Our approach permits to deal with the
complexity of a UIFCA: first construct a RIAFCA
without worrying about UIEs; next construct the
traces from RIAFCA elements to UIEs; finally, the
graphic designers should only concentrate on
widgets, style and layout.
RIAFCA metamodel abstracts from functionality
description, from UIEs for describing content/input
elements and from access structures; in addition, it is
platform independent and modality independent. For
these reasons, and because the RIAFCA considers
ECA requirements, we think that analysts are in
condition to develop RIAFCA models.
The reason for introducing our concrete syntax
for RIAFCA requirements is to make this part of the
RIAFCA understandable by clients, or at least very
easy to learn by them.
For the mail case study we have 12 requirements
from which 75% use open or remove actions, and
are not replacing an element with another one. For
the mail application for the transitioning from UCDs
to RIAFCA static view we obtained: 55% of the UC
packages are mapped directly onto Groupings, 33%
of the UC packages needed to be distributed among
more than one grouping, 11% of the UC packages
are mapped onto a Content with Tasks inside. For
the mail application 14% of the UCs are mapped
onto Access to grouping/content elements.
For the future we plan to develop a tool that will
consider: 1) the inspection of a RIAFCA model and
of the trace relationships; 2) the generation of a
program animating a RIAFCA where the client
interacts with Content/Gouping/Access by clicking
at event names inside of Groupings/Content or at
Access elements, and looks at the resulting
consequences; this is for permitting the client to
understand even better a RIAFCA model.
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