the English language, Discourse Analysis, etc.
One such concept, which cuts across the
aforementioned subjects, is that of 'conceptual
metaphor'. In the context of Cognitive Linguistics, a
conceptual or cognitive metaphor is understood, not
as a poetic or rhetorical figure, but rather as a
conceptual mapping or projection from a source
domain (usually concrete and easily accessible in
nature) to a target domain (abstract and conceptually
harder to grasp). As a result, this mapping facilitates
the understanding, conceptualization, and
verbalization of the latter (Johnson, 1987; Lakoff
and Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 1987; Lakoff and
Turner, 1989; Lakoff and Johnson, 1999).
Simultaneously, those undergraduate students of
degrees with their own and specialized linguistic
discourse (such as those studying Oenology degrees)
are often unconscious of the figurative and, more
specifically, metaphorical basis of the specialized
language of their discipline, as well as of the
existence of complementary and competing
metaphorical models for one and the same entity or
state of affairs. By way of illustration, the main
organoleptic features of wine can be expressed
through a diverse array of conceptual metaphors
such as WINE IS A SPICE (e.g. a wine with pepper
and cinnamon notes), WINE IS A PERSON (e.g. a
young and lively wine), WINE IS A GARMENT
(e.g. a wine with a velvet cape), WINE IS AN
OBJECT (e.g. round, short, long wine), and even
through synesthetic metaphors such as TASTE IS
SOUND (e.g. a melodic, harmonious wine), or
TASTE IS TOUCH (e.g. a velvety, or silky wine)
(Suarez-Toste, 2007; Caballero and Suarez-Toste,
2008, 2010; Caballero, 2009; Negro Alousque,
2011; Pérez-Hernández, 2011, 2013).
The present project arises from the need to address
the following issues:
-the need to create a flexible context for
undergraduate students of English Studies to use, in
a real life environment, those theoretical concepts
that are pivotal to their degree, preventing their de-
contextualized memorization, and subsequent lack
of assimilation.
-the need to raise awareness among
undergraduate students of Oenology Studies about
the specificities of their own professional discourse,
in particular about the broad figurative and
metaphorical basis of the discourse of oenology,
wine, and wine-tasting notes, and how the former
delimits, articulates, and constrains the latter.
-the need articulate a pedagogical context in
which undergraduate students of both degrees under
consideration can improve the basic competences
required in their future professional contexts:
collaboration with specialists in other
areas/disciplines, proficiency in the use of computer
tools and professional mobile applications, ability to
discuss and build arguments about their
specialization topics, ability to transfer, disseminate,
and communicate abstract notions to non-experts
and a general audience.
In addition, in the specific context of the
University of La Rioja, the present project has been
designed to fulfill the following institutional
-the need to experiment and analyze the potential
benefits of the implementation of new and
innovative teaching strategies, by means of
exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the use of
the educational mobile application Celly© for
outside-the-classroom guided learning.
-the need to integrate, in the teaching practice of
the professionals working in this institution, the
pedagogic use of new information and
communication technologies (e.g. Internet,
electronic data bases, Google Scholar, computerized
corpora such as the British National Corpus, the
Corpus of Contemporary American English and the
CREA-Corpus of the Spanish Language Academy,
with the aim of improving the teaching and learning
process with the use of real life linguistic data.
-the need to strengthen the presence of e-
learning, in general, and mobile learning strategies,
in particular, with the objective of enriching the
inventory of teaching methodologies available to the
professionals at the University of La Rioja.
-the need to create interdisciplinary research
groups to tackle issues related to the implementation
of new teaching strategies and methodologies, as
well as to design teaching materials which provide
students with learning experiences that closely
resemble and reproduce their future professional
The main objective of this project is to explore the
benefits and drawbacks of the use of mobile learning
applications, in particular, of the educational mobile