Service Provider
Service Provider
Member State
Figure 8: Our IDP solution used as V-IDP with modified
attribute plug-in.
deployment, a request to the Austrian infrastructure
is only necessary if requested authentication informa-
tion cannot be provided by the V-IDP directly. The
advantage of this solution is obtained by combining
the benefits of the middleware model with the entire
functionality of an Austrian identity provider.
By combining the inbound and outbound process
flow, our solution can also be used to authenticate
an European citizen to an European service provider.
According to this, our implemented solution is also
directly usable in other European states and not only
in the Austrian national eID infrastructure.
Identification and authentication of citizens is an in-
tegral component for a variety of Internet services
and online applications. The capability for secure
and reliably identification and authentication accord-
ing to national legal requirements is important for ser-
vice providers, which process private and individual-
related data, like eGovernment applications. In
this paper, we have presented a new architecture
for identity-management systems, to provide a flex-
ible, interoperable and easy-to-use identity provider
for service provider identification and authentication.
Our solution relies on an adaptable and modular ar-
chitecture that facilitates future extensions. Although
the presented solution has been developed to meet
special requirements of the Austrian eID infrastruc-
ture and Austrian legal requirements, its general ar-
chitectural design and implementation is also appli-
cable in other contexts.
We have demonstrated the practical applicability
and flexibility of the architectural design by imple-
menting solutions for different use cases, which need
to be covered by an Austrian identity provider. These
use cases cover the use of the presented solution to
identify and authenticate Austrian citizens and pub-
lic officials in various ways and assure interoperabil-
ity of our solution in a European context. Actually,
the practical implementation of use case 1 is used for
productive applications in the Austrian eGovernment.
The implementation of the use cases 2 and 3 are actu-
ally evaluated in different national and European pilot
programs. The realization of further use cases or addi-
tional functionality, like two-factor authentication in
case of single sign-on, that make use of the presented
architecture is regarded as future work.
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