A novel approach to PBUC by considering the effects
of wind intermittency and market price variations is
presented in this paper. The results indicate that the
profit of the Genco is largely dependent on the wind
intermittency and volatility. The results for the 30 bus
system show that the physical limitations of the units
such as ramping and quick start are crucial for
accommodating the volatility of the wind power. In a
wind based power system a tradeoff between security
and economy must be achieved such that the security
of the system is maintained while the operational cost
is minimized. Another option for accommodating
wind power volatility is to allocate additional hourly
reserves or utilize battery storage. The problem with
this option is that the security of the power system
may not be guaranteed since the system may not have
enough ramping capabilities in real time and the
battery may be bound by physical constraints.
The authors would like to acknowledge partial
funding support from NSF#1351201 CAREER grant,
NSF# 1232168 for this research work. The authors
also would like to thank NETL RUA Grid
Technologies Collaborative team.
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