User-sentiment based Evaluation for Market Fitness Trackers
Evaluation of Fitbit One, Jawbone Up and Nike+ Fuelband based on
Customer Reviews
Hassan Issa, Alaa Shafaee, Stefan Agne, Stephan Baumann and Andreas Dengel
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany
Activity Monitoring, Fitness Applications, Life Logging, Quantified Self, Sentiment Analysis, Fitness
Trackers Evaluation, Fitness, Fitbit One, Jawbone Up, Nike+ Fuelband.
Wearable fitness and health trackers have been in an accelerated growth since their recent introduction to
consumer markets. Given the growth potential of this market sector, much more devices, with unbounded
set of features, are being introduced to the consumer at a fast pace. This makes the task of evaluating fitness
trackers extremely challenging knowing that the results of an evaluation will quickly become obsolete. In this
paper, a user-sentiment based evaluation of fitness trackers is demonstrated on market leading fitness trackers.
The used approach relies on the crowd, expressed by product reviews, to present an aspect-based
evaluation of any market fitness tracker. Utilizing the crowd knowledge acquired, a personalized recommender
system for fitness trackers is also presented.
Ever since the recent introduction of wearable com-
puting devices, the market size for these devices has
been rapidly growing and expected to attain a market
size of $30 billion as forecasted by (BCCResearch,
2014). Accordingly, fitness and health trackers, which
correspond to a big part of this growth, are expecting
a 96 million units shipment in 2018. Fitness trackers
are always-on devices that provide basic pedometer
functionalities including estimating steps taken, dis-
tance traveled and calories burned. In addition, these
devices connect and sync their data easily to smart-
phone apps and web portals and enable social sharing
and friendly competitions. Fitness and health track-
ers are constantly incorporating new sensors and al-
gorithms to provide further health and fitness insights
and functionalities for users. Samsung Simband 2
notably collects real-time biometric data including
heart rate, blood flow and pressure, skin temperature,
CO2 and oxygen levels as well as EKG
levels. Like-
wise, machine learning techniques are employed by
some trackers like AMIIGO
fitness tracker which is
Electrocardiogram; spelled with a ’K’ because in German
it is spelled Elektrokardiogramm
able to detect over 100 exercises along with the num-
ber of sets and repetitions and the ability to learn new
exercises by the user.
The increasing public interest in fitness trackers as
consumer products, in addition to their potential uses
in health care necessitate the presence of proper eval-
uations for all the aspects of these devices. The huge
number of devices available on market and the speed
in which new devices with new features are released,
makes it very difficult to come up with a proper eval-
uation for market products that won’t quickly turn ob-
solete especially when taking longer device usage-
time as a factor in evaluation. In (Shafaee et al.,
2014), we introduced a new framework for evaluat-
ing fitness trackers based on the public opinion ex-
pressed through product reviews. This
framework follows an aspect-based sentiment analy-
sis approach that dynamically identifies aspects of ev-
ery fitness tracker and evaluates all sentiment-bearing
mentions of an aspect in all reviews of
the tracker.
In this paper, we present an extensive evaluation of
the top three market devices from manufacturers that
together dominated over 97% of the fitness trackers
market in 2013 according to NPD Group
, namely;
Issa H., Shafaee A., Agne S., Baumann S. and Dengel A..
User-sentiment based Evaluation for Market Fitness Trackers - Evaluation of Fitbit One, Jawbone Up and Nike+ Fuelband based on
Customer Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0005447401710179
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AgeingWell-
2015), pages 171-179
ISBN: 978-989-758-102-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Fitbit One
, Jawbone Up
and Nike+ Fuelband
. It is
worth mentioning that the choice of these three prod-
ucts is strictly for their leading position in the con-
sumer market and that there are no limitations by our
framework to include any other fitness/health tracker
available for sale on Not only an an-
swer to the general question ”which is the best fit-
ness tracker?” is given in this work, but also to the
more personal question ”which fitness trackers suits
me best?” is given in Section 5.4. A personalized
recommender system for suggesting the best fitness
tracker for each individual based on her needs and
preferences is thus presented.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the related work for this paper. Sec-
tion 3 introduces the devices and the dataset used for
the evaluation. An overview of the back-end senti-
ment analysis framework used as basis for the pre-
sented sentiment summarizer is given in Section 4.
