Design Principles for Collaboration Platforms for Open Education
Safa’a AbuJarour
, Henri Pirkkalainen
, Jan Pawlowski
, Markus Bick
, Migle Bagucanskyte
, Anna
, Raimund Hudak
, Constantinos Makropoulos
, Dimitra Pappa
, Vassilis Pitsilis
Anne-Christin Tannhauser
, Elena Trepule
, Aristedes Vidalis
and Airina Volungeviciene
Chair of Business Information Systems, ESCP Europe, Berlin, Germany
University of Jyv
a, Jyv
a, Finland
Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, M
ulheim, Germany
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Duale Hochschule Baden W
urttemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
National Centre for Scientific Research, Athens, Greece
Open Education, Open Educational Resources, OER, Collaboration Platforms, Collaboration.
Increasing the current low uptake of Open Education Resources (OER) is a key challenge for researchers and
practitioners in the field. User studies have shown that collaboration is a main success factor for successful
open educational activities. However, effective collaboration in open educational contexts requires well
planned processes and platforms supporting collaboration, in particular in physically distributed settings.
We have been investigating the value of such platforms, their main features and user requirements to enable
collaboration from immature ideas to completed resources. We used quantitative and qualitative research
methods to collect insights from potential users of such collaboration platforms to validate our approach.
Based on these insights, we developed a collaboration platform for open education. We validated our platform
using observation groups and focus groups to identify the key design principles of powerful collaboration
platforms for Open Education. Examples are the need for a simple tool, use of a common terminology, and
considering Intellectual Property Rights. In this paper, we present our findings from an initial validation
of our collaboration platform and give recommendations towards powerful collaboration platforms for open
educational contexts.
Emerging technologies have been enabling a
multitude of opportunities for creating innovative
and attractive forms of Open Education. The main
approaches currently discussed in the context of
Open Education are Open Educational Resources
(OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) (Chen,
2010; Hatakka, 2009; Richter and Ehlers, 2011).
OER deals with the learning and teaching objects
that are commonly shared in online repositories
once they have been implemented and applied in a
particular context and using an open license such as
Creative Commons (Davis et al., 2010). OEP are
shared as experiences or good practices after they
have been tried out in real life (Richter and Ehlers,
2011), helping others determining potentially good
learning designs. In principle, OER and OEP are
mainly shared after the resources are completed and
applied in a particular context, allowing little chance
for reflection and collaboration.
Researchers have observed that the wealth of
available OER and OEP is not up to their full potential
(Ochoa and Duval, 2009). It has been shown that
the main barriers against the adoption of OER are
related to several social, cultural, and organizational
issues that keep open education reaching its potential
(Hatakka, 2009; D’Antoni, 2009; Chen, 2010). The
main identified barriers include trust and personal
relations, and lack of awareness of open educational
opportunities and advantages (AbuJarour et al.,
2014). The key to Open Educational success is to
overcome these barriers and to increase trust among
users and corresponding repositories or platforms.
This article addresses the observed problems by
a new approach to get educators better engaged
AbuJarour S., Pirkkalainen H., Pawlowski J., Bick M., Bagucanskyte M., Frankenberg A., Hudak R., Makropoulos C., Pappa D., Pitsilis V., Tannhauser
A., Trepule E., Vidalis A. and Volungeviciene A..
Design Principles for Collaboration Platforms for Open Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0005451003490359
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 349-359
ISBN: 978-989-758-107-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to the process of creating teaching and learning
resources. Our approach aims at improving the
uptake of OER through a collaborative process. The
main idea of our approach is to emotionally attach
educators to OER by engaging them at an early
stage of the OER activity’s development process, i.e.,
when the resources are still in the ideation phase.
This engagement is enabled through a collaboration
platform, where educators can collaboratively create
and shape ideas of OER. We approach this problem
using a mixed approach of applying design science
research approaches, combining quantitative and
qualitative methods.
This article reports from an ongoing inquiry.
So far we have arranged discussion groups in
the form of six workshops and several interviews
to collect preliminary insights from educators
on their perceptions and actions towards open
education and the collaborative creation of teaching
resources (AbuJarour et al., 2014; Pirkkalainen and
Pawlowski, 2014). Based on these insights, the
basic requirements on our proposed approach were
generated for the purpose of this study. Our
proposed approach was refined and a collaboration
platform for open education was developed. This
study presents the validation results of our developed
collaboration platform with potential users through
observation and focus groups. The main objective
is to give recommendations in a form of design
principles for powerful collaborations platforms in
open educational contexts.
