The scenario with 100 nodes had a increment of
245% in number of delivered messages in relation to
scenario with 10 nodes, but with just 134% of more
overhead (an assessment of bandwidth efficiency in
relation of the number of relayed and delivered mes-
sages). This overhead percentage is less than in sce-
nario with 50 and 75 nodes. We believe that this ra-
tio can be attributed to our strategy of just relaying
messages to data mules with a good potential to de-
livery the message. Furthermore, we can note that
with increment of number of nodes, each one could
store more historical context data to be used by Fore-
caster for prediction. With this, the predictions be-
comes more accurate over the time. In other words,
the engine becomes smarter when run more time and
with more neighbors nodes. We need to investigate
why with 50 nodes the number of delivered messages
was less than with 25 nodes. I As final remark, one
factor not reported in the chart is the computational
cost of ESN. Even when each node used in the sim-
ulation testing, had, on average, 810 different config-
urations to find the best network, the impact of the
processor load was minimal. This lightweight fea-
ture was the main differential of ESN when compared
with all the other machine learning approaches that
we have tested in our previous work.
In this paper, we have described the early stages of our
attempt to build a novel engine that applies Oppor-
tunistic Networks paradigm to transmit sensed data in
situations where the networking infrastructure is in-
termittent or unavailable. It runs as an internal com-
ponent of a wide architecture called UrboSenti and
provides support for communication of urban sensing
applications running atop of it.
We have also outlined our initial design models
for the software modules and their internal compo-
nents. The development of engine has been started.
Currently we are mainly working to implement Situ-
ation awareness model and to plug it with other com-
ponents. The preliminary results, without situation
awareness, are acceptable and indicates that our initial
hypothesis could be exploited better. The low com-
putational cost to run it with satisfactory number of
delivered messages has shown that it works and have
a good potential to be used in UrboSenti. We believe
that its performance will be improved when imple-
mentation of Situation Manager is finished.
Thus, we claim that the proposed engine at-
tend our requirements and is able to fill the gap of
data transmission presented in our initial problem-
scenario. Moreover, this should encourage us to con-
duct further research into the multidisciplinary area of
Smart Cities with the aim of improving services and
applications for urban sensing.
For future work, we are seeking alternative means
of constructing fuzzy sets and rules “on the fly”, de-
pending on the situation in which the node is im-
mersed and to explore the application of a Deep Belief
Network (DBN) or Restricted Boltzmann machines
(RBMs) as underlying for prediction.
We would like to give special thanks to Johannes
Lohmann of Universit
at W
urzburg for his help with
source code of ESNJava.
This research was supported under UbiArch project
– Ubiquitous Architecture for Context Management
and Application Development at UFRGS.
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