Figure 11: PEM Fuel Cell power distribution within 48
The improvement is more noticeable in the
beginning of the optimization process; this flat
behavior indicates that the overall iterative
optimization scheme has practically converged.
In this paper the set model of the stand alone PV-
PEM Fuel Cell hybrid system is analyzed and then
one fuzzy logic controller is considered.
A genetic algorithm is introduced to fine-tune
parameters of membership functions in the fuzzy
logic controller. The results show that the hybrids
with the fine-tuned fuzzy logic controller would
have a higher fuel economy and better system
efficiency compared with the rule-based controller.
The fuzzy logic controller is then designed to
handle with energy distribution and management. To
achieve improved equivalent fuel consumption,
genetic algorithm is implemented to fine-tune the
membership functions.
The control effects must be compared between
different control strategies, e.g. rule-based control
and fine-tuned fuzzy logic control in next future
The results point out those hybrids energetic
systems with the proposed strategy can improve fuel
economy without sacrificing system performance.
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5
PEMFC-Powers (10xe*3 Watts)
Time (Hours)