Towards the Deployment of Open Platform AAL Services in Real
Life-advantages and Lessons Learned
uSmAAL: A Case Study for Implementing Intelligent AAL Services in Real Life
based on the Open Platform universAAL
Jan Stengler, Gouri Gaikward and Helmi Ben Hmida
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, Fraunhoferstr. 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Showcase, AAL Services, Standardization, Real Life Deployment, Semantic Interoperability.
Nowadays, most Ambient Assisted Living systems are confined to individual projects. They are primarily
closed products with a limited set of features, thus reducing its extension, adoption and reuse. The aim of this
paper is to make a first attempt to increase standardization and interoperability oriented efforts by focusing
on open systems. We aim to share our experience with developing and deploying Ambient Assisted Living
solutions on the top level of the standardized open platform universAAL in real life. This paper identifies
the essential aspects of the system architecture and investigates the advantages of providing generic services,
shared and reusable components in real life. In addition, this paper presents an evaluation protocol of the
different components, focusing on system sustainability and reliability.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is an umbrella con-
cept for a multitude of devices, services and informa-
tion and communication technologies (ICT) assisting
citizens in their own home and supporting their mobil-
ity by means of innovative technology (Wichert and
Eberhardt, 2011). Through the literature study, sev-
eral landscape papers come with the conclusion that
despite the huge effort in the field of AAL, the real
world exploitation of the platform and research output
seems to be fairly limited to a minority of closed sys-
tems, specific devices and protocols (Memon et al.,
2014). Thus, the real life AAL services use fre-
quency is always under the expectation, where shar-
ing software component, exchanging hardware and
easily adding new services component seems to be too
far from the application scope (Wichert et al., 2012).
As a solution, the best practice for interconnecting
different standards, exchanging data between services
and easily integrating new services will be the key for
development of new generation of AAL services and
technology (Kung and Jean-Bart, 2010).
Nowadays, open platforms are supported by a
Corresponding Author: Helmi Ben Hmida, Fraunhofer
IGD, Fraunhoferstr. 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany. E-
large community of stakeholders, often have no own-
ership of the code, and usually adopt open standards
(Boudreau, 2010). Following this tendency and due
to the fact that interoperability, standardization add to
security are reported and judged as the major IT chal-
lenge in Europe, we believe that it is not efficient to
develop AAL solutions for individual project.
Looking forward to face this challenge, we aim
to minimize the gap among the real world use case
requirements and the capabilities of today’s available
standard open platform solutions through demonstrat-
ing an AAL use case based on the European stan-
dard open platform universAAL (Tazari et al., 2012)
for AAL service implementation and deployment in
real life. In the next section we will make an attempt
to cover the actual AAL system including its architec-
ture, advantages and the system performance through
the evaluation framework.
AAL technologies are nowadays used for support-
ing, assisting, preventing and improving wellness and
health conditions for different categories of people,
mainly the elderly ones (Stevenson, 2014). A smart
environment can be presented as a regular looking
Stengler J., Gaikward G. and Ben Hmida H..
Towards the Deployment of Open Platform AAL Services in Real Life-advantages and Lessons Learned - uSmAAL: A Case Study for Implementing
Intelligent AAL Services in Real Life based on the Open Platform universAAL.
DOI: 10.5220/0005450200670074
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AgeingWell-
2015), pages 67-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-102-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
home by the installing different types of sensors, ac-
tuators and diverse intelligent system where the in-
formation from different sensor will help to provide
a very good overview about the environment status.
In fact, the deduced context will be mainly used for
providing, guiding and orienting the system behav-
iors, and decisions toward safer, healthier and more
comfortable environment. Most of AAL systems in-
cluded in smart environment aims to improve comfort
and security, therefore dealing with medical rehabili-
tation, monitoring mobility and physiological param-
eters, and delivering remedies (Dlodlo et al., 2013).
Thus, many research and development projects are
private financed or funded by international and gov-
ernmental organizations.
Some of the AAL application occupancy includes
helping with mobility and automation (Dubowsky
et al., 2000) and also increasing the social connec-
tion and communicating tools between peers, family
and friends (Mynatt et al., 2001). The ACHE system
(Mozer, 2008) in Colorado aims to permanently mon-
itor the environment, control the resident action, thus
saving energy resources in desire with the resident.
