Table 2: Execution times for a panel of 1000 invocations of business services where the ”no protection” rate evolves from 0%
to 100%.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
S1 (10ms) 32000 38000 35800 33600 31400 29200 27000 24800 22600 20400 18200 16000
S5 (50ms) 72000 78000 75800 73600 71400 69200 67000 64800 62600 60400 58200 56000
S10(100ms) 122000 128000 125800 123600 121400 119200 117000 114800 112600 110400 108200 106000
for 1000 invocations split among different occurrence
rate for context 1 (see Table 2). The ratio comparing
the context-aware secured business service execution
time with the systematically secured business service
execution time presents a maximum of 4,92% over-
head for the bigger service to 18,75% for the small-
est one when these services invocation requires the
highest protection (0% of occurrence of the ”no pro-
tection context”). On the opposite, our context aware
security deployment can save from 50% up to 86,89%
of execution time when all invocation do not need
any protection. These results show that the overhead
involved by our architecture can be rather neglected
(from 4,92% to 18,75% of the service execution time
overhead when the highest protection is always re-
quired) compared to the large overhead introduced by
the systematic invocation of (often) useless security
services provided that the ”no protection” invocation
context rate is greater than 30% as shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Variation of context aware security execution cost
for three business services.
To secure business services used in collaborative envi-
ronment, enterprises have to adapt the protection ac-
cording to the execution context. To this end, we pro-
pose a context aware security model and architecture
used to select and orchestrate security services at run-
time. This architecture, tested on the Frascati middle-
ware, shows that the dynamic security mediation has
a rather low impact on the performance level com-
pared with a systematic deployment of costly over-
Further works will focus on the integration of
more detailed platform models and on vulnerabilities
monitoring loops so that our coarse-grained vision of
the execution context will be refined to increase the
protection efficiency.
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