attribute, and each arc expresses a value of that
attribute. A leaf node corresponds to the expected
value of the target attribute when the input attributes
are described by the path from the root node to that
leaf node. In a satisfactory decision tree, each non-
leaf node should correspond to the input attribute that
is the most informative about the target attribute
amongst all the input attributes not yet considered in
the path from the root node to that node. It is so
expected to predict the target attribute using the
smallest possible number of questions on average
(Squire, 2004).
Entropy is used to determine how informative a
particular input attribute is about the target attribute
for a subset of the training data. Entropy is a measure
of uncertainty in communication systems introduced
by Shannon (1948). The attributes of the training
instances are searched and the attribute that best
separates the given examples is extracted by it. ID3
stops if the attribute perfectly classifies the training
sets; otherwise it recursively operates on the number
of possible values of attribute of the partitioned
subsets to get their "best" attribute (Scharma, 2011)
(Luger, 2004).
Results of classification are reported by software
Weka as follows.
In our case we have (a) four classes (stages I, II,
III and IV) and (b) three classes (slough – E,
granulation - G and necrotic tissue – N), and
therefore a 4x4 confusion matrix and a 3x3 confusion
matrix respectively. The number of correctly
classified instances is the sum of diagonals in the
matrix; all others are incorrectly classified.
The True Positive (TP) rate is the proportion of
examples which were classified as class x, among all
examples which truly have class x, i.e. how much
part of the class was captured. It is equivalent to
Recall. In the confusion matrix, this is the diagonal
element divided by the sum over the relevant row.
The False Positive (FP) rate is the proportion of
examples which were classified as class x, but belong
to a different class, among all examples which are
not of class x. In the matrix, this is the column sum
of class x minus the diagonal element, divided by the
rows sums of all other classes.
The Precision is the proportion of the examples
which truly have class x among all those which were
classified as class x. In the matrix, this is the
diagonal element divided by the sum over the
relevant column.
The F-Measure is simply
It is a combined measure for precision and recall
(Bouchaert, 2014).
Classification of training set with colour means
and stage resulted in the report in Fig. 1. The
confusion matrix pointed an accuracy percentage of
83,3%. The corresponding decision tree is in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3 reports classification of training set with
colour means and texture attributes. An 88.9%
accuracy was achieved. Fig. 4 shows the
corresponding decision tree.
A small difference with results achieved for both
training sets in the previous study results from
exclusion from texture attribute in the first one and
exclusion of stage attribute in the second one, in
present article.
Classification of test set with colour means and
stage resulted in the report in Fig. 5. It uses the same
decision tree obtained by training set. The confusion
matrix pointed an accuracy percentage of 44.4 %.
Fig. 6 reports classification of training set with
colour means and texture attributes. It uses the same
decision tree obtained by training set. A 64.4 %
accuracy was achieved.
Relationship between colour and stage of PU in 45
cases test set (44.4 % accuracy) was quite lower than
in 18 cases training set (83,3 % accuracy). A yet
significant difference can be noticed for relationship
between colour and texture (88.9 % accuracy for 18
cases training set and 64.4% accuracy for 45 cases
test set).
The high percentage of correct classification in 18
cases test set was not confirmed in 45 cases test set.
Therefore, the results obtained with test sets are
inadequate for the test sets of PU images. Possibly
the insertion of additional picture features in
classification could improve adequacy. Different
groups took the pictures in the training set and in the
remainder 27 cases set under different illumination
conditions. Some attention with picture capturing
procedures may improve the quality of test results
too. Anyway present analysis results encourage the
development of image capturing and processing
devices for practical use in healthcare institutions.