The Georgia Aware Homes system is based on intel-
ligent sensors which in return provides information to
robots which help to assist, monitor and support el-
derly people (Kidd et al., 2009). In Japan, almost 15
care apartment have been built, where the objective is
to improve the quality of life of both elderly people
and their caregivers. From the perspective of med-
ication management and health support related do-
mains, the related AAL systems aim to take control of
the heath conditions of elderly people (Qudah et al.,
2010), (Khan et al., 2010), where the safety of the
elderly people plays a big role in the future of AAL
systems. Many Smart home have also been developed
in European countries. In UK, the Gloucester’s Smart
House mainly are geared up to help subjects with de-
mentia by monitoring houses all day (Barnes et al.,
2008). In more sophisticated project, the US Hospi-
tal on Home project aims to bring hospital to home
through implementing a tele care system (Paul III,
2013). Liao et al. have created a robust sleep mon-
itoring system based on the vital sign analysis (Liao
and Kuo, 2013).
2.1 Discussion
Although the diversity and the high quality of the
available AAL solutions, they have a main common
factor which is their “CLOSED” aspect. Closed plat-
form are considered as a software system where only
the service developer and/or provider have access and
control over the application. From devices inter-
connection point of view, only pre-implemented sen-
sor and actuator can be taken in consideration, where
no new functionalities, sensor and actuators can be
straightforwardly added to the originally exploited
2.2 Open Platform
Within the broader question of how to best organize
the development and commercialization of the tech-
nology as ambient intelligence system, an innovator
may choose to “open its technology”. Thus, allow-
ing outsider to participate to its development, grow-
ing and commercialization. This will help mainly to
the improvement of individual component; creation
of extension, add-ons and upgrade; the elimination of
bugs and error, quality and cost improvement (Tazari
et al., 2012). An Open Platform is a software sys-
tem build based on open standards which implies that
the vendor allows, and perhaps supports the ability to
collaborate and contribute toward the development of
several “compatible” solutions. Thus, by using such a
platform, , all hosted open platform AAL services are
imperatively interoperable and can interact and sur-
vive with each other providing flexibility and freedom
to fit the end user’s needs.
Tazari et al have presented the AAL open plat-
form universAAL. It has consolidated the work done
among other European projects to produce a “Stan-
dard” AAL system for large scale deployment of AAL
solutions. Similarly, Schmidt et al has started from
the assumption that due to the diversity of AAL solu-
tions, the scope of its commercialization is also re-
duced. Looking at this hypothesis, they only have
suggested an open Middleware that can be used to im-
plement, develop and configure AAL solutions. Be-
sides, after a deep framework literature study (Spi-
talewsky et al., 2013), most of open platform pro-
vide a “partial solution, and are not ready to support
the full pledged solution ready for real world deploy-
ment”. As a main consequence based on open plat-
form, we can synthesize that one of the major chal-
lenges of the actual AAL domain, is to test, validate
and deploy the created platform with all their capa-
bility of openness, interoperability, service integra-
tion and data sharing in real life scenarios. Or else,
what are the main requirements for a successful de-
ployment of an AAL service based on open platform
in real environment? How can we judge that open
platform is sufficiently mature, sustainable and reli-
able, thus ready to be installed in real life? To spec-
ify the necessary requirement, and to answer this en-
tire question, next sections will make an attempt to
bring the universAAL open platform from research
to industry. This will be done by presenting a use
case of AAL services deployment in real environment
and demonstrating the full capacity of open platform
through tracing our evaluation framework.
3.1 uSmAAL System Overview
The universAAL Smart AAL System (uSmAAL)
forms an open, flexible, reusable and mainly expand-
able system for providing smart AAL services based
on the open source platform universAAL. As seen in
Figure 1, uSmAAL inspires its robustness, flexibil-
ity and extendibility from its system architecture. It
consists mainly of five main blocks: hardware, con-
troller, exporter, AAL smart services and the univer-
sAAL open platform. From a Service oriented Ar-
chitecture (SoA) point of view, the uSmAAL system
rely on the semantic open platform uAAL which can
totally avoid a priori agreed APIs by purely relying
on externalized ontological models so that not only
data can be shared based on a universal solution for
data representation, but also control functions can be
accessed in a goal-based way using one single API.