In this paper, we report on our journey of
investigating the low-uptake of OER problem, leading
to our validation phase including observation and
focus groups, and our key findings with respect to the
design principles of collaborative open educational
The key contributions of this paper are:
Identifying key challenges, success factors, and
barriers for collaboration around OER.
Revealing key design principles of collaboration
platforms that facilitating idea sharing approach
in open educational contexts.
This paper is structured as follows: This
introductory section is followed by the necessary
background in Section 2. Then, we describe our
methodology and instruments in Section 3. In
Section 4, we introduce our key findings with respect
to the design principles of collaboration platforms
in Open Education. We discuss the key points
in Section 5. Finally, we conclude this paper in
Section 6.
In this section, we give the necessary fundamentals
to proceed with the rest of this paper. In particular,
we explain the importance of OER reusability and
the value of collaboration and idea sharing in Open
2.1 Re-using Open Educational
Resources (OER)
Open education consists of many approaches
to strive for openness on different levels of
education. Open Educational Resources (OER)
are defined by UNESCO as “open provision of
educational resources, enabled by information and
communication technologies, for consultation, use
and adaptation by a community of users for non-
commercial purposes” (UNESCO, 2002). OERs can
be multifold digital resources ranging from simple
presentations,such as, PowerPoint files to full online
courses provided openly for educators and learners to
apply (Downes, 2007; for Educational Research and
Innovation, 2007). Teaching and learning resources
are re-usable and can be modified and adapted
to different contexts to improve the education
experience (Richter and Ehlers, 2011). Common
research approach has been investigating how to
make learning objects available and reusable for
educators and learners (Hyl
en, 2006; Hatakka, 2009;
D’Antoni, 2009).
Several OER initiatives have observed huge
potentials for the wide spread of OER and proposed
approaches to use, apply and re-use OER. Part of
these initiatives have dedicated efforts to provide
sets of guidelines and best practices about how to
re-use OER. For instance, Okada et al. propose
using of social media (Okada et al., 2013), whereas
Inacol (2013) and Pirkkalainen and Pawlowski (2010)
propose practical guides with step by step procedures
on re-using OER. However, such OER guidelines
are typically crafted based on ideal processes and
basic assumptions for creating OER rather than real,
conducted collaborations.
Many OER collaborative experiences have
been reported in the form of case studies from
cross-institutional OER creation (Educause, 2013)
to case studies in Africa (Sapire and Reed, 2011).
Such case studies draw attention to the opportunities
and benefits of co-creating and re-using OER. While
being exemplary cases, the collaborative efforts in
open education are not yet a common practice.
Reviewing the main approaches of OER presented
above, we observe that the main character of OER is
focused on re-using and adapting complete materials,
resources, or scenarios (e.g. lesson plans) during the
development of new activities (e.g., courses). This
means that OER are applied after the resources have
been shared in existing repositories and much of the
context-sensitive and pedagogical thinking might be
Reconsideration of the ways to make OER
sustainable needs to be addressed. Previous studies
on the existing OER platforms uptake have shown
how the open education still struggles to reach active
communities and knowledge sharing (Ochoa and
Duval, 2009) Educators experience difficulties and
barriers that usually relate to social and organizational
aspects and unawareness of OER (D’Antoni, 2009;
Chen, 2010). However, the open education movement
benefits from the increasing use of ICT in education,
as teachers are exposed to new ways of open and
transparent didactics with a multitude of social media
applications for education (Wever et al., 2007; Lai and
Chen, 2011).
2.2 Lessons Learned from Related
Disciplines and Practices
While OER and open education is general is a rather
new domain area, it still deals with approaches and
issues that are encompassed in related disciplines. It
has become common approach to engage educators
in to virtual OER communities and expose them to
services most commonly witnessed and discussed for
social media (Ha et al., 2011). It is critical to discuss
how to embed the new types of OER platforms to
the daily practices of educators and to design these
to allow maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
The design of information systems has been a
prominent topic for decades within Computer Science
as in Information Systems literature (Iivari, 2014).
