approach considers the definition of UIs for such
kind of applications considering UIEs and layout,
but not taking into account event processing and
style. We start with some abstraction requirements;
as a consequence, it is possible to concentrate on
requirements and structural aspects of the UI.
Concerning RIAAD2 we have found the
following facts:
• 5 RIAAD2’s UIEs (Button, Menu with submenu,
Dialog, Icon, Grid) are not in RIAAD; this
number represent the 50 % of the number of
UIEs types used in the case study of this paper;
in addition, these 5 UIEs have an occurrence in
our case study that represents the 27,8% of the
total UIE occurrences.
• From a total of 12 elements that are either not
present in RIAAD or modified elements of
RIAAD, 8 of them were found when trying to
find in RIAAD UIEs that are abstractions of the
UIEs of the 4 selected RFs.
• 12 of the 39 UIEs of RIAAD2 are additions to
RIAAD or modifications of UIEs of RIAAD, this
represents approximately 30%.
Concerning the mapping of RIAAD2 UIEs onto
widgets of RFs, there are 3 cases of not Basic-
UiElements where a decision about which widget of
a RF to use for a UIE of RIAAD is needed: Grid
(not table): 2 decisions in average (i.e. considering
the 4 selected RFs), menu (without nesting): 5
decisions in average, grouping element: 3.5
decisions in average.
The separation between UI for functionality
access and UI for functionality units, the use of the
tasks for implementing the final UI and the table for
the mapping of RIAAD2 UIEs provide a systematic
and disciplined approach to develop final UIs.
Some of the UIEs of RIAAD2 cannot be mapped
onto widgets of a given RF (e.g. Tree and Alt in
Bootstrap, Foundation and HTML Kickstart);
therefore, for these UIEs it is necessary to define
source code in HTML5, JavaScript and CSS.
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migrate from legacy RIA applications to RFs; in
particular, we are interested on studying the
automatic/semiautomatic transition from abstract
UI/concrete UI models for RIAs to RIAAD2.
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