Such an approach can be classified as true semantic
interoperability which enables sharing both data and
functionality based on pluggable ontologies. There-
fore, the uSmAAL will have the ability to:
Read data from various integrated sensors and
combine them to recognize relevant situations.
Utilize functionality provided by diverse devices
distributed in the intelligent space and orchestrate
Achieve an effective behavior in response to the
recognized situations.
Figure 1: uSmAAL System Overview.
Despite the above cited success key and innova-
tive features, several rumors have unfortunately ac-
companied platforms born within the research insti-
tutes and the public funding. Accompanied reasons
are related to “proof of concept” thus doubt about the
platform maturity, reliability, stability and robustness
to reach the market breakthrough. Several interested
industries have always asked the question: “how far
is the platform able to resist to long time execution
under stressed condition”. The suggested system ar-
chitecture will refute rumors about the research origin
software component since the system has proved to be
highly stable and reliable while deploying in real life
3.2 uSmAAL Current AAL Services
Adding to the complete overview of the robust and
functional system running on the top of an open plat-
form in the next subsections, we will start with the
AAL service block as one of the main uSmAAL sys-
tem components since it presents the “functional”
one, where all the interaction with the hardware side
and the platform are done through its intermediate.
The uSmAAL system has created and installed sev-
eral AAL services that aim to maintain information
like status, events or consumption situation about sev-
eral electronic sensors and actuators and control them.
The services provide access to sensors as well as ac-
tuators within each of the homes. Table 1 presents a
sample of the implemented AAL services.
Table 1: A sample of uSmAAL AAL services.
AAL Service Service description
Dim Light Automatic control of the
light system (value in %)
Get Motion status Detect persons activities
Control Heating Controls the heater
through setting a specific
Get Person position Detect the person position
Fall detection Automatic recognize falls
Alarm function Automatic control of the
alarm system (on/off)
Get CO2 value Get information about the
CO2 value in a room
3.3 UniversAAL Platform
The above highlighted uSmAAL individual AAL ser-
vices are running on the top of the semantic open
platform universAAL (Tazari et al., 2012). The latter
one has been built in a community effort since 2010
and finally established in January 2014 thus combin-
ing the best approaches of EU FP6 and FP7. It pro-
vides the result as an open source software platform
for AAL domain. The universAAL platform is an
open-source software platform for the development,
operation and marketing of AAL applications. It is
offered with the Apache Software-License 2.0 and is
especially designed for the development of open and
distributed AAL systems. As a semantic open plat-
form and thanks to its unique features, universAAL
will allow the creation of a sustainable ecosystem of
AAL applications and service providers. From de-
veloper point of view, the open platform-universAAL
offers a set of development features that are relevant
for development time:
Assisted development environment to create AAL
application based on the universAAL open plat-
Distribution of AAL services over different pro-
cessing components in a network
Sharing information and composing services be-
tween all developed application and services upon
Cross-exploitation of the offered functionalities.
Facilitating the extension of an application in
terms of functionalities and devices.
Simplifying the adaptation of a certain application
to new circumstances.
3.4 Exporter
After highlighting the software level, mainly com-
posed of the platform and the uSmAAL AAL ser-
vices, the exporter aims to build the interface be-
tween the real world presented by the hardware and
the related protocol from one side, and the virtual
part presented by the services and an abstraction of
the hardware devices from the other. It receives com-
mands from the AAL services and translates them
into low level instruction depending on the addressed
controller. This means if a specific device is turned on
by some AAL service, the exporter receives this com-
mand and redirects it to the corresponding controller.
Based on the hardware protocol, it transfers the latter
one to the addressed device and vice-versa. If a de-
vice is manually turned on, the AAL services have to
be instantly notified about this through the informa-
tion transferred from the device to its controller, then
to the service through the exporter. Due to the fact
that the exporter builds the bridge between the ser-
vices and the hardware devices, it also represents a
core component of the interoperability in uSmAAL.