The research paradigm of Design Science Research
(DSR) has included discussions on meta-designs
and meta-requirements to elaborate how particular
systems should and could be designed (Hevner et al.,
2004; Walls et al., 1992).
Static information repositories that allow retrieval
and sharing of OER have been a common practice
for years across all educational levels, ranging from
national to international databases containing wide
range of educational resources (Tabuenca et al., 2012;
Ochoa and Duval, 2009; Davis et al., 2010). Yet,
only handful of these repositories reaches sustainable
user bases (Ochoa and Duval, 2009). Many authors
have argued that the didactical concepts, intentions,
the reasoning and the background of OER is not
properly understood and remaining shallow during
the data retrieval process within repositories (Atkins
et al., 2007; Chen, 2010; Richter and Ehlers, 2011).
The possible solution for this has been argued through
increasing knowledge sharing between educators
to elaborate and discuss how to best apply these
resources in practice (Hatakka, 2009).
While virtual communities and deployment of
better options for knowledge sharing can be argued
to be vital, the contribution behavior in online
environments has been witnessed to be challenging
to sustain. Such barriers have been identified and
explained in educational contexts (Pirkkalainen and
Pawlowski, 2014) as for open source communities
(Roberts et al., 2006) and for distributed settings
in general (Noll et al., 2010; Pallot et al., 2010).
Tsai and Bagozzi (2014) argued that group norms,
attitudes and anticipated emotions contribute to
towards behavioral we intentions that are crucial for
knowledge sharing in virtual communities.
To overcome those barriers, different
interventions are possible. We focus on intervening
during build time using design principles which
describe inherent attributes which determine the
success of a technology (Mueller and Strohmeier,
2011). As an example, Mueller and Strohmeier
(2010) propose necessary attributes for Virtual
Learning Environments, amongst them reliability,
security, interactivity, appeal, multimodality, or
enjoyment. Similar recommendations have been
made for Social Environments for Learning (Dron,
2007) and Collaboration Environments (Kollock,
1998) or Virtual Worlds (Chaturvedi et al., 2011) in
general. Therefore, we utilize the approach of Design
Principles to provide recommendations and ensure
the usefulness for practitioners.
The research activity described within this article
focuses especially on the ways to reach a commitment
and sense of belonging within virtual communities in
open education.
2.3 Towards Collaboration and Idea
Sharing in Open Education
In our research, we focus on tweaking the steps
that are accomplished before having the resources
complete and shared. In particular, in situations
when ideas are initiated, shaped, and shared with
like-minded people in order to create new educational
outcomes, such as OER. Our approach is based
on the initiative of Pirkkalainen and Pawlowski
that suggests taking a step back and defining what
could encourage the collaboration in early stages and
sharing new ideas that are not yet matured to existing
OER (Pirkkalainen and Pawlowski, 2014). This
initiative proposes that collaboration is more likely to
take place when educators feel emotional ownership
(Pawlowski, 2012) of the knowledge they create.
Emotional ownership is described as the degree that
individuals perceive that the knowledge belongs to
them (Bj
ornberg and Nicholson, 2012). Jones and
Jordan assume that the lack of emotional ownership
could be one of the main reasons that the uptake of
OER is very low (Jones and Jordan, 1998).
Although, idea sharing processes are not new,
they are not considered within the open education
context. The purpose of such processes is to engage
the collaborators to the collaboration process and to
the resources being created. Therefore, stakeholders
do not have to re-use completed resources, but
they are rather involved in the development process
itself. A similar approach is discussed from a design
perspective by (Treviranus, 2010) described as the
Wabi-Sabi principle. This principle aims at designing
resources in an imperfect way that later adopters
have certain space to incorporate their own design,
pedagogical, and technical ideas. This principle
enables stakeholders to be involved in an early stage
and build new OER.
In this section, we describe our methodology and
instruments that were applied for validation purposes
to derive the main design principles of collaborative
platforms in open educational contexts. Following
a design science research approach (Hevner et al.,
2004), we decided to interweave qualitative and
quantitate methods whenever it is possible and
reasonable in order maximize the “knowledge yield”
(McCall and Bobko, 1990) of an evaluation endeavor.
