contracts compatibility evaluation algorithm and they
define how to construct, compose and exchange a data
contract. In (Truong and et al., 2011), they intro-
duce their model for exchanging data agreements in
the Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) based on a new type of
services which is called Data Agreement Exchange as
a Service (DAES). This model is called DEscription
MOdel for DaaS (DEMODS) (Vu and et al., 2012).
However, Truong et al. propose this data contract for
data and not to store data or to help the developer to
choose the appropriate data stores for his application.
In (Ghosh and Ghosh, 2012), Ghosh et al. identify
non-trivial parameters of the Service Level Agree-
ment (SLA) for Storage-as-a-Service cloud which are
not offered by the present day cloud vendors. More-
over, they propose a novel SLA monitoring frame-
work to facilitate compliance checking of Service
Level Objectives by a trusted third part. Although
Ghosh et al. try to enrich the SLA parameters to
support the Storage-as-a-Service, this is still inade-
quate for our purpose in this paper. In (Ruiz-Alvarez
and Humphrey, 2011), (Ruiz-Alvarez and Humphrey,
2012), Ruiz-Alvarez et al. propose an automated ap-
proach to selecting the PaaS storage service according
an application requirements. For this purpose, they
define a XML schema based on a machine readable
description of the capabilities of each storage system.
The goal of this XML schema is twofold: (i) express-
ing the storage needs of consumers using high-level
concepts, and (ii) enabling the matching between con-
sumers requirements and data storage systems offer-
ings. Nevertheless, they consider in their work that an
application may interact with only one data store and
they did not invoke the polyglot persistence aspect.
In this paper, we proposed a manifest-based solution
for data stores discovery and automatic application
deployment. Indeed, once the developer has com-
pleted the development of his application, we pro-
vided him the possibility to express his application
requirements in terms of data stores in the abstract
application manifest. Then, he sends it to the dis-
covery module. This module interacts with the data
stores directory to discover the capabilities of data
stores of each cloud provider and constructs the of-
fer manifest. Based on that, this module implements
the matching algorithm in order to elect the adequate
cloud provider to the application requirements. This
algorithm takes as input the abstract application man-
ifest and offer manifest, and returns the deployment
manifest of the application. Once it is done, we de-
ploy the application using the COAPS API that takes
as input the deployment manifest.
Currently, we are working on applying our solu-
tion to other qualitatively and quantitatively various
scenarios in the OpenPaaS project. This allows us
to identify possible discrepancies and make our work
more reliable for real use. Our second perspective is
to implement virtual data stores in order to execute
join queries across NoSQL and relational data stores
and to introduce more elaborate query processing op-
timization techniques.
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