with their higher level of motivation were quicker to
learn and had established good computational
thinking processes by the end of the study compared
with the established teachers, the latter group (of
experienced teachers) were still generally found to
have improved attitudes after the exercise. In fact
only one of the latter group (one who was intending
a future in administration rather than active
teaching) failed to overcome boredom and a lack of
interest in the scripting process. The results from our
pilot study indicate that the use of Flash Action
Scripting as a means to develop teaching lessons
motivated and engaged both experienced and trainee
teachers to learn to program and to develop in their
Computational Thinking skills. For example both
groups gave increased numbers of responses
indicating motivation to learn the Flash Action
Scripting after the experiment – the trainee teachers
giving 54 positive responses after the study
compared to 8 before and the established teachers
giving 27 positive comments after the study
compared to none before.
In addition valuable information was gained
through the experiment into how poor CT skills
interfere with learning and how good CT skills can
be nurtured. Examples of this were the use of the
Flash Action Script concept of layers. All users had
not encountered this idea initially and did not
initially understand how this concept worked. This
invariably led to errors in performance. A particular
example was given in section 5.2 where the contents
of a layer were deleted rather than the layer itself.
This led to a subsequent error statement from the
compiler. This error statement was then used to help
direct the learners back to the lesson component on
layers. However, in the current pilot only eight of
the seventeen users were able to complete such a
task on their own after a second experience of this
tutorial component. It is expected that the tool
developed will use these lessons to provide a
training tool that will work in a standalone context
and provide encouragement to use CT as well as
teaching the use of Flash Action Scripting. Error
statements from the compiler can be parsed to get
inputs to direct the user to the correct part of the
lesson to tackle the error they encountered.
The next stage of the work is to develop the
automated set of lessons in which the performance
of the learners will be monitored by the system and
the lesson adapted to their needs as perceived by the
system. These lessons will be built in a learning
instrument that will take the trainees through a set of
steps to build a teaching/learning artefact. Currently
the users are expected to be trainee elementary
teachers or other teacher trainees from non-computer
science/engineering backgrounds and, we surmise,
therefore likely to be motivated to learn to produce a
teaching/learning asset for early years’ education.
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