The goal of applying this approach is: (a) to validate
the concept of idea sharing in creating OER in higher
education and business related environment, and (b)
to find out the needs within Open Education and to
validate our proposed approach. Both goals lead to
identifying key design principles towards successful
collaborative platforms for open education.
3.1 Case Study: OEI2-Project
The research we conduct deals with new ways
for educators to share and collaborate on OER.
The context of inquiry is especially set to higher
education. The study was conducted in EU-project
“Open Educational Ideas and Innovations OEI2”
( One of the key aims of
the project is to create a collaborative platform for
open education. As discussed previously in this paper,
several steps were taken to identify the perceptions of
educators towards collaborative creation of OERs and
towards idea sharing. The requirements gathering and
the conceptual work that were accomplished through
a series of workshops and interviews will not be
discussed in this article. Based on the results of the
workshops and interviews (AbuJarour et al., 2014),
a collaboration platform for idea sharing in open
educational contexts was created.
The validation of the collaboration platform for
open education will be discussed in this article,
leading to elicitation of design principles that serve
as meta-requirements or meta-artifacts (Walls et al.,
1992) for further creation of collaborative platforms
for Educational purposes. The platform is developed
to showcase collaboration idea sharing in the context
of OER.
Figure 1 depicts the main steps of our
This online collaboration platform is designed
to enable and support collaboration throughout the
entire OER lifecycle. The core of our portal is a
component that enables educators to co-create and
Phase 3Phase 1
Workshops Interviews
Preliminary Insights
& Requirements
Implementation Observations
Phase 2
Figure 1: Our methodology: Workshops and Interviews to gain preliminary insights and user requirements, implementing
these requirements, and validating the implemented tool to gain design principles (Highlighted areas depict the focus of this
share any type of ideas. Registered users can use it
to create OER, open e-textbooks, MOOCs or even
an educational software solution or virtual mobility
action between two or more universities. “Ideas”
represent the basic entity of this space. Registered
users can initiate ideas or join the development of
existing ideas. Through collaborative discussion,
these initial ideas can become mature and therefore
form OER. The basic functionalities of our platform
Idea Posting and Sharing. Providing educators the
possibility to create new ideas (courses, materials,
documents, etc.) that they can subsequently share
with other interested peers.
Idea Search. Enabling users to search for ideas
based on several criteria, e.g., topic, educational
level, language, country, etc.
Idea Development. Providing a refined innovative,
but yet simple to use, collaboration space where
ideas can be discussed, designed and developed
towards OER. The collaboration space includes
functionalities to structure the idea to several
activities, to write collaboratively, to comment on
others contributions and to use video conferencing
within the collaborative documents.
Idea Administration. Idea owners and
administrators can edit basic idea fields (e.g.,
title, description, idea visibility) and also add
more idea members (collaborators) either from
existing portal members or by inviting (via email)
non-registered colleagues, delete participants or
redefine idea members’ roles.
OER Repository. Including a wealth of collected
OER for business and management in addition to
the published OER that come out of our platform.
3.2 Validation Approach
Our validation approach consists of two phases:
Observation groups and focus groups. During the
observation groups phase, educators were invited
to use the idea sharing space. We collected their
feedback on the platform and we observed their
behavior. During the focus groups phase, involved
users were invited to join workshops regarding their
feedback to the advantages and limitations of the
initial portal prototype.
The groups of potential users interested in
collaborative idea generation were introduced to the
initial version of our project. The observation
activities took place face-to-face, through Adobe
Connect or Skype video conferencing facilities when
collaborating educators were testing the platform.
The users invited collaborators to their idea and
tried all the available functionalities for idea creation.
During the observation, the users could freely use the
tool how they see best for creation of their idea. They
could develop new ideas or join existing ideas.
During the observation group, 23 teams have
been built in project partner organizations around
educational ideas whereas each team consisted of 26
collaborators. In total 56 users from 4 European
countries Finland, Germany, Greece and Lithuania
have validated the process using initial infrastructure
of the portal.
