ponents to check compatibility against system prop-
erties. In (Barringer et al., 2007) it is described
a mechanisms for combining programs from sepa-
rate components and an operational semantics for
programmed evolvable systems. In (Goldsby et al.,
2007) a run-time monitoring and verification tech-
nique is proposed, which can check whether dynami-
cally adaptive software satisfies its requirements. In
(Filieri et al., 2012) KAMI is proposed to support
fault detection. It shares similar goals with Cassan-
dra, even if we focus on functional failures and them
on non functional properties. The work in (Ghezzi
et al., 2012) shares with Cassandra monitor functional
properties in dynamically evolving systems for infer-
ring a run-time model of it. without failure prediction.
This paper has proposed a concrete architecture to re-
alize dynamic WS compositions, capable of support-
ing run-time failure prediction with the Cassandra ap-
proach. This approach captures the current state of
a service-based system through monitoring its exe-
cution to check potential protocol mismatches in the
near future. The proposed architecture, based on an
ESB and an Integration Framework, allows services
to be dynamically composed, exchanging messages
following choreography rules. The whole system can
be monitored at run-time, without modifying the par-
ticipating services. Our demo, although tested on a
light scenario, demonstrates a concrete implementa-
tion to make use of the Cassandra algorithm. We
are confident that the approach is quite promising,
even if technical and theoretical problems must be
still solved.
As future work, we want to investigate a tech-
nique to automatically derive role-bundle and static
routes from a choreography specification. Moreover,
we want to use our architecture with monitoring ca-
pabilities to automatic repair at run-time unrealiz-
able choreographies. As we allow the a-priori inte-
gration of services, we want to optimistically realize
choreographies, even if they may be not-realizable.
Our idea is to provide role-bundles with automatic
choreography-repair techniques, activated if possible
interoperability errors are predicted.
This work has been partially supported by:
• ”Open City Platform” - funded by MIUR (SCN
• ”CHOReOS” - EU FP7 Project (IP 257178).
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