used to increase electrical grid stability.
In this paper we address the problem of
scheduling the charging of a large number of plug-in
electrical vehicles in public parking facilities. As
input, a centralized EV aggregator obtains, from
each vehicle driver, the information about the
amount of energy that needs to be allocated to its
individual EV and the expected deadline for
charging completion. Given these targets the aim of
the charging operator is to run a scheduling
mechanism that reduces the cost of the electricity
bought to a Distribution System Operators (DSO),
taking into consideration different tariff rates and the
local production obtained from renewable sources.
Some papers have already addressed some of the
problems faced by EV charging. Among them, in
(Link et al., 2010; Schmutzler et al., 2011),
algorithms are presented that adjust the charging of
EVs taking into consideration tariff rates, together
with local and grid level power limitations. For
instance, in (Schmutzler et al., 2011) the power that
is used for charging of electric vehicles is made to
vary inversely with a cost indicator, which in turn
reflects the tariff rates and/or the power obtained
from renewable sources. The proposed model
considers that the power availability from distributed
generation and renewable sources is reflected in
price variations. This model however does not
consider that local generation from renewable
sources is available at the charging premises.
In (Sundström and Binding, 2010) the authors
present and evaluate an optimization algorithm for
the charging schedule of EVs managed by a fleet
operator. The algorithm considers constrained grid
conditions and uses driver historical trip data to
forecast energy requirements for EV usage.
In (Chen et al., 2012) the authors address an
algorithm that formulates the charging problem
using a threshold test for admission control and a
greedy algorithm for scheduling. While the proposed
algorithm already considers local production from
renewable sources it deals with renewable sources
variability considering the option of non-completion
penalties when a reservation is not assured.
In this paper we present and evaluate a charging
model and associated scheduling algorithm to apply
to battery charging of electrical vehicles that is able
of optimizing the scenarios where local generation is
available and also those where it isn’t. Different
from (Chen et al., 2012) we consider that any EV
entering the charging premises communicates the
deadline for charging completion and two amounts
of charging energy levels, one guaranteed and
another non-guaranteed. The guaranteed part needs
to be authorized by an admission control procedure
when an EV enters the charging premises. The non-
Guaranteed part builds an eco-friendly solution
which assures that the EV will be charged using only
renewable sources.
The rest of the paper has the following structure.
Section 2 introduces the factors involved in EV
charging with renewable sources. Section 3 presents
the proposed optimization model. Section 4
describes the implemented simulation platform and
the obtained results in different scenarios. Finally
section 5 concludes the paper.
A model for the charging of plug-in electric vehicles
needs to consider several factors including power
variability, electricity tariffs, electric circuit
constraints, while reflecting user requirements and
its assessment.
The variability associated with renewable power
sources makes the dynamic adjustment of demand
difficult to implement, especially when non-elastic
loads are being used. Also, these variations are
difficult to predict with accuracy, affecting the
efficiency of the scheduling algorithms that decide
when loads should work. In other to assure a
continuous supply, the power generated from these
sources is normally combined and complemented
with the power obtained from distribution operators
and paid according with their tariff rates.
In terms of tariffs, the forecasted supply and
demand data is already being mapped to electricity
prices paid by Distribution System Operators, as for
instance happens in (OMI-Polo Español S.A., 2010).
In some countries dynamic tariffs are also being
introduced at the client level (Utility-Scale Smart
Meter Deployments, 2011), because constant tariff
rates have shown not correlate with the marginal
costs of production (Joskow and Wolfram, 2012).
While load scheduling has been until now made
non-automatically, the introduction of automatic
management systems could cause demand hikes at
low price periods, causing a disruption of supply,
due to overloading. Thus, the definition of a charge
schedule management system should also take into
consideration local (Electrical installation guide,
2013) and grid level (Rolink and Rehtanz, 2011)
electrical circuit constraints. These constraints are
normally presented in the form of simultaneity
factors (fs) (Electrical installation guide, 2013;
Rolink and Rehtanz, 2011).
Finally, a model that implements charge