A Method for Managing Transportation Requests and Subdivision Costs
in Shared Mobility Systems
Gianmichele Siano, Mariano Gallo and Luigi Glielmo
Universit´a degli studi del Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Shared Mobility Systems, Ridesharing, Shapley Value, Optimization Vehicle Routing.
This paper presents an algorithm for managing the demand and supply in a shared transportation system. In
particular we present a method, independent from the Geographic Information System (GIS), which processes
drivers and passengers requests and ranks them in order to encourage matching and to propose the solution
profitable for all. The basic idea is to give priority to the requests of passengers with more common route and
avoid those with greater excess path. In the end, we propose a solution for the distribution of costs among the
participants of shared travel based on the application of the Shapley value.
In recent years, the business models based on shared
economy and collaborative consumption are develop-
ing worldwide. Thanks to the massive use of the Inter-
net, Smartphone and associated technologies such as
GPS, GIS and Social Networks, which allow to com-
municate