56.413 fJ/bit.
(3) Switching Voltage (
): The switching
voltage is determined by the required electric
field to achieve the resonance shift for a useful
extinction ratio. For a 5-dB extinction ratio, the
material index change required in the slot
region is 2.33 × 10
. This index change can
be achieved in − /
through the Kerr
effect for an applied voltage of 3.718 V for a
100 nm slot width.
(4) Resonance shift efficiency (pm/V): One of the
figures of merit for the ring resonator structure
is the resonance shift efficiency which is the
ratio of the resonant wavelength shift achieved
to the applied input voltage. As discussed
previously, a resonance shift of 0.75 nm is
required for a 5-dB extinction ratio, and this
requires a voltage of 3.718 V across the slot
region. So the resonance shift efficiency in our
case is 201.72 pm/V.
(5) Device footprint (
): As the diameter of our
chosen ring resonator structures is 20
micrometers, a substrate of 25 microns by 25
microns would be reasonable to fabricate the
device. This would give the device a footprint
of the order of 6.25 × 10
(6) Working Spectrum (nm): This refers to the
required operating wavelength precision for the
structure. For the ring resonator considered, it
is of the order of 0.1 nm. This places high
demands on the fabrication accuracy for the
ring resonator structure due to its narrow
wavelength operating range. One would also
have to consider thermal effects for the
structure, which is a topic that requires further
The ring resonator structure considered for the Kerr
switch gives excellent theoretical results for the
modulation speed and resonance efficiency but with
trade-offs on the extinction ratio and the Q- factor
of the resonator.
The different stages for the design, development,
and characterization of the silicon-based Kerr switch
are as follows:
1. Understanding of physical concepts involved
and preliminary evaluation of performance
parameters for the switch.
2. Computer aided design modeling of switch
structures and simulation of the switch using
numerical methods such as FDTD.
3. After useful results are obtained in stage 2,
fabrication of the optimum structure for the
Kerr switch.
4. Electrical characterization of the Kerr switch
and comparison of experimental results and
simulated results.
I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Michael
Cada for the expert guidance and the opportunity to
work on this project. I also thank the ASPIRE
(Advanced Science in Photonics and Innovative
Research in Engineering) NSERC (Natural Science
and Engineering Research Council) Program of
Canada for providing financial support.
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