and Rackspace). The selection of the IaaS offerings
consisted of evaluating the different providers and their
corresponding optimized VM instances (Micro, Gen-
eral Purpose, Compute Optimized, and Memory Opti-
mized). The simulation environment was migrated and
its performance evaluated using an artificial workload.
A second step in our analysis consisted on extrapolat-
ing the obtained results towards estimating the incurred
costs for running the simulation environment on- and
off-premise. The analyses showed a beneficial impact
in the performance and a significant reduction of mon-
etary costs when migrating the simulation environment
to the majority of off-premise Cloud offerings.
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the most efficient IaaS Cloud service to deploy and run
our simulation environment, our experiments solely fo-
cused on IaaS offerings. Future works focus on analyz-
ing further service models, i.e. Platform-as-a-Service
(PaaS) or Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS), as well as
evaluating the distribution of the different components
constituting the simulation environment among multi-
ple Cloud offerings. Investigating different autoscaling
techniques and resources configuration possibilities is
also part of future work, e.g. feeding the application
distribution system proposed in (G
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2014b) with such empirical observations.
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