Results and analysis of the Evaluation are presented
in Section 5, and finally the conclusions and future
work are discussed in Section 6
The sentiment analysis framework introduced in Sec-
tion 4 is further detailed and evaluated in (Shafaee
et al., 2014). The system components are proven to
top state-of-the art alternatives. Studies that address
the accuracy of fitness trackers are relatively few. A
study (Dannecker KL, 2014) aimed at evaluating the
accuracy of energy expenditure estimation of con-
sumer physical activity monitors found out that Fitbit
sensors tend to significantly underestimate energy ex-
penditure. In (Guo et al., 2013), an extensive physical
testing for several fitness trackers and pedometers in-
cluding Nike+ Fuelband and Fitbit One is presented.
The study shows that Fitbit One is the most accurate
in counting steps, which verifies the results presented
in Section 5.2.1.
3.1 Devices
In this section a brief introduction to the three devices
used in evaluation is given. The devices considered
are shown in Figure 1.
7 us/c/nikeplus-fuelband
Figure 1: From left to right: Fitbit One, Jawbone Up, Nike+
3.1.1 Fitbit One
Fitbit one is a clip-on tracker that was announced on
September 17, 2012. It features a digital display and it
is the first tracker to sync through Bluetooth 4.0. Fit-
bit One supports Android, iOS and Windows Phone
smartphone operating systems. It can record several
daily activities including number of steps taken, dis-
tance travelled on foot, number of floors climbed,
calories burned, vigorously active minutes, as well as
quality of sleep. It also incorporates a ”silent alarm”
that wakes the user up through gentle vibrations. The
launch price for Fitbit One was 99.99 U.S. dollar.
3.1.2 Jawbone Up
Jawbone up was initially announced in November
2011. Due to manufacturing problems, the product
was relaunched in November 2012. The Up comes in
the form of a waterproof wristband. It can track num-
ber of steps taken, distance travelled on foot, calo-
ries burned as well as quality of sleep. It incorporates
a vibration alarm feature and communicates to many
3rd party lifestyle and fitness apps and services. Jaw-
bone Up supports Android and iOS through a native
smartphone app. The launch price for Jawbone Up
was 129.99 U.S. dollar.
3.1.3 Nike+ Fuelband
Nike+ Fuelband is a wristband tracker that was an-
nounced on January 19, 2012. Fuelband uses a set of
LEDs as a screen. It tracks the number of steps taken
and calories burned, it displays time and computes
a proprietary measure of fitness activity, NikeFuel.
Users set their daily goal in terms of NikeFuel, and
the band displays the progress of the user in achiev-
ing their goal through an array of colored LEDs. The
Fuelband syncs wirelessly to smartphones and both
Android and iOS are supported through a native app.
The launch price for Nike+ Fuelband was 149.99 U.S.
3.2 Dataset
For the evaluation, a total of 3, 241 re-
views of the three fitness trackers Fitbit One (FO),
Jawbone Up (JU) and Nike+ Fuelband (NF) are
used. The distribution of the reviews (REV), sen-
tences (SEN), aspect mentions (MEN) and sentiment-
bearing aspect mentions (SBM) among the three de-
vices is shown in Table 1. The significantly lower
number of reviews available for Nike+ Fuelband does
not necessarily reflect its market share with respect
to the two other trackers. It is probably due to sales
through Nike’s channels rather than
Table 1: Details about the dataset used for evaluating the
FO 2,504 15,154 7,682 6,372
JU 696 4,397 2,138 1,645
NF 41 246 818 612
Total 3,241 19,797 10,638 8,629
Figure 2: System Overview.
A general overview listing the main components of
the sentiment analysis system used for the evalua-
tions is shown in Figure 2. For each product, its
name or Amazon ID(s) are fed into the system. Since
Amazon no longer offers reviews through its API, a
script is utilized to extract reviews using regular ex-
pressions. Any noise caused by mismatched HTML
tags is removed and the reviews are then inserted into
a database. The Stanford CoreNLP (Manning et al.,
2014) is then used to extract sentences in each review,
tokenize them and get the part-of-speech and base
form for each token. The output of the previous step is
then fed into three other components, namely, product
name extractor, aspect extractor and sentiment extrac-
tor which are defined below.
Product-Name Extractor: The product name ex-
tractor has two main aims. First, it automatically
extracts the names of competing products. Sec-
ond, it identifies mentions of the given product or
competing products in text. For example, if an
author says: ”I love my Fitbit One. I got it after I
broke my Ultra 2 months ago.”, the system identi-
fies that the first sentence discusses ”Fitbit One”,
whereas the latter discusses ”Fitbit Ultra”. This
component is essential to assign the sentiment to
the proper product and is useful in the other com-
Aspect Extractor: This component extracts the
aspects of the product that reviewers commented
on. For fitness trackers, the aspects can be price,
customer service, steps counter, mobile apps, etc.
Aspects are classified into static aspects and dy-
namic aspects. Static Aspects are features that
are common to all products such as price and cus-
tomer service while dynamic aspects are features
that may differ from a product to another. For fit-
ness trackers, heart rate monitoring is an example
of a dynamic aspect since not all fitness trackers
monitor heart rate.
Grouping Aspects into Categories: After iden-
tifying the aspects of the product, sentences dis-
cussing each aspect are extracted. Given that an
aspect may be discussed by different people using
different terms, all the different mentions of the
same aspect are grouped. To illustrate, consider
the direct and indirect mention of the ”price” as-
pect in these two sentences: ”Nike+ Fuelband is
quite expensive. and ”The Fuelband has a high
price tag!”
Sentiment Extractor: The sentiment extractor
component aims at detecting the opinion of a
whole sentence or part of it. That is, given a
phrase, it returns whether it is positive, negative or
neutral. For instance, ”I love this device” is posi-
tive, ”This device is really useless” is negative and
”I bought this device yesterday” is neutral.
The next step is to assign the sentiment to the
proper aspect. Finally, the data collected from the
Table 2: Fitbit One Results.
Aspect Positive Negative Neutral Total
Steps Counter 605 183 492 1280
Sleep Assessment 570 199 373 1142
Syncing 408 146 263 817
Calories Burned 315 113 245 673
Floors Climbed 276 99 267 642
App Functionality 332 114 182 628
Website 332 85 176 593
Battery 206 100 201 507
Price 186 102 124 412
Pocket/Clipping 109 67 112 288
Customer Service 148 50 60 258
Distance Traveled 90 23 88 201
Badges 71 12 32 115
MyFitnessPal 38 9 21 68
Activity Indicator (Flower) 36 8 14 58
Total 3722 1310 2650 7682
sentiment analysis of the reviews for each product is
presented through an interactive web-based summa-
rizer that provides the user with statistics and insights
about the products. Further details on the components
presented are discussed in (Shafaee et al., 2014).
In this section, the results of the sentiment analysis
process introduced in Section 4 applied to the three
devices chosen for this study are presented. Table 2,
Table 3 and Table 4 show the aspects detected by the
system and the distribution of the sentiments among
these aspects for Fitbit One, Jawbone Up and Nike+
Fuelband respectively. Before discussing the out-
put of the evaluation, a precision/recall analysis of
the system is first presented to estimate the credibil-
ity of the evaluations following in this section. For
this sake, human annotators were asked to annotate
all sentiments in 106 Amazon reviews distributed al-
most equally among the three products. The results
for our system were compared to two state-of the-art
supervised methods, namely Support Vector Machine
(SVM) trained on unigrams and Naive Bayes classi-
fiers trained on unigrams(Pang et al., 2002). Figure 3
shows that our system has the highest recall with very
high precision for the positive sentiment class. Sim-
ilarly, Figure 4 shows our system has significantly
higher precision and a fairly good recall when com-
pared to the other approaches for the negative senti-
ment class. A big advantage of the proposed system
is that it is lexicon-based which makes it possible to
generalize to different domains. This is not the case
with the supervised approaches which require a large
set of annotated data and can therefore poorly gener-
Figure 3: Recall and precision of sentiment detection for
the positive sentiment class.
5.1 Controversial Aspects
Regardless of the sentiment, the frequency of as-
pect mentions in reviews is very significant, espe-
cially for evaluating distinguished aspects that set a
product apart from its market competitors. For ex-
ample, the NikeFuel activity measure introduced in
the Nike+ Fuelband is the most discussed aspect for
this device with 22.7% of the Fuelband’s aspect men-
tions discussing this unique aspect. In contrast, the
flower activity indicator in the Fitbit One, which re-
sembles NikeFuel for the Fuelband, takes a share of
0.7% only from the Fitbit’s aspect mentions and it is
Figure 4: Recall and precision of sentiment detection for
the negative sentiment class.
the least discussed aspect for the device. This indi-
cates that Nike’s distinguished activity measure has
successfully captured the interest of consumers where
as Fitbit falls short in this regard. The Power Nap
aspect of Jawbone Up, which is a feature that calcu-
lates the optimal nap duration for the user and wakes
them up through gentle vibrations, is barely discussed
with 0.7% of aspect mentions despite being an inno-
vative and positively received feature. This signifies
that the usability of this feature can be questioned.
However, Sleep assessment, in general, has proven to
be an important feature to users grabbing over 20% of
Jawbone’s aspect mentions and about 15% of Fitbit’s
aspect mentions. This indicates that Nike is miss-
ing a highly demanded feature by not including it in
their device. Also, Fitbit’s ability to compute floors
climbed holds over 8% of its aspect mentions almost
equal to the share of ”Calories Burned” feature and
thus it also represents a feature demanded by con-
5.2 Static Aspects Evaluation
Static aspects describe essentially the basic features
and capabilities of a fitness tracker. In this section,
we assess the public satisfaction of the performance-
related aspects in all three devices. Namely: Steps
Counter, Distance Traveled and Calories Burned. We
point here, that similar insight and figures can be ex-
ported by the sentiment summarizer for all the other
aspects. However, due to space restrictions and to
avoid repetitions, detailed comparison for the other
aspects are omitted. Still, useful insights for each de-
vice are given in Section 5.3.
5.2.1 Steps Counter Evaluation
All three devices seem to be satisfactory to consumers
with respect to steps counting as shown in Figure 5
despite a significant advantage for the Fitbit One.
This actually supports the physical testing of accu-
racy of several fitness trackers including Fitbit One
and Nike+ Fuelband by (Guo et al., 2013) in which
the One outperformed all other devices.
Figure 5: Results of the public sentiment evaluation for as-
pect ”Steps Counter” as displayed by the sentiment summa-
5.2.2 Distance Travelled Evaluation
The good performance in counting the steps by the
devices leads to a good estimation of the distance
travelled by users as shown in Figure 6. Since all
three devices do not include location sensors, the dis-
tance value is probably calculated through estimations
based on the individual’s personal data provided to the
device during the set up process.
Figure 6: Results of the public sentiment evaluation for
aspect ”Distance Travelled” as displayed by the sentiment
5.2.3 Calories Burned Evaluation
In a similar manner, the devices estimate calories
burned based on the performance of the user and
his/her entered physical data (e.g. height, age, weight,
Table 3: Jawbone Up Results.
Aspect Positive Negative Neutral Total
Sleep Assessment 225 82 128 435
Battery 113 113 123 349
App Functionality 159 57 95 311
Steps Counter 90 30 97 217
Syncing 78 65 66 209
Price 63 55 30 148
Customer Service 51 31 45 127
Alarm 51 15 24 90
Calories Burned 38 13 27 78
Food Logging 28 18 15 61
Website 19 5 16 40
Distance Traveled 17 2 16 35
Powernap 6 2 8 16
Pocket 7 4 3 14
Activity Logging 5 1 2 8
Total 950 493 695 2138
Table 4: Nike+ Fuelband Results.
