• CoffeeScript: Domain specific programming lan-
guage used as a transcompiler to JavaScript.
• Express: Eased running of a server instance in
terms of request mapping to handler functions and
folder structures.
• Gulp: Stream-based workflow automation.
• Import.io: Webpage querying over their API with
helps of personalised masked generated via their
own browser.
• JS-select: Selectors for data nodes in tree struc-
• Request: Enables communication between
3.5 Proof of Concept
One key problem with Web resources is that users
(customers) cannot verify the quality of these ser-
vices. With the help of our prototype system, a mea-
surement can be realised. Such a system may check
whether the website is reachable and may pay atten-
tion to relevant changes. As a result, a reactive system
creates a reliable source for the quality of Web appli-
cations and services e.g. uptime and downtime.
The prototype system has been used to test vari-
ous scenarios. A first proof of concept has focused
on two Swiss electronic newspapers. Over a period
of one week, the Condition Action System collected
data from their websites in order to observe the fre-
quency of headline changes. What is interesting in
this particular data set is that the headline of the clas-
sical newspaper, which is available on the Web and
as well on ordinary paper, changed on average after
two to six hours. The other news website, which has
a web presence only, tends to change the headline on
average within two hours and therefore in a higher fre-
quency. In addition, we were also able to determine a
webserver failure of one news portal, which lead to a
20-minute long service disruption. This example out-
lines the potentials of the web change detection sce-
nario (see Section 3.2).
Many documents in the Web are dynamically
modified over time. Some might change in an inter-
val of a few minutes e.g. news on news portals, while
other content changes much slower e.g. entries on en-
cyclopaedia sites such as Wikipedia. To detect these
changes, our prototype system must keep track of the
document history. An Event Listener monitors Web
resources and as soon as differences are detected, an
action is triggered. Consequently, the user is able to
set up a rule, which checks whether changes are re-
lated to a certain category of interest or not. More-
over, it could highlight certain areas of interest or an-
other specified website and compare how significant
these changes are. If for example a Wikipedia arti-
cle has been changed in more than 10% of its original
content, a moderator should be informed to revise the
article. Thus, the system is able to directly inform the
moderator via mail.
Existing Condition Action Systems are limited to
Web services and discourage Web users from pro-
gramming own program code. Our goal was to cre-
ate a Condition Action System with both options;
inbuilt programming window and already existing
Event Rules. However, the system has qualified for
future performance tests against existing Condition
Action Systems.
Novelties have their greatest value if they are per-
ceived immediately, in the best case in real-time. Re-
activity stands for the focal point in instantly notifying
users or creating something new out of changes in the
Web e.g. a tweet on Twitter. Such a Reactivity en-
tity in the Web may help users in orchestrating such
This paper has addressed promises of a Condition
Action System that can be valuable for Web users in
orchestrating tedious tasks of Web services. Based
on one scenario, the system architecture has been as-
sessed in detecting Web changes; the system is run-
ning for more than half a year. Moreover, the pro-
posed architecture of the Condition Action System
is very powerful for the measurement of all kinds of
Web resources. Difficulties arise, however, when an
attempt is made to store data by using the architec-
ture. Event Triggers, Webhooks, Rules and Action
Dispatchers are stored in a database, the changes on
the Web, which create an event are not. It might be
interesting in future to store data of these changes in
order to use it for further data mining.
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