large part of the older population, especially in the ru-
ral areas, as emerged from the reported profiling stud-
ies, such a solution represents a valuable candidate
to solve the digital divide problem. The rich set of
developed applications, embedded in a common sim-
ple interface, aims to provide active ageing services
to support the elderly in executing their daily activ-
ities independently from their homes, improving so-
cial inclusion and self-confidence. The selection of
the App paradigm, supported by the Android operat-
ing system, enables the easy customization of the sys-
tem to support both local specificities and individual
The main difficulties in the development of such
systems are related to interoperability. As a mat-
ter of fact, supporting different medical devices (for
the Health App), for instance, requires a considerable
effort, especially if a support for old Bluetooth de-
vices is sought. For this reason, the software frame-
work natively supports a modular app paradigm en-
abling a smooth integration of third parties software
to extend the basic system functionalities. During
the next stages of the project, an evaluation study
will be carried out through a combination of heuristic
evaluation (expert review) and user testing (cognitive
walkthroughs and observation). Later on, the system
will be installed in a “demo room”, in which the el-
derly could begin familiarizing with it. In the last six
months of 2015 three pilot tests with 75 older people
in total will take place in The Netherlands, Belgium
and Italy, that will focus on usage/acceptance, quality
of life and dependency.
This work is part of HEREiAM, a project financed
by the AAL Joint Programme (AAL-2012-5). The
authors would like to thank the Municipality of
Cagliari, the Elderly Associations who participated
in the tests and the other partners of the project.
The authors would also like to thank the funding au-
thorities AAL Joint Programme, MIUR (Ministero
dell’Istruzione, dell’Universit
a e della Ricerca), UE-
FISCDI (Unitatea Executiva Pentru Finantarea In-
vatamantului Superior, a CercetariiI Dezvoltarii Si In-
ovarii), IWT (Agentschap voor Innovatie door Weten-
schap en Technologie) and ZonMw (The Netherlands
Organization for Health Research & Development).
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