and compared to optimal solution given by the com-
mercial software IBM-ILOG-CPLEX 12.5 applied to
an integer linear programming formulation of the CR-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in
section 2, we present an overview of works study-
ing the partitioning problem. In section 3, we list
in details the integer linear programming formulation
of the CRPHC, while in section 4 we clarify our ap-
proach to partitioning confidential resources in hybrid
clouds. In section 5, we evaluate and compare our so-
lution to optimal solution given by CPLEX. Finally,
we end up giving our conclusion and future works in
section 6.
The problem of partitioning resources in cloud en-
vironments has been seen from different viewpoints,
while considering different types of criteria such as
confidentiality, access frequency of query execution,
communication, etc.
In the following, we present some studies for con-
fidentiality management in clouds.
2.1 Confidentiality Management
Assured by the Public Cloud
We present below approaches Schism and Birch
(Zhang; and Madden, 2010) and (Ramakrishnan and
Livny, 1996) treating the problem of partitioning data
in databases. They try to produce the best quality
clustering with the available memory and time con-
Authors of (Tata and Moalla, 2012) propose a new
algorithm that approximates the optimal placement of
services based on communication and hosting costs
induced by the shifting of components towards the
public cloud. This research is interested in deciding
which services will be deployed to the public clouds
based on communications between services within
the public cloud, and communications between ser-
vices of the private cloud and services of the public
In (Wang and C.Jiang, 2012) and (Wang and
Guo, 2013), authors propose a model for the multi-
objective data placement and use a particle swarm op-
timization algorithm to optimize the time and cost in
cloud computing.
In works already mentioned, the authors are not
interested in the confidentiality of resources moved to
the public clouds. In fact, they suppose that confi-
dentiality is guaranteed by the public cloud provider
using encryption methods applied on all the resources
moved to the public cloud regardless of their degree of
confidentiality (Mehrotra and Thuraisingham, 2012)
and (Kantarcioglu and Thuraisingham, 2011). But, in
this case, the cloud provider can consult and access to
confidential resources in public cloud.
2.2 Confidentiality Management in
Hybrid Clouds
In (Pilli and Joshi, 2013), authors present a solution
approach to the data partitioning problem. They cre-
ate different partitions and estimate the execution cost
of the query workload for each of these partitions and
check whether any monetary and confidentiality risk
constraints were violated. Authors assume that all
predicates have the same level of confidentiality.
Authors of (Mehrotra and Thuraisingham, 2012),
(Kantarcioglu and Thuraisingham, 2011), (Marwaha
and Bedi, 2013) and (Lamba and Kumar, 2014) pro-
pose approaches to ensure confidentiality in clouds
based on encryption. Indeed, they suppose that re-
sources confidentiality is assured by encryption meth-
ods. But in (Nepal and Calvo, 2014) authors con-
sider that this solution is computationally inefficient
and locates a large workload on the data owner when
considering factors such as updating encryption keys.
Likewise, according to (Chokhani, 2013) encryption
methods have additional complexity in cloud environ-
ments which makes this operation very expensive and
To solve this problem, we propose an approach
to the Confidential Resources Partitioning Problem
in Hybrid Clouds (CRPHC) which aims at ensuring
the confidentiality of resources by keeping the most
confidential resources in private cloud and moving
resources with lower degrees of confidentiality into
public cloud; while minimizing the size of resources
to host in the public cloud.
In this section we present an integer linear program-
ming formulation for the Confidential Resources Par-
titioning Problem in Hybrid Cloud (CRPHC). Our
aim is to: