created without regard to standards and therefore
cannot be considered as a part of an overall solution.
But is it possible to achieve the goal of
interoperability and data exchange even among
LMSs that are not based on standards?
In this paper, we suggest to solve the problems
mentioned above by proposing a common
framework that can be used to specify and classify
existing or future learning management systems
(LMS). We are interested to propose a model driven
approach (MDA) for e-assessment platform.
In this proposal, our objective is to give a high
level of abstraction to our model by coupling the
MDA and the LTSA. For the reason that, it has been
observed that LTSA is too abstract to be adapted in a
uniform way by LMS developers. A high level
design that satisfies the IEEE LTSA standard has
been proposed for future development of efficient
LMS software.
In the first level of our approach, we propose a
generic specification and design step for the e-
assessment process based on workflow technology
and learner profile adaptability.
As mentioned above, e-learning needs to be more
adaptive and flexible to support any kind of learner
according to his/her capability. In the e-learning
process, the e-assessment plays a most important
role not only to evaluate student knowledge but also
to gather student feedback relatively to a learning
content. An e-assessment is the fact that the learner
responds to question given by the tutor to evaluate
the learner knowledge. Therefore, in e-learning
environment, learning and assessment processes
must work together and in parallel as a complete
learning process.
Consequently, we need a solid e-assessment
approach to evaluate efficiently the learner
knowledge in one hand, and on the other hand to
allow tutor to regulate, update and improve his
teaching strategy. Such e-assessment approach could
not be suitable for all types of learners as they
present different knowledge profiles and learning
behaviours. Some of them need to be assessed on the
complete learning materials to evaluate their overall
knowledge. Others may only need to estimate their
knowledge at a particular stage of the learning
process in order to access to the suitable learning
Hence, we need a flexible e-assessment approach
which evaluates each learner’s knowledge relatively
to its learning behaviour profile. To attempt this
objective, we propose an approach to specify a
generic e-assessment process. We use workflow
technology to coordinate different tasks and to
model e-assessment process. To specify this e-
assessment workflow process, we use UML activity
diagram language. Then, our approach is based on a
workflow composition by refinement to reduce
complexity. In addition, we define a set of
refinement rules to adapt the e-assessment process
for each learner.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
section 2 we present used technologies: explain the
benefits of MDA- based instructional design,
especially when compared to design based on
Technology Learning Standards. Section 3 discusses
scientific work related and presents MDA approach.
We end with a conclusion and an overview of future
2.1 A Model Driven Architecture
Model-driven architecture (MDA) focuses on the
evolution and the integration of applications across
heterogeneous middleware platforms. It provides a
systematic framework using engineering methods
and tools to understand, design, operate, and evolve
enterprise systems. MDA promotes modelling
different aspects of software systems at levels of
abstraction, and exploiting interrelationships
between these models. In this paper, we propose a
model-driven approach to e-learning system
development based on core Object Management
Group (OMG) MDA standards.
Many researches on MDA in e-learning have
been conducted in recent years.
Zuzana bizonova Authors in (Bizonova et al.,
2007) have used a Reversed MDA paradigm. He
compares platform specific models of systems and
creates a platform independent model that covers
common functionalities of some learning
management systems. Authors in (Dehbi et al.,
2013) present LMSGENERATOR, a multi-target
Learning management system generator with a
model-driven methodology based on MDA approach
coupled with component approach. Nathalie Moreno
Authors in (Moreno and Romero, 2005) present a
framework model called e-MDA which is ideal for
the “4+1” view model, and equivalent to the
calculation of independent models (CIM) in MDA.
Authors in (Wei et al., 2006) proposed a model-
driven development approach for e-learning
platform. He establishes the domain model (CIM)
through the analysis of business logic, and then