traffic flow, leading to high values of |I|, rarely occur
in practice. Thus, VU will exceed 99.9% in most real
world scenarios with moderate traffic flow.
Higher values of |I| than the ones used above
would relate to unrealistically high traffic flow or ex-
tending the size of mix zones and length of silent peri-
ods to values rendering higher level ITS-applications
unusable (Tomandl et al., 2012). Calculation of VU is
independent of the pseudonym switching strategy, but
the achievable size of |I| differs. While cooperative
PSC switching strategies can adjust it, uncoordinated
ones, e.g., from ETSI ITS or WAVE, cannot do so.
The obtained results show that even without other
tracking mechanism an attacker can track a vehicle
with high probability using just a small set of con-
stant volatile data, even though the vehicle performed
a pseudonym change. This shows that the presence of
volatile constant data is able to render PSC changes
useless, as an attacker can re-identify vehicles us-
ing this data after the pseudonym change. Combin-
ing this attack with further tracking mechanisms, e.g.,
from (Tomandl et al., 2012), promises to achieve very
high tracking probabilities. Thus, the mechanisms for
avoiding volatile constant data in VANET messages
suggested in Section 3 should be used to limit the
trackability of vehicles.
With upcoming deployment also privacy aspects of
VANETs gain increased attention. Therefore, we
studied the influence of information currently present
in ETSI ITS and WAVE standards on proposed pri-
vacy protecting pseudonym usage strategies.
Thereby, we find that the main requirement of
pseudonym change strategies, the cooperation of mul-
tiple indistinguishable vehicles, is unlikely to be
found in practice with current standards being in use.
Multiple suggestions have been made to improve this
situation, which require to adjust the standards.
Future work can implement the outlined tracking
mechanisms in a simulation environment to study the
influence of parameters like CAM generation rules.
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