cardinal directions and their respective influenced in
the last one.
Figure 12 shows that with the COP Model grid,
the growth of side areas is no longer exponential and
Figure 12: Comparison between Projection and COP
Model partitions.
is replaced by closer linearity behaviour. Also be
seen that as it moves away from the source, the gap
in favour of the side direction continues to grow, but
in smaller and smaller quantities. On the whole, the
difference in areas that time had reached 82% in the
Projection grid fell to 16.78% with the grid of the
COP Model in this given situation. Thus, the model
reduced the discrepancy between the areas by a
significant way.
As a result of this work we granted some tangible
artefacts: The mathematical definition of the COP
Model, the COP ME (a suite of products that form
the seamless deployment to SDMS), and COP-VW
Geographical Information System.
The COP-VW allows to verify the COP Model
implementation via Web, and to show that spatial
processing functions carried out in the COP-ME are
usable by a third-party software without needing
redeployment or any specific suitability.
The presented GIS is the COP Model
implementation from visual and friendly way. The
implemented features could be tested individually
and with existing features in SDMS, such as on the
topological and metric relationships, so it was
indeed found the implementation was faithful to the
model definition. Further, the COP-VW can also be
used as a graphic viewer geometries stored in any
database that uses PostgreSQL/Postgis, regardless of
whether or not using the COP-ME extension. COP-
VW works with a Geodatabse located in a Web
platform. This feature allows free access to
information and supports decisions related to
environmental and urban planning. Decision makers
can visualize several databases in different
geographical locations. This point is a strong feature
of work.
As further work, we intend to develop the COP-
VW in a Mobile platform. Finally, we stress that all
procedures performed and created products were
made using technologies free/opensource, which
made the COP-VW free of the need to pay license
fees, both for developers and for those using.
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