Due to the platform capability from one side, and
to the OSGI framework capacity from another, the
exporter has knowledge about the existing controller
and their hardware devices. Thus a developer of an
AAL service can concentrate on implementing differ-
ent AAL service without taking in consideration the
specific controller and hardware protocol.
3.5 Controller
A controller specifies a standard for the communica-
tion where different hardware devices, mainly in a
smart environment, are connected to it.
Within the uSmAAL system, the controller aims
to establish the communication between the AAL ser-
vices and the device layers, it can track the state of
these devices and perform actions that will change
their status. To ensure a maximum capability of in-
teroperability, the uSmAAL system makes it possible
to combine different controller in parallel. Examples
are PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller), KNX or
ZigBee controller. In case of a PLC, the devices will
be connected to its modules and controlled through
the written value in PLC memory. The controller will
receive the commands for controlling devices from
the exporter and change the value in the memory of
the corresponding module accordingly. For example
a lamp can be turned on or off by writing the required
value in the memory address of the module the light
is connected to. If the status of a device is changed
manually, the controller will notice this and the value
in the memory address is changed too. In such a case
the controller will report this change to the exporter.
3.6 Hardware
The current hardware block of the uSmAAL system
is mainly defined by two components: actuators and
sensors. The actuators represent hardware devices
which can be controlled, e.g. lights, heaters, outlets,
blinds, etc. This means it is possible to change the
status of the device by performing some interaction.
This interaction can be performed by directly chang-
ing the actuator values, or automatically through the
system itself (e.g. reasoning). In both cases the con-
troller will perform an action which will result in the
desired outcome. It may also be possible that an actu-
ator is controlled manually like switching a lamp by
pressing a button. If so, the controller will be auto-
matically notified about such an action.
The second component is represented through the
sensors. A sensor measures values and registers mod-
ifications in the environment and notifies the con-
troller about it. A sensor can be for example a mo-
tion sensor, a temperature sensor or a CO2 sensor.
Since sensors are measuring specific variables of the
environment (temperature, CO2 value, etc.), they can
keep track of the actual status of it. Thus they build
the basis for specified rules and reasoning. For ex-
ample reasoning like “turn on the light in a room if
there is movement at night”, is based on the sensors
for movement and daytime.
Figure 2 illustrates the flexible modular architecture
of uSmAAL. Because of the possibility to use several
exporters, the uSmAAL architecture ensures a max-
imum of interoperability. This means all the hard-
ware components are editable, exchangeable and are
able to work in parallel. The AAL services are imple-
mented in the different plug-ins, which are establish-
ing the communication to the exporters. It is possible
for a plug-in to interact with more than one exporter
and thus control many different types of hardware de-
Figure 2: uSmAAL System Overview.
4.1 Interoperability
Interoperability describes the extent to which diverse
system are able to work together to achieve a com-
mon goal. Thus systems and devices can exchange
data and hardware resource easily. Adding to its re-
liability, stability and auditability, interoperable solu-
tions based on open platform offer a very important
cost advantage for their end users. Consequently, bet-
ter adherence to open sources will permit competition
in the market, thus reducing vendor lock and price
monopoly. Last but not least, interoperability offers
a big room of flexibility and freedom to fit the end
user’s needs. uSmAAL system has profit from the
universAAL platform capability and enriches it based
on its modular architecture and the use of Exporter
as an interface between the real environment (Hard-
ware) and the abstract one (Services). In fact, the
exporters are defining a protocol for the communica-
tion between the plugins and the hardware devices, no
matter where they belong to; smart home, eHealth or
other linked domain to the AAL.
In fact, cutting the direct link between the AAL
service plugins and related hardware offer the possi-
bility for changing and/or adding new hardware tech-
nology without being restricted by the solution con-
straint. This was proved with the uSmAAL system
through changing the PLC controller and related de-
vice with a KNX one, with the use of the same AAL
Adding to it, the designed architecture of uS-
mAAL offer one of the main needed capability by
AAL system which is the system integration, where
several new AAL services “plug-ins” can be easily
added to the actual ones, then dynamically linked to
the appropriate hardware layer.