Most of the observed educators were also invited
to express their ideas in the focus group interviews
after that and the feedback of their discussions was
documented. The focus of each session was to
discuss: 1) How did they like the platform, 2) how
would they improve it and for what reason, 3) whether
the tool is easy to navigate, 4) how to improve
the usability of the platform, 5) discussing the
opportunities for using the tool beyond collaborative
course development, 6) open discussion on the
participants perceptions and feelings towards the tool
and the conceptual foundation behind it.
There were 52 participants in 5 focus groups. The
educators and researchers who participated in the
open idea sharing space validation represented
different fields of education: Economics,
management, business administration, marketing
and communication, statistics, business information
systems, education, IT, eLearning, etc. Some
educators were more experienced in the field of
creating or using OER while others were interested,
but did not have much experience in collaborative
idea sharing or creating OER. Some participants
were experienced in different aspects of technology
enhanced learning teaching online using video
conferencing tools, creating, using and administrating
Table 1 summarizes the demographics of the
observation and focus groups.
The findings of our research are structured as
follows. First we present the validation results from
our observations and focus groups. Secondly, we
present a synthesis on these findings and discuss
our recommendations for further developing the
concept of collaborative idea generation as well as the
collaboration platforms for OER.
Table 1: Demographics of our validation phase
Host Groups Participants Medium Educational Fields & Positions
(Partner 1) 4 12 Face to Face &
- Information Systems Researchers / Teachers
- E-learning
(Partner 2) 4 10 Face to Face &
Adobe Connect
- Business Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Master Student, IT
- Mathematics
- PhD Degree, IT
(Partner 3) 4 12 Face to Face - Organizational Strategy and Change
- Information Systems
- MSc, PhD Candidate, PhD holder
- Management and Tourism
(Partner 4) 5 10 Face to Face - Academia
- IT, Education
(Partner 5) 6 12 Face to Face - Academic Assistant
- Co-rector
- Communication Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Prof. for Consumer Goods
- Prof. in Economics
- Prof. in Management Studies
- Prof. in Quantitative Methods and Business
- Prof. of Economy and Visiting Lecturer
- Researcher, Educator, Business consultant
- Researcher
4.1 Validation Results
The Look of the Portal. The remarks regarding
the look of the idea sharing space portal provide
a rich variety of reactions ranging from very
positive remarks (e.g., “almost perfect”) to average
assessments (e.g., “OK”) and all the way to rather
negative reactions. 17 collaborating teams liked the
simple look of the portal, its design, colors and
that it is not crowded but rather structured and easy
to understand. 2 Teams indicated user-friendliness
and usability of the idea sharing space. One team
expressed positive attitude towards the portal, but
found it too anonymous as it was not clear with
whom collaboration is going on. One team was very
critical and felt that the portal is very chaotic and not
self-explanatory. Another team indicated that it was
“very basic, little bit old-school”, while another team
indicated a contrary and found it as “a very modern,
well-designed portal following all current trends in
web development”.
The Positive Aspects of the Portal. 8 teams of
collaborating educators indicated that they found
navigation easy and not complicated, as some have
pointed out “the portal is really easy to use even
for a beginner”. Others (9 teams) agreed that
it is generally easy to navigate, but also some
additional improvements are needed, such as missing
descriptions of specific aspects in some of the pages,
next steps, some buttons are not clear or quick
comment function. 4 Teams mentioned that they
found navigation not very easy and think that it should
be improved “It looks simple, but not very easy to
navigate”. It was indicated 3 times that there is a
need for a manual or video tutorial. 8 teams found the
portal difficult to navigate and indicated some specific
aspects: “It is not clear what is the difference between
to collaborate, chat and comment”, “when a new user
is selecting an idea it is not clear who has initiated the
The participants, who also participated in the
workshops and interviews, when trying the open idea
sharing space indicated different aspects that they like
about the portal. Part of the collaborating educator
teams (8 teams) mentioned that they liked the idea
of open idea sharing space itself. They expressed
their feedback clearly: “You don’t have to meet face
to face and create a course online”, “I like the fact
that I can join groups of people with supplementary
ideas to mine”, “I like the fact that a new platform is
being developed which will give me the opportunity
to build and develop an idea faster and in a more
collaborative way removing time and space barriers”,
“I like the interactive work between collaborators”.
Several teams (9 teams) like the fact that they
may follow the collaborating partners on the screen,
interact with them and follow their contributions:
“The conferencing function in the etherpad is great”.
