by one of our target user groups, undergraduate Com-
puter Science students. By utilizing log analysis and
pre/post-testing, we observed learning gains which
are comparable to those from a prior system.
From here, there are several avenues of research
that can be undertaken. Firstly, other ChiQat-Tutor
lessons could be evaluated for potential learning
gains, as well as the development of new lessons. Sec-
ondly, new teaching strategies could be developed to
enhance the existing lessons, which can then be for-
mally evaluated. However, these two paths are not
disjoint, since some teaching strategies may be bet-
ter than others on certain lesson types. Thirdly, given
the architecture of the system, it will also be possi-
ble to include new utilities that may be of use for ex-
perimentation, for example, utilities that record user
habits, such as typing speed in problems, or measur-
ing student affect.
Furthermore, we could look into the students
themselves as not all people learn in the same man-
ner. Modules could be developed that develop student
models which may then direct components of the sys-
tem, such as suggesting what strategies to use at what
times on what students.
This work is supported by award NPRP 5-939-1-115
from the Qatar National Research Fund.
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