4.2 Reasoning and Service Evolution
As observed from the beginning, the uSmAAL sys-
tem as a SoA is classified as a “modular” architec-
ture, since it’s mainly composed of several basic AAL
services able to respond the elementary functionali-
ties, dynamically communicating together due to the
available semantic layer. The modular approach, as
a key for future programming technology, aims to di-
vide the set of complete application to basic modules.
It intends to facilitate the re-combination of modules
differently, thus offering several new sets of services
and/or recognized states dynamically and in a more
flexible way.
The recombination process is reinforced through
several components developed within the univer-
sAAL system, the situation reasoning and the Drools
reasoner. Based on these components, it will be too
easy to separately create new intelligent rules, thus
combining several individual AAL services and com-
ing with new situation or a combination of AAL ser-
vices. For example, one key technology installed be-
hind the uSmAAL is the localization of residents in
their homes and neighborhoods. Once installed, many
services can be placed together such as modular fall
detection, intrusion detection, alerts when leaving the
house or if the window is still open; and much more,
Figure 3. Modular technologies will be the main key
toward offering better services with minimum cost.
Figure 3: Modular Approach Overview.
Let us recall that the purpose of this paper is to sci-
entifically reject all negative feedbacks around open
platforms, mainly the fact that they are not stable,
neither reliable and have never been tested in real
environment and only used for research. This will
be demonstrated via an opposite example: the uS-
mAAL system. Indeed, the suggested system solu-
tion is created upon an open platform, thus profiting
from all the advantages previously highlighted in the
earlier section. The exploitation of the uSmAAL sys-
tem will only make sense if it is in parallel tested and
proved. It is therefore crucial for the evaluation to in-
clude real pilot sites and test in realistic conditions.
The evaluation framework should assess a system’s
quality, which thus will be held to valuable informa-
tion in addition to hands-on practical information on
the performance. To do so, the evaluation framework
assesses the uSmAAL system reliability and sustain-
ability. Unfortunately, the literature study revealed
that currently no AAL specific evaluation model ex-
ists. We aim through this section to evaluate the uS-
mAAL system such that each part and the whole sys-
tem functions successfully and with stability.
5.1 Evaluation Approach
The uSmAAL system performance will retain open
till finding a concrete answer, mainly related to its
sustainability and reliability, to judge its readiness for
industrialization and deployment in real life environ-
ment. To evaluate the system thoroughly, we will di-
vide it such that each level can be analyzed and tested
individually and together to achieve our goal of a sta-
ble and reliable system. As a matter of fact, the sta-
bility factor will be validated if every bounded input
will be held in a bounded output over an optimal time
interval. Concerning the reliability factor, a system is
reliable if, including all hardware, firmware, and soft-
ware, will satisfactorily perform the task for which it
was designed or intended, for a specified time and in
a specified environment. For example, it is very im-
portant to have a stable and a reliable system when
checking the connection between the PLC controller
and exporter, thus to confirm that the socket connec-
tion is successfully established every time. To achieve
our goal, the system evaluation will be composed of
two main evaluation block: The Functional testing
and the Stress testing. While functional testing will
help to validate the functionality of each individual
service, the stress testing will validate the system sta-
bility and reliability.
5.2 Functional Test
The uSmAAL system is actually composed by run-
ning single services based on four main ontologies:
Physical things, devices, furniture and profiles. Func-
tional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and
a type of black box testing that bases its test cases
on the specifications of the software component un-
der test. Functions are tested by feeding them in-
put and examining the output, where internal program
structure is rarely considered. Functional Testing usu-
ally describes what the system does. Within the uS-
mAAL system, the different AAL services are tested,
to check if all are executed accurately to get the re-
quired output. Some of the examples of test cases
that were tested to check functionality include test-
ing whether the universAAL application runs success-
fully, the configuration file is parsed successfully, also
to check if the devices can be controlled without any
errors, each device have their respective correct mem-
ory addresses. Each use case is tested for all the de-
vices of the device type. For each test case expected
output was obtained, e.g. when a light was turned on,
it did turn on as expected and thus the functional test
is validated.
