curve that is typically associated with the adoption
of a new technology. To further improve the content
creation workflow, a graphical authoring interface has
been proposed that enables point-and-click interac-
tion for tasks that would otherwise require repetitive
(manual) editing.
The practical applicability and valorization poten-
tial of the augmented ODV concept has been show-
cased by two representative use case descriptions,
which were implemented using a mixture of tech-
nologies presented in this paper. Finally, performance
benchmark figures have revealed our implementation
to be computationally economical.
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ceived funding from the European Union’s Sev-
enth Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) un-
der grant agreement n° 610370, ICoSOLE (“Immer-
sive Coverage of Spatially Outspread Live Events”,
http://www.icosole.eu). The authors would like to ex-
plicitly thank Jori Liesenborgs for developing the
ODV Web player, Jeroen Le
en for porting the AVV
codebase to the 2D planar ODV implementation, and
prof. Philippe Bekaert for the ODV recording of the
concert which served as video material in the techno-
logical demonstrator described in Section 7.1.
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