institutions aimed at making the implementation of
the project at mainstream education possible. In
what concerns DGE, it was firstly necessary to
choose the schools to be involved in the project as
institutional partners. The project development
relied on the necessity to adapt the Ciberescola
learning platform to the students learning process
and to the schools´ needs. It was also necessary to
choose the schools to be involved in the project as
institutional partners. For this purpose, DGE invited
two schools from different regions of Portugal to
join the project. The two schools which were chosen
had not been able to offer specialized teaching
activities on PL2 to all immigrant students and their
headmasters had a strong sense of leadership. The
Internet speed and the number of devices/computers
available for students were also taken into account
when choosing the schools.
The strategy followed aimed at the healthy growth
of the project and its increasing implementation was
boosted by the important role given to each
stakeholder, so that they would feel free to nurture
and to support the project. Above all, it was made
possible for each institutional partner to advocate the
project, to treat it as its own and to become a co-
inventor of its implementation. In this joint process
of project building, supported by a close interaction
between institutions, a higher level of commitment
from each stakeholder and consequently a more
effective impact of the project in each context were
2.3 Ciberescola Website:
From a Self Study Set of Materials
to a Teaching Platform
Initially, in 2009, the main aim of the core-project
was to offer a wide array of interactive exercises,
where a server automatically grades the answers and
stores the results of the exercises both for
Portuguese as 1st language and Portuguese as
second language. All activities were (and still are)
student-centred, mainly. The student can pick one
exercise by himself, do it and check out scores and
correct answers.
The website was set in a simple HTML solution with
a rich text option: the input has specific codes for the
question´s spaces, which means that the question
itself contains the answer within it. These codes are
entered in a back office which could be a really
handcrafted procedure, but it also broadens the
chances of matching different local solutions - and
improvise a bit.
Although the models are simple, the HTML
environment allows the Ciberescola teachers to
publish video, audio, images, etc. in their exercises,
which means that with a bit of creativity, most types
of exercises can be modelled in the engine. The
score obtained for each exercise is stored in a
database, so that the student can see his/her scores
for all questions of the given level.
All exercises, texts and audios, apart from authentic
input selected, are originally produced by the team
of Ciberescola teachers and displayed under a
Creative Commons Licence.
By that time the main aim had therefore become
only one: to reduce the severe shortage of online
Portuguese learning resources, systematically
displayed, built by specialized teachers and with a
recurrent core-structure. Basically, a large and
consistent set of activities, a sort of a big interactive
multimedia text book.
At this initial stage, two kinds of audiences were
targeted: native students of elementary and
secondary schools and non-native learners of
Portuguese as a Foreign Language, either enrolled in
Portuguese schools and universities or studying
abroad. Both were supposed, at this stage, to use the
website resources autonomously, without teacher
Later in 2011, Ciberescola took the first step in the
distance teaching realm, by opening PL2 courses
addressed to adult learners living in Europe and the
US. Instead of feeding a new teaching platform, like
Moodle, as Ciberescola DB gathered already 1000
entries approximately, the option was to combine it
with a videoconferencing service, the FM EA-TEL,
from UK Open University. For that purpose, some
changes were to be done on the Ciberescola
platform: thereafter each HTML page displayed not
just one, as initially, but a set of exercises. Each one
of these webpages currently displays all the
materials specifically re-organized in order to
support a video-class session. Currently, when the
student signs in he/she immediately has access to a
list of webpages/classes corresponding to his/her
course/level, where he/she also finds the links for
his/her course of videoconferencing sessions/classes.
FM EA-TEL is a web-based conferencing service
intended for education. Unlike other video
conferencing services, like Skype or Google
Hangout, FM is a one-direction streaming tool,
which means that one attendee speaks at a time.
Consequently, oral interaction may turn out to be
more artificial and time-consuming, somehow due to
the milliseconds spent in turn in/off the broadcasting
button. But, in return, the internet speed required is