Moreover, they also like to see different partners
contributing in different colors, the video feature.
and the comment option: “The ability to comment
is an excellent one particularly for everyone using
social media...this makes the portal very engaging”.
Several educator teams indicated that they like the
simplicity and clarity of the portal (16 teams: “It is
kept very simple which it should”; “template is very
clean, organized, with perfect navigation, distraction
free”, “the platform looks clean and not too crowded”,
“easy navigation with the three steps: search, create,
repository”, “the layout is nice, and I like the flat
design”, “easy overview”, “easy navigation”, etc.
Different teams like different aspects and features
of the idea collaboration team; a “lightweight” and
“responsive” mobile template, WYSIWYG (What
You See Is What You Get) editor with a lot of
capabilities, the feature of showing the newest idea,
the template to help in creating the idea, “the look and
feel” that is “very modern”, “serious and friendly”,
“pleasant” user experience, the idea of linking to
OER, which is “nice, interesting, and useful”, the
entry page that is “well-structured and easy to create
or search a new Idea”.
Aspects to Improve. The educators trying the
collaborating space for idea development also
mentioned different aspects that they deemed should
be improved. Some limitations that users expressed
are related to the current initial stage of the portal
development and will be eliminated in further
stages, e.g., users indicated that the temporary
warnings of the site with insecure content should
be removed and asked for more features (3 teams)
such as possibilities to connect MS Word, MS
PPT documents, links to social media, etc. These
features are planned to be added in further stages of
project development. One educator team regretted
that the space was not useful for creating MOOCs.
Their remarks are very important in this initial
phase of portal development as they provide clear
directions for further development and validation of
the collaboration space.
4.2 Design Principles
It is crucial that such new services for open education
are designed to fit the needs and requirements of
educators. For this purpose meta-designs and artifacts
(Walls et al., 1992; Hevner et al., 2004) are important
to extract fundamental and crucial components of
these platforms. This observation emphasizes the
need for key design principles for collaboration
platforms in the context of open education. The key
principles based on our current research are:
This observation emphasizes the need for key design
principles for powerful collaboration platforms in the
context of open education. The key principles based
on our current research are:
The Need for Simple Tools. New tools for OER
should have a simple layout and intuitive
navigation. User experience on the system should
match user experience on social networks and
common websites, such as Google (Okada et al.,
Diversify and Adapt based on the User. When
creating ideas and building those towards OER,
the needs for the technology differ radically. It
is important to make clusters of main user groups
of the system and provide each with specialized
contents, structures and support. The system
needs to adapt and be responsive based on the
information users have given about themselves.
Enable the Creation of Multiple Types of
Outcomes and Personalize based on Those.
Educators do not only create course materials
from PDFs to PowerPoints, but they also
would like to create MOOCs, e-Textbooks and
educational software. Each of the outcomes
generated have implications on the collaborative
process and the structures and guidance the
system should offer. Users expect such structures
to be there automatically without spending a lot
of time modifying the offered templates.
The Use of a Common Terminology. New
technologies and ways of working easily
introduce new terms for users. This might raise
confusion. Just a term OER can be confusing
to a teacher, even if they are familiar what the
practice and concept stands for. Therefore, it is
important to introduce the terminologies used in
such systems.
Enable the Integration of Social Media Tools
and OER Adaptation Tools. Users expectations
differ drastically when it comes to use of
social media and Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in their collaborative efforts.
It is important to design the platform similar to
successful social media sites while adapting it
specifically to educational collaborations. The
further integration of tools should be at the
hands of the user. Offering an API (Application
Programming Interface) for educators is not
enough. The tools should be easy to drag and drop
to the collaboration space when there is need for
Provide Simple User Support Regarding the
Stages of the Collaboration. It is important
to guide the educators during their usage of
the platform. Next steps should be explained
in advance by means of pop-up or tooltips.
For instance, what happens when they start/stop
collaboration, post an item, search for ideas, etc.
Without structure, educators easily get lost when
there is a new way for collaboration involved.
Version Control. In collaborative work, it is
essential to track changes. It is important to
track what is changed, when, and by whom.
Sometimes, it is helpful to go back to earlier
versions of the original idea or its surrounding
materials to verify that the development progress
is going in the right direction (Whitehead Jr. and
Wiggins, 1998).