5.3 Stress Test
Stress testing is a software testing activity that deter-
mines the robustness of software by testing beyond
the limits of normal operation. Stress tests com-
monly put a greater emphasis on robustness, avail-
ability, and error handling under a heavy load, than
on what would be considered correct behavior under
normal circumstances (Zhang et al., 2008). Putting
uSmAAL under high usage condition will be the way
to validate its robustness and readiness for the market.
5.3.1 Looping the Service Requests
The automatic loop for starting the entire uSmAAL
service for all registered devices every minute aims to
restart almost 50 services every minute. The test aims
to validate the communication reliability and stability
between the AAL services and the Exporter. After 2
weeks of test, uSmAAL Service execution is achieved
without exceptions and delay. Figure 4 shows the
graph of delay in milliseconds for each AAL service
execution. Observing the x-axis we can see that dur-
ing more than 3000 service execution within the uS-
mAAL system, an execution delay of 1020 to 1030ms
is obtained where the service call execution time is
only 10ms (AAL Smart Service level) where as the
hardware part (AAL Hardware level) consumes more
than 95% of the execution time . Taking onto ac-
count the complexity of the PLC processing and same
the network communication, the delay has kept a sta-
ble average along the test period with a granularity of
±30 millisecond due to the above mentioned factor.
Figure 4: Delay in milliseconds versus service calls.
5.3.2 Proving the Connection Stability Between
the Exporter and the PLC
After proving the bridge between the AAL service
layer and the Exporter, it is now time to stress the con-
nection between the exporter and the Controller, thus
the purpose of this test case is to check the stability of
the established socket connection between both lay-
ers. After running the protocol for the same test pe-
riod (2 Weeks), more than 600 000 established socket
connections were error free based on the log file.
5.3.3 Analyzing the Service calls
In a more qualitative test, we have analyzed the uni-
versAAL open platform log files looking for logged
call status for each services. Based on the univer-
sAAL platform, the call status can end with val-
ues: Succeeded; No matching service found; Re-
sponse timed out ;Service specific failure
Figure 5 presents a log portion about the status of
a service call. After analyzing all the log files with
more than million lines, all services execution are al-
ways returned with the “:call succeeded” status, thus
reflecting the reliability of the platform from one side
and the uSmAAL system from another one.
Figure 5: CallStatus succeeded.
5.3.4 Memory Usage
The memory usage issues are considered as most
common issues for open platform extracted from the
research environment. For the created uSmAAL sys-
tem, and due to its critical impact on the system fu-
ture, we have tracked the memory evolution through
the standard java tools “visualvm” for more than one
month, the memory evolution was always stable and
never exceeded a heap of 250MB. Figure 6 presents a
sample of the memory evolution.
Figure 6: Memory consumption Graph.
Nowadays, existing AAL systems are bound to al-
ready implemented services and special types of hard-
ware devices. This lack of dynamic makes them
rather unusable for the long term usage in a real life
environment. From the other side, and despite the
wide spread support for openness and heterogeneity,
most projects have not yet sufficiently reached a ma-
ture level allowing them to access the industrial mar-
ket where only a very few AAL open platform archi-
tecture are linked to the industry by producing a sta-
ble and sustainable system mature enough to break
through the market. Moreover, there is no best prac-
tice about how to use them in real life deployment.
We have made an attempt through the current pa-
per to refute all negative feedback and misunderstand-
ings around AAL Open Platform. The presented uS-
mAAL system builds upon the open platform univer-
sAAL and has proven a very advanced degree of sta-
bility and reliability, while being deployed in a real
life environment. It has been recently deployed in 22
apartments for elderly people thus supporting them
for their daily activities, and increasing their comfort
and security in the meantime. In addition, this paper
has presented the best practice related to the combi-
nation of the needed components, while deploying it
in real environment. The delivered system is expand-
able. Thus extra-AAL services can be implemented
and the set of hardware devices/protocols can be ex-
tended and/or exchanged and the set of supported de-
vices can be extended. At the end the required result
is obtained and our goal of a stable and reliable sys-
tem is achieved and approved.
Further future work will mainly articulate com-
plex situation recognition in an AAL smart environ-
ment add to the enrichment of the actual service cata-
logue with more health oriented AAL services.
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