mechanism described above, as well as with a future
Smart Grid enabled centralized algorithm.
Simulation results show that the performance of the
proposed algorithms approaches that of the
centralized algorithm, while being significantly
better than the basic mechanism.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the problem definition, including
the abstract grid model; Section 3 presents the
related work; Section 4 describes the proposed
voltage regulation algorithms; Section 5 presents the
comparative performance evaluation based on
simulation results; Section 6 concludes the paper.
The considered LV grid architecture is depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Considered LV grid architecture.
The Medium Voltage (MV) feeder terminates at
the secondary substation (SS), where typically
several LV feeders are connected to the LV side of
the MV/LV transformer, which imposes the voltage
level at the beginning of the LV feeders. This
voltage level may be equal to the nominal voltage
level (e.g., 230 V) or slightly higher in order to
compensate technical losses, e.g., cable impedances,
which are also represented in Figure 1. Notice that
this is a simple abstract model, which can be tailored
to specific scenarios by assigning impedance values
to the loads and configuring the generation capacity
of DERs. In this paper, only resistive loads will be
included in the analysed scenarios.
It is considered that the DSO has established a
contract with the DG client, according to which the
DSO will buy all the power injected by the DG
client, up to a certain limit. The algorithms described
in this paper aim to perform a fine grain control of
power injected in the LV grid by DERs in order to
maximize DG production up to the limit established
by the contract. It should be noted that maximizing
the DG production entails a voltage increase in case
the load is too low. Consequently, the solutions
generated by the algorithms must result in voltage
values within the operating limits.
The proposed algorithms operate in a single
phase of an LV feeder and should be replicated if
there are more phases/feeders. Each DER is coupled
to the LV feeder and its injected power may be
limited by setpoints issued by a Local Controller
(LC). The LC establishes these setpoints based on a
local algorithm or based on setpoint commands
centrally issued by the Secondary Substation
Controller (SSC).
Only active power adaptation is taken into
account, since reactive power adaptation is less cost-
effective and efficient, requiring the DER or coupler
hardware to integrate large capacitor banks in order
to have a significant impact on the voltage level – an
asset that is not available in every equipment.
During the last decades, DSOs have employed
voltage regulation equipment such as transformer
tap-changers, line regulators and shunt capacitors
placed at the substations and distribution feeders in
order to keep the voltages within the operating limits
(U.S. Department of Energy, 2012). This equipment
operates correctly in distribution grids without
DERs, since they are designed to only compensate
the voltage drop along the branch lines.
Consequently, it is usually deployed in long branch
lines, typical of suburban or rural environments.
When DERs are present, the voltage along the grid
becomes more unpredictable due to the more
complex power flow. It may present values that are
higher than the voltage imposed at the head end by
the power transformer, and this may happen at any
location. Planning for the installation of voltage
regulation equipment becomes more difficult.
In Silva et al (2012), the authors analyse the
impact of DG installation in the voltage profile of
the LV distribution grid. They state that when there
is significant DG penetration, the voltage is prone to
rise. If the upper operating voltage limit is reached at
some DG unit interfaces, the respective individual
protections fire, removing those DG units from the
grid, i.e., their injected power is reduced to zero. On
the other hand, if there is a sudden power reduction
due to DG intermittence, the voltage decreases very
quickly, which also constitutes a problem. The paper
proposes a solution based on the transmission of
setpoints to the DG controllers whose output voltage
exceeds the operating limits. Transmission of
setpoints requires an integrated communication
infrastructure of the kind to be found in the future
Smart Grid.
Load n
Load 1
Load 2
LC 1 LC 2
LC n
Control FlowPower Flow