Figure 8: On top, example of a micro coil resonator taken
from Sumetzki, 2008. On bottom, picture of a knot
resonator made using an optical fibre microwire
(Brambilla, et al 2009).
During the first year of this thesis project, several
characterisation tests on coating materials have been
done. Some of the results have been already
presented and published in conference papers (see
references of section 2).
Based on the applied stress results presented in
Padilla-Michel, et al 2012, we decided to make a
Mechanical characterization of the same four
coating materials reported in that paper. These
materials are: fluorinated acrylate, acrylate, silicone
and polyimide. The experiment consisted in
calculate the Young’s Modulus of these four coating
materials using a Nanoindenter (Padilla-Michel, et al
in press 2015a). Based on the obtained results, it is
also discussed the impact of the Young’s Modulus
of these coating materials on the attenuation. In the
same paper is also compared the impact of the
Young’s Modulus and the impact of the refractive
index of these coating materials on the fibre
We also carried out the spectral characterization
of the four coating materials in the near infrared
range (0.8 µm - 2.5 µm) using a Fourier Transform
spectrometer, optimised for NIR. The results of this
experiment are part of a paper in preparation
regarding WGM in MMF.
The next step of the thesis is the modelling of
modes propagation in the cladding-coating interface
using COMSOL Multyphysics. The results will be
compared with a ray tracing model made with the
optical design program ZEMAX.
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