Consider Intellectual Property Rights. Those
rights are not only related to completed OER. The
general question regarding the future of the idea:
What happens if I want to take my idea away?
Is it possible at all to delete it? Is it possible to
delete my user? (Richter and Ehlers, 2011; Gray
et al., 2008).
Support Uploading Different File Formats to the
Ideas. Rich content formats are vital to build
strong ideas. Textual descriptions and short
comments are helpful, but other file formats make
the idea richer. For instance, Excel, Word, PDF,
PPT, video, audio, etc. Users are friends of
desktop tools, therefore such tools need to support
these desktop tools to survive.
Low On-boarding Barriers. To attract educators
to new platforms, it is important to keep the
on-boarding efforts minimal. There are a plenty
of existing educational tools, and educators do
not want to learn yet another tool. Also, the
structures and designs of new platforms should be
comparable to the structures and designs of tool
educators are used to. For instance, user profiles
can be extended by importing user profiles from
existing professional networks, e.g. LinkedIn,
Xing, Research-Gate, etc.
Personalized Recommendations and Match-
making. Give educators recommendations on
similar ideas and further collaborators based on
their interests. Extended user profiles can be used
to achieve this goal. It is crucial to simplify the
user experience and the effort / time educators
need to use.
The validation results showed how educators are
rather new to collaborative practices on OER. What
needs to be discussed is the fact that many of the
collaborations taken place in the online platform
were initiated face-to-face by individuals who already
know each other. Additionally, many collaborators
who were active in the discussions face-to-face did
not engage in online ones. While discussing the
technical point of view for designing collaboration
platforms for OER, the non-technical perspectives
and soft issues will mostly define whether the tool will
be used or not. It is especially important to reduce
the amount of time educators need to use in getting
familiar with the technology. Satisfying the needs
for an efficient collaborative practice is important but
also to place the platform in line with other successful
technologies in the market. To strive towards this
goal, the study at hand presented a validation of a
collaborative platform for open education, leading to
generalizable design principles that can be further
applied by related initiatives and developers.
Our research has shown that educators and
learners see the benefits for online collaboration
on the idea-level, for instance, when new courses
and educational offerings are being planned.
Nevertheless, one of the challenges is the context of
higher education where openness is not always
a goal to strive towards. Universities have
been developing their regular and online-courses
individually. Learning content for specific courses
is either developed by individual instructors or
any collaboration is restricted to intra-university
communities and/or includes limited external
contributors that form part of the instructor’s
academic acquaintances. Therefore, it is critical to
the success of idea sharing in Open Education to
(a) address the educators’ lack of awareness of the
advantages of collaborative idea generation, and (b)
promote and empower a dedicated community of
This study contributes especially in understanding
the requirements of educators and learners towards
collaboration platforms in open education. Our
research resulted in key design principles for powerful
collaboration platforms in the context of open
education. Part of these design principles, support
main findings in existing research and emphasize
There is extensive research on the user’s need
for simple tools, in particular with regards to social
networks and Web 2.0 applications (Crumlish and
Malone, 2009). Our validation results support this
argument and therefore, the new collaboration tools
for OER should have a simple layout and intuitive
navigation just like the common used websites
(Okada et al., 2013). With the capabilities of rich
Internet applications, complex user interfaces are
now feasible over the web, such as Adobe Flash,
Microsoft Silverlight, and JavaScript. However, it
is a key for the success of collaborative platforms in
open education, to keep these platforms as simple as
possible. Such complex components should only be
used if they bring a considerable value to the platform.
Otherwise, they should better be avoided.
The platform should also enable the integration
of social media tools and OER adaptation tools.
User experience on the system should match user
experience on social networks and common websites,
such as Google (Okada et al., 2013). Moreover, our
results showed that it is recommended to provide
simple user support regarding the stages of the
collaboration. It is worth mentioning that a reasonable
level of user guidance and user support through
online platforms should be provided. However, so
much guidance might be overwhelming and therefore
might have negative impact. Extensive user research
is necessary to identify the right balance of user
guidance ranging from no guidance at all to full user
The essential role of version control has been
identified since the introduction of collaborative
authoring on the Web (Whitehead Jr. and Wiggins,
1998). It supports the storage of important
resource revisions for later retrieval. Version
control can also support collaboration by allowing
two or more authors to work on the same
resource in parallel. Automatic versioning records
successive modifications to a resource made by
versioning-unaware clients (Whitehead Jr. and
Wiggins, 1998). Our research has shown the
importance of this core feature of online collaborative
platforms in the context of open education.
