Table 5: T
r and τ
values for the three classes.
Classes T
r τ
n days)
Class 3 -
1.74 0.94 1.63
Class 2 -
5.14 2.05 5.14
Class 1 -
4.74 0.98 4.63
energy consumption by SDNs or SMs in the un-
sustainability of microgrid can be reduced. In PTDA
with EPTDNA, the example case shows that the hop
count is reduced in MGAs under EUMGA category.
Thus the data latency is reduced in parts of the
micro-grid, if the consumption data is piggy backed
with the power theft detection data. Thus the three
issues of PTDA without EPTDNA mentioned in
section 4 are solved using EPTDNA.
In this paper we have proposed wireless network
based solution for power theft, which is considered
as a bane of power grid in most of the developing
nations. We have proposed power theft detection
algorithm (PTDA) which uses Kirchhoff’s Current
Law (KCL). We have identified three issues of
PTDA when it will be used for micro-grids. To solve
those issues with PTDA, we have proposed another
algorithm called EPTDNA (Efficient Power Theft
Data Networking Algorithm). The performance
analysis and results given in section 6 shows how
EPTDNA solves the issues with PTDA. In future,
we are planning for a real-world deployment of
microgrid infrastructure that enables efficient power
theft detection and localization using EPTDNA
together with PTDA.
The authors would like to express gratitude for the
immense amount of motivation and research
solutions provided by Sri. Mata Amritanandamayi
Devi, The Chancellor, Amrita University. The
authors would also like to acknowledge Dr. P.
Venkat Rangan for providing valuable suggestions
to improvise this research work.
This work was supported by TATA Consultancy
Services under TCS Research Scholar Program.
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