In this paper we tried to model and solve the rout-
ing through an energy harvesting network, by formu-
lating multi-commodity flow problems. The multi-
commodity flow model can be used, along with its
slight variations, as a centralized routing scheme,
where the sink/central controller of the network de-
cides how the flow of data is going to be routed inside
the network, after getting all the information about
the residual energy at each of the nodes of the net-
work. We additionally proposed a distributed sea-
sonally aware scheme based on the concurrent multi-
commodity flow problem, which can run individually
at each node. All the techniques proposed, assume a
static network, where links between nodes are known
in advance.
For the future we would like to modify the multi-
commodity flow formulation so that it tries to op-
timize the residual energy in the nodes for use in
the next cycle, but with the added knowledge that it
distinguishes where this residual energy would bring
more benefit (i.e., at nodes adjacent to the sink). We
are currently working on prediction techniques for the
data, and in using adaptive duty cycling and energy-
neutral operation, from previous research works (Vig-
orito et al., 2007; Kansal et al., 2007), to achieve per-
petual operation of the nodes. Our primary goal now
is to implement a completely self–contained thermo-
electric harvesting node for in-wall use, using low
power microcontroller, and implementing these rout-
ing schemes with more realistic parameters (like the
inclusion of energy leakage etc.). Lastly we would
like to improve the seasonally aware routing scheme,
e.g., possibly by using machine learning techniques
and time series prediction models, to decide on the
split of flows and the amount of data sent, based on the
immediate neighborhood of the node (one hop away).
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