to evaluate both organizational and application migra-
tion in order to identify which migration type can be
applied. Hosseini et al. (Khajeh-Hosseini et al., 2012)
propose a migration tool-kit that involves all decision
making in order to evaluate the feasibility of the ap-
plication. Related to our work the application assess-
ment is a list of question divided in different areas. Vu
et al. (Vu and Asal, 2012) proposes a methodology
approach is presented in order to establish which step
are needed in legacy application evaluation process.
ARTIST (Artist, 2014) and REMICS (Remics,
2014) are two projects very closed to the aim of the
research herein. These projects are funded by the
European Community, and they focus their aim on
migration using Model Driven Engineering (OMG,
2014). Both projects aim to develop different tools
of different part of the migration. REMICS ended in
the 2013 and it focused the attention on the recov-
ery, migration, validation and supervising processes
of the migration itself. However this project did not
cover challenges such as elasticity, multi-tenancy and
other non-functional properties. ARTIST focuses on
migrating legacy software written in Java and C. The
project is still open and it tries to support the migra-
tion in every aspect. Strictly related to the purpose of
this article, ARTIST presents a work (Alonso et al.,
2013) strictly related to the purpose of this article,
where the pre-migration phase of the project is pro-
posed. The method used to elaborate the maturity of
the software is a questionnaire that has to be answered
by a person with a good knowledge of technical and
businesses aspects.
The evaluation of legacy application is a busi-
ness used also by big cloud infrastructure player.
Company such as Ibm (IBM, 2014), Cisco (CISCO,
2014), VmWare (VmWare, 2014) and other (RedHat,
2014) (Rackspace, 2014) (Amazon, 2014) offer a self-
assessment tool or whitepaper to evaluate the advan-
tages to migrate the application in their cloud. How-
ever, the problem of these approaches is that they are
based on closed proprietary tools that are not widely
available; and they are often accompanied by expen-
sive consultancy periods. The advantage of our pro-
posed metric is to create an agile process in order to
fill out complex questionnaires readily.
This section will presents the metric to assess if a
legacy application is cloud compliant. This metric an-
alyzes a series of questions that are asked to the soft-
ware engineer. These questions are used to analyze
the current state of the application and the status that
should be achieved by migrating to the cloud. For
the realization, the following categories were taken
into account: (a) Workload, (b) Application Type,
(b) Component, (c) Loose Coupling, (d) Distributed
application, (e) Security, (f) Multi-Tenancy and (g)
Database. Each category was then divided into sev-
eral sub-categories in order to be able to identify the
level of applications cloud compliant relating to spe-
cific category.
3.1 Workload
To migrate an application from in-house environment
to cloud, it is necessary to take into account the work-
load. In Cloud computing patterns (Leymann et al.,
2013) presents 5 different workloads: (a) Static, (b)
Periodic, (c) Once a life, (d) Continuously grow and
(e) Elastic. This paragraph goes in details of each type
of load will be presented.
An application with static workload does not take
any advantage to be migrated into cloud. This is due
to the elasticity concept. Indeed, a static workload
needs the same resources over the time, this means
that having the automation in the allocation and deal-
location of resources is almost useless. The migra-
tion of application with periodic workload into cloud
will exploit the concept of resources elasticity. On the
other hand, this workload is often too easy to be pre-
dicted, so it is possible to avoid the cloud by providing
the necessary resources to meet the peak load and this
would lead to a waste of resources during other pe-
riods. Once a life workload consists in a static load
with rare peak of resources utilizations. This It re-
sults to be more advantageous than periodic load due
to the fact that the single peak cannot be predicted so
if in-house solution is used it would be probable to re-
main without sufficient resources. Continuously grow
workload nearly represents the optimal case in which
cloud migration will adds many advantages. In this
type of load, the necessary resources grow with time
and an automation of resource allocation would bring
many benefits. In a static environment (in-house), this
type of load would result in many problems as there
would be either a state of over-sizing of the allocated
resources or a lack of resources when the load has
exceeded its capacity. This then leads to a waste of
money when the available resources are greater than
the actual demand, and it lacks of reliability and per-
formancewhen the required resources are greater than
those actually available. The cloud instead, thanks
to its elasticity, allows the resources provided to be
exactly those needed. For that reason Elastic work-
load is the optimal load for which the migration to
the cloud is essentially required.