for the older players and a more distant one
for the younger users, thus allowing more
time to decide on the move and to interact
with the game.
3) the interaction during the writing process was
intuitive for all the users but some of them
required an explicit message assuring them of
the success of the writing process.
An extensive field study will provide more
indications and improvements.
In this work the design of a mobile web-based
serious game for addressing dysgraphia was
discussed. The game allows the user to practice in
pre-graphism delete simple forms such as straight
lines and circles, which are used to move the player,
and in writing letters or words in order to obtain a
better score, more lives and other rewards to
advance in the game. The game provides immediate
feedback both visually and by means of objective
parameters such as the percentage of matching
against a reference trace and the percentage of pixels
above and below the reference line. All the data
during the writing process, such as all the pixel
coordinates and the time of tracing, are permanently
stored on a server.
As a further work we plan to design other games
aimed at facilitating writing training by young
players and to correlate different types of games
with different learning styles in accordance with the
Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinesthetic (VARK)
theory. We will also perform a field study aimed at
collecting writing data and assessing players'
improvements in the writing process. In particular
by collecting and analyzing the data while the
children play the game it will be possible to study
the progress on the learner.
We also plan to see how a group training version
of the game would impact on writing and how the
children influence each other while playing the
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