Our findings reveal one of the main challenges
in the context of Web 2.0 authorship, namely,
Intellectual Property Rights (Gray et al., 2008).
Although this issue is typically discussed with respect
to completed resources in the context of Web 2.0,
it is even more complicated in the context of
open education, because it applies also to partially
complete resources and even initial ideas. Therefore,
establishing and enforcing standards for IPRs is a key
element towards the success of collaboration in open
In addition to the aforementioned design
principles, which appear in existing literatures, our
research reveals another set of design principles.
These include: (1) Enable the creation of multiple
types of outcomes and personalize based on those,
which could be done by providing ready-to-use
templates for different types of expected outcomes,
such as textbooks, courses, or educational software.
(2) The use of a common terminology and introduce
this terminology in the system. (3) Support
uploading different file formats to the ideas. (4)
Low on-boarding barriers, and (5) Personalized
recommendations and matchmaking. These newly
identified design principles as well as the previously
identified ones should be considered for upcoming
collaboration platforms for open education.
This article describes the findings of the preliminary
validation of a collaboration platform for open
education. The focus was especially in collaborative
idea generation that leads to the production of
OER. Such platforms were not considered for open
education before this. Additionally, collaborative
practices in open education are usually not handled
in online contexts. There is a need to develop
collaboration platforms in open education further.
Within the discourse of the researchers as well as the
developers in our project, the following issues were
seen critical: The need for simple tools, diversify
and adapt based on the user, enable the creation
of multiple types of outcomes and personalize
based on those, the use of a common terminology,
enable the integration of social media tools and
OER adaptation tools, provide simple user support
regarding the further stages, version control, consider
IPRs, support uploading different file formats to
the ideas, low on-boarding efforts, and personalized
recommendations and match-making.
The online collaboration idea generation platform
should accommodate a collaborative community,
encouraging members to externalize and extend
their ideas in a collaborative fashion. Action
is needed in order to tackle any motivational
barriers towards collaboration and exchange and to
encourage educators to leverage the internet and
online social collaboration media to collaboratively
and openly develop educational ideas into educational
resources. Yet, while there is a proliferation of
online collaboration tools, a platform whose scope
is limited to facilitating collaboration would not add
value to content creation. Instead, a collaboration
platform for open education should aim at supporting
the development process from a methodological point
of view, including the accommodation of different
content types. Adopting a rigid process flow would
reduce the platform’s applicability, while opting for a
free-flow approach could limit its sense of purpose.
In this context, an attribute of paramount
importance to collaborative idea development is
workflow flexibility, since there cannot be a standard
work process for learning content development,
consisting of fixed work stages. Indeed, standard
university courses build on structured workflows,
while the design of complex learning objects (e.g.,
educational games) poses different requirements and
calls for more versatile (less-structured) approaches.
Consequently, each idea development project has its
unique characteristics. Therefore, one important step
towards enhancing the usability of the platform is the
provision of customized idea templates. By selecting
a predefined idea template, the idea schema is created
using a specific format that applies to the respective
educational resource, for educators to collaboratively
fill out and extend.
The platform should support the discoverability
of shared ideas, providing universal access to such
resources. The issue of sustainability is also
imperative to be addressed. A shared idea may inspire
one or more idea development projects yielding
an equal number of open educational resources.
Sustainability refers to the idea development project’s
ongoing ability to meet its goals. This calls for a
systematic approach in the idea development process:
Transparency and methods for documenting and
maintaining control over individual contributions,
document versions, etc. are required. Contributors
should be able to revisit and rework the idea
development project, in order to adapt it to changing
This research has been co-funded by the European
Commission through the LLP Erasmus program,
Open Educational Ideas and Innovations (OEI2),
The observation- and focus-groups in this research
have been conducted by the OEI2 project partners:
JYU-Finland, ESCP-Germany, NSCR-Greece,
VMU-Lithuania, and DHBW-Germany.
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