not bound, hence the first expression evaluates to
The following SELECT clause is eventually evaluated:
SELECT (CONCAT("ObjectSomeValuesFrom",
"(", st:process(?p), " ", st:process(?z),
")") AS ?out).
As ?p and ?z both are bound to URIs, the evalua-
tion of st:process(?p) and st:process(?z) even-
tually returns the Turtle format of these URI. The re-
sult of the above SELECT clause and therefore of the
template is then the string:
"ObjectSomeValuesFrom(a:hasChild a:Person)"
As there is only one result, the final
group concat(?out) aggregate does not change it.
This result is returned to the first template as the value
of st:process(?y) in its SELECT clause . The result
of this SELECT clause and therefore of the first tem-
plate is then the following string:
ObjectSomeValuesFrom(a:hasChild a:Person))"
This is precisely the expression in OWL Func-
tional syntax of the example of OWL statement cho-
sen as input to illustrate the STTL transformation.
In this paper we considered two related problems: (1)
the transformation of RDF to present RDF data to
users, e.g., into a HTML domain or application de-
pendant format, and (2) the transformation of RDF
when it is used as a meta-model to represent on the
Web other languages and their abstract graph struc-
ture. We addressed the general problem of trans-
forming RDF into other languages. We answered
this question by specifying STTL, a generic and do-
main independent extension to SPARQL to support
the declarative representation of any special-purpose
RDF transformation as a set of transformation rules.
Being based on SPARQL, STTL inherits its expres-
sivity and its extension mechanisms. This specifica-
tion and the algorithms we described have been im-
plemented and tested in a generic transformation rule
engine part of the Corese Semantic Web Factory plat-
form (Corby et al., 2012; Corby and Faron-Zucker,
2010). This means all these results are part of this
open-source platform. We demonstrated the feasi-
bility and genericity of our approach by providing
several transformations including: RDF-to-RDF syn-
taxes, RDF-to-HTML, RDF OWL 2-to-OWL 2 Func-
tional syntax.
As future work, regarding the performances of our
generic transformation rule engine, we intend to im-
prove them by implementing heuristics to optimize
the selection of templates. We should compare in the
short term the performance of our generic transforma-
tion rule engine with that of existing tools for specific
RDF transformations. For instance, we may compare
the performance of our engine with that of the parser
of the well known OWL API
for transforming large
OWL 2 ontologies from RDF/XML syntax into Func-
tional syntax.
Regarding the exploitation of our generic trans-
formation rule engine to implement RDF transform-
ers into specific languages, we intend to augment the
number of STTL transformations available by writing
rule sets for other formats and domains. In the cases
where the TEMPLATE clauses of the transformation
rules produce RDF triples (as text), we define RDF-
to-RDF transformations with SPARQL Template. In
particular, we envisage implementing a special case
of RDF-to-RDF transformation to anonymize RDF
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