation
5.1 Experimental Setup
For the experiment we implemented the LightEx-
traction approach in Python
. The rendering of the
HTML page tree is done by Firefox Selenium Driver
for Python
. For the navigation in the HTML page
tree we use Beautiful Soup
For MDR we use the MDR implementation avail-
able on the MDR Website
of the Department of
Computer Science of the University of Illinois at
Chicago (UIC).
Since the ClustVX Demonstration Website
not available we have made our own implementation
in Python. For the rendering of the HTML page tree
and the navigation in the HTML tree we use Firefox
Selenium Driver for Python and Beautiful Soup.
According to (PostNord, 2014) in 2014 the five
product categories most often bought online in Eu-
rope were clothes, books, home electronics, cosmet-
ics and CDs. We have created an experimental dataset
containing randomly selected web pages. The dataset
has to be a mixture of web pages of at least three dif-
ferent countries and each web page must include one
of the most popular product categories. The result
dataset is shown in Table 2.
Since MDR can identify and extract data regions
as well as the included data records but it is not able
to decide which is the data region containing the rel-
evant data records, we manually identify the relevant
data region (if extracted) and count the correctly and
incorrectly extracted data records for the evaluation.
5.2 Evaluation Metrics
For the evaluation of the results and the comparison
of the different approaches we use the precision and
recall measures, which are common metrics in the
field of information retrieval. The definition of preci-
sion and recall in the context of information retrieval
is given in Equation 1 and Equation 2 (Rijsbergen,
Precision =
|Relevant Records Retrieved Records|
|Retrieved Records|
Recall =
|Relevant Records Retrieved Records|
|Relevant Records|
Since LightExtraction and the other approaches have
to classify the elements of the web pages into rele-
vant data records (product record) and other elements
(irrelevant data) we can use the terms True Positives,
False Positives, True Negatives and False Negatives
for calculating precision and recall.
A True Positive (TP) is a correct hit, which is a
correctly extracted data record (in our case: a prod-
uct record). False Positives (FP) are incorrect hits
or false alarms, which are incorrectly extracted data
records. True Negative (TN) means a correct rejec-
tion, which is a correctly rejected data record. In our
context True Negatives cannot be measured since the
number of all negative data records on website is un-
known. Incorrect rejections or missing hits are de-
fined as False Negatives (FN), which are incorrectly
rejected data records (product records, which have not
been detected).
Expressing the equations using the terms True
Positive (TP), False Positive (FP) and False Negative
(FN) Equation 1 leads to Equation 3 and Equation 2
to Equation 4.
Precision =
True Positives
True Positives + False Positives
Recall =
True Positives
True Positives + False Negatives
5.3 Experimental Results
The results of the experiment are shown in Table 3.
The number of product records available on each
page of the experiment is given in the column “total”.
MDR obtains a precision of 39.77% and a recall of
11.99%, ClustVX reaches a precision of 98.99% and
a recall of 67.47%, while LightExtraction achieves
a precision of 98.43% and a recall of 85.96%. The
results show that both LightExtraction and ClustVX
achieve much better results than MDR. LightExtrac-
tion obtains a similarly good precision as ClustVX
and even a better recall.
The reason for the missing product records (False
Nagatives) of row 1 and row 10 is that these are lo-
cated in a second product data region which Ligh-
tExtractor is not recognizing. The product records of
row 5 were not identified since LightExtractor has de-
tected some promotion product records in the web-
site menu contains 47 records which is a higher num-
ber of elements than the number of the “real” product
records which is 24. The False Positives of row 3 and
10 appear since the elements are located in the same
data region as the product records.
In order to avoid such incorrect results the filter of
the LightExtraction algorithm has to be improved in
Table 2: Experimental Dataset.
No. URI for Data Extraction Product Category
1 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/new-books-fiction-nonfiction-bestsellers/379004022 Books
2 http://www.ebay.com/chp/Baitcasting-Reels-/108153 Miscellaneous
3 http://www.terrashop.de/ Books
4 http://www.very.co.uk/home-garden/curtains-blinds/made-to-measure-curtains-blinds/e/b/116982.end Clothes
5 http://www.electricshop.com/televisions/televisions/icat/subtelevisions/iflt/tag-screentype%7C46 4kultrahd 2755 Home Electronics
6 http://www.alconeco.com/makeup/eyes Cosmetics
7 https://thecomicbookshop.comicretailer.com/comics-sale Comic Books
8 http://coozina.gr/store/home.php?cat=188 Housewares
9 http://atlasstoked.com/ Clothes
10 http://www.bestarabic.com/mall/ar/ CDs & DVDs
Table 3: Experimental Results. See Table 2 for the URIs of the experimental websites.
No. Total
MDR algorithm ClustVX LightExtraction
TP FP FN Precision Recall TP FP FN Precision Recall TP FP FN Precision Recall
1 43 0 0 43 0.00% 0.00% 30 0 13 100.00% 69.77% 30 0 13 100.00% 69.77%
2 25 0 0 25 0.00% 0.00% 25 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 25 0 0 100.00% 100.00%
3 12 8 24 4 25.00% 66.67% 12 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 12 3 0 80.00% 100.00%
4 12 0 0 12 0.00% 0.00% 12 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 12 0 0 100.00% 100.00%
5 24 24 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 24 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 0 0 24 0.00% 0.00%
6 45 0 0 45 0.00% 0.00% 45 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 45 0 0 100.00% 100.00%
7 59 0 0 59 0.00% 0.00% 10 0 49 100.00% 16.95% 59 0 0 100.00% 100.00%
8 36 0 0 36 0.00% 0.00% 36 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 36 0 0 100.00% 100.00%
9 12 3 29 9 9.38% 25.00% 3 0 9 100.00% 25.00% 12 0 0 100.00% 100.00%
10 24 0 0 24 0.00% 0.00% 0 2 24 0.00% 0.00% 20 1 4 95.24% 83.33%
Total: 292 35 53 257 39.77% 11.99% 197 2 95 98.99% 67.47% 251 4 41 98.43% 85.96%
future work by adding new criteria as well as decision
rules for product record identification which would
make the filter more flexible as the current one.
This paper presents a lightweight approach called
LightExtraction for automatically detecting and ex-
tracting product records from web pages of online
shops. The proposed approach uses a filtering tech-
nique for rejecting irrelevant elements. It clusters the
elements of the HTML page tree by their tag paths.
For this purpose LightExtraction generates the tag
path for each element of the HTML page tree and adds
elements with identical tag paths to the same element
cluster. The tag path comprises the path from the first
parent node (<html> tag) to the last child node of the
element. The element is marked in the tag path by
an asterisk in square brackets. The element cluster in-
cluding the maximum number of elements is expected
to contain the majority of product records. LightEx-
traction uses the tag path of the maximum cluster for
detecting all elements in all clusters, which are prod-
uct records.
In an experiment the novel approach is compared
to the existing approaches MDR and ClustVX. The
results of the experiment show that LightExtraction
can achieve much better results than MDR with sim-
ilarly good precision and an even better recall than
ClustVX, whereas LightExtractor needs significantly
less process steps than ClustVX.
The work published in this article was partially
funded by the SME E-COMPASS project of the Eu-
ropean Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for
research, technological development and demonstra-
tion under the grant agreement no. 315637.
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