Aspect Positive Negative Neutral Total
NikeFuel 70 49 67 186
Price 41 29 38 108
Battery 35 21 41 97
Calories Burned 33 21 38 92
Steps Counter 29 22 31 82
App Functionality 38 15 22 75
Syncing 29 20 18 67
Website 19 10 23 52
Customer Service 10 13 9 32
Distance Traveled 8 6 13 27
Total 312 206 300 818
gender, etc.). Both Fitbit One and Jawbone Up seem
to be equally satisfactory for users estimating the
calories burned where as the Fuelband has a signif-
icantly less positive-to-negative mention ratio com-
pared to the two other devices as shown in Figure 7.
5.3 Further Discussion and Insights
In addition to the statistics provided, the sentiment
summarizer allows for easy tracking of positive, neg-
ative and neutral mentions of each aspect of every de-
vice through out the reviews. For example (Figure 8),
a user can request all the negative mentions of ’Cus-
tomer Service’ for Jawbone Up and the summarizer
will return a list of all sentences with these negative
mentions sorted by the degree of negativity estimated
by the system. This gives a new dimension in the eval-
uation by highlighting pros and cons based on the ex-
perience of customers. Many useful conclusions can
Figure 7: Results of the public sentiment evaluation for as-
pect ”Calories Burned” as displayed by the sentiment sum-
be drawn from people’s opinion. Some of them are
given below.
Figure 8: Snapshot of a part of the list of negative Customer
Service aspect mentions for Jawbone Up as shown in the
sentiment summarizer.
5.3.1 Fitbit One
Many proponents of Fitbit commented on how it
helped them greatly pay attention to their sleep qual-
ity and how it encouraged better sleeping habits. The
ratio between the number of users in favor of the sleep
assessment made by the tracker to those against it
is almost 3:1. Some customers however, found the
sleeping band to be uncomfortable or the sleeping
data to be inaccurate. One of them said: ”Tossing
in the middle of the night or pushing covers off your
body will register as waking up, and watching an hour
or two of television without moving your hand before
falling asleep will count as sleep time. Unfortunately,
this makes the sleep tracker a good idea that is not
very accurate.
Some reviewers commented that it holds a good
charge (e.g., charging it only on weekends) and some
were pleased that it emails them a reminder when the
charge is low. Quoting a user ”The charging cord and
Bluetooth dongle are better executed than the stand
used in the previous version, and it’s MUCH easier
to travel with.. However, some said that their Fitbits
did not hold a charge for more than 8-12 hours and
others experienced the total death of the device.
Many users find setting up the Fitbit One and
syncing the data very easy and smooth. They also
love syncing the Fitbit with many third-party apps
especially to MyFitnessPal app. In fact, the system
identified MyFitnessPal as one of the aspects of Fitbit
because people comment a lot on syncing their Fitbits
to it. For the Fitbit One app itself, some people claim
that it is buggy for most Androids. Others complained
that it requires a dongle to sync to PC or MAC say-
ing that the dongle is very small and can be easily lost.
Some could not pair it to Android. A frequent traveler
said that the time shown after syncing is not accurate.
Although people are pleased that it is small and
light, many people lost it because, according to them,
it can easily fall out of the holder and the holder does
not attach firmly to clothes. Therefore, they highly
recommend having it inside the pocket rather than
clipped onto the pocket or belt. Despite some who
are motivated by the growth of the ”activity-progress
flower”, many others believe that Fitbit should change
this visualization.
5.3.2 Jawbone Up
The most popular feature of Jawbone Up is sleep as-
sessment. Most of the customers who reviewed this
device expressed how they like its accompanying fea-
tures, namely the silent vibrating alarm, Power Nap
which wakes a user up at the optimal time, and the
Idle Alert which reminds users to move when they
have been inactive for too long. Nonetheless, many
people complained of having to change it manually
to sleep mode before sleeping and changing it back
to awake mode later, which one can forget. Some
customers also questioned the accuracy of the sleep
information the band provides.
A major problem many users faced is the complete
death of the band after a period of use. Nonetheless,
many users said that the customer service replaced
their bands. On the other hand, some described the
customer service as poor and one of the complaints
said that they could not exchange the item or help with
its problems because it was not bought directly from
the Jawbone company.
Many people recommend calibrating the band to
record the distance accurately. Some sentences anal-
ysed by the summarizer stated that wearing the Jaw-
bone on ankle is said to increase the accuracy of the
band, yet, some commented that it is uncomfortable.
Some customers said that they did not experience
any problems with Syncing. However, the Jawbone
UP does not sync wirelessly which made some com-
plain about having to take the band cap off and in-
serting the band in the headphone’s jack of the phone
every time. Last but not least, the Jawbone Up app
was generally positively rated by most consumers.
5.3.3 Nike+ Fuelband
NikeFuel score is perhaps the most remarkable fea-
ture of the Fuelband being, by far, the most reviewed
aspect of the band as shown in Table 4. By read-
ing some of the sentences discussing this aspect, the
Fuel score seems very motivating for many. How-
ever, some are skeptical of how it is calculated. A
user said ”I’ve noticed that the Fuel really adds up
when running and walking but not as much with other
workouts that are way more intense than a jog on the
treadmill.. Another said ”Of course, if you shake
your wrist while on the elliptical or jogging, you can
increase your points by 50%.. Some people said that
it is very motivational, however, they did not recom-
mend it for people who want to accurately track their
steps. With respect to syncing, some people found
syncing over the phone or USB to be smooth and
easy. On the other hand, it failed to sync with some
and was described as slow. Some users complained
that the screws in the band rust. One suggested us-
ing a fingernail polish to stop the rust. Many users
liked the accompanying app which was described as
motivational, easy-to-use and well-designed. In fact,
the number of positive reviews on the Nike+ Fuelband
app is more than twice the negative reviews on it. Yet,
some were disappointed that it did not come with an
Android app.
5.4 Personalized Fitness Tracker
Given the vast knowledge the presented sentiment
summarizer acquired by analysing the sentiments in reviews of fitness trackers, the second
step is to utilize this knowledge to help each potential
customer choose the device that suits her needs best
based on her own preferences. Figure 9 shows the
user interface for the device recommender in the sen-
timent summarizer. A user can select using 5-value
sliders, how important an aspect is to her, and the rec-
ommender will dynamically upgrade score gauges for
each device thereby helping each customer making
the right purchase decision based on all the acquired
knowledge of owners of these devices.
The scores are computed using Formula 1; where
d denotes a device, k denotes the total number of as-
pects for which the user have assigned a non-zero
weight using the slider, a
denotes a single aspect
(i [1, k]), q
[0, 4] denotes the weight assigned by
the user to aspect a
, pos(a
) and neg(a
) denote the
number of positive (res. negative) mentions of the as-
pect a
for device d, and A
denotes the set of all as-
pects for device d. Intuitively, when the user gives a
non-zero weight for a certain aspect using the slider,
this aspect is added to the set of user-requested as-
pects. For each aspect a
of these k aspects, the system
checks if it is included in the aspects of the considered
device. If yes, a value
(1, 1) is re-
turned indicating how recommended (res. unrecom-
mended) the device is when considering this aspect
alone. Otherwise, if the aspect requested by user is
not available for the device, 1 is returned indicating
that the device is not recommended at all when con-
sidering this aspect. The result is adjusted for each
aspect based on a user-selected weight q
. The fi-
nal score Score
is then computed as the normalized
mean for the returned weighted values for each as-
Figure 9: Snapshot of the personalized device recommender
functionality in the sentiment summarizer.
i f a
1 otherwise
In this paper, the novel fitness-trackers’ evaluation ap-
proach presented in (Shafaee et al., 2014) is demon-
strated to evaluate three market leading fitness track-
ers. The approach relies on aspect-based sentiment
analysis of reviews of these products.
The results of the evaluation are presented to the user
in an easy-to-use web-based summarizer. Statistics
and insights resulting from the evaluation are pre-
sented in Section 5 where also a personalized fitness
tracker recommender system is presented. In addi-
tion to the ongoing research on enhancing the un-
derlying algorithms used in the back-end sentiment
analysis system introduced in Section 4, our efforts
are also oriented on automating the whole process
starting from fetching the reviews until
reaching an always up-to-date summarizer that adds
even new measures to its insights, including sentiment
variation over time, and per different countries.
This research is supported by the Ministry for Educa-
tion, Sciences, Further Education and Culture of the
State of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (MBWWK)
and is part of the project MyCustomer.
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