ket where only a very few AAL open platform archi-
tecture are linked to the industry by producing a sta-
ble and sustainable system mature enough to break
through the market. Moreover, there is no best prac-
tice about how to use them in real life deployment.
We have made an attempt through the current pa-
per to refute all negative feedback and misunderstand-
ings around AAL Open Platform. The presented uS-
mAAL system builds upon the open platform univer-
sAAL and has proven a very advanced degree of sta-
bility and reliability, while being deployed in a real
life environment. It has been recently deployed in 22
apartments for elderly people thus supporting them
for their daily activities, and increasing their comfort
and security in the meantime. In addition, this paper
has presented the best practice related to the combi-
nation of the needed components, while deploying it
in real environment. The delivered system is expand-
able. Thus extra-AAL services can be implemented
and the set of hardware devices/protocols can be ex-
tended and/or exchanged and the set of supported de-
vices can be extended. At the end the required result
is obtained and our goal of a stable and reliable sys-
tem is achieved and approved.
Further future work will mainly articulate com-
plex situation recognition in an AAL smart environ-
ment add to the enrichment of the actual service cata-
logue with more health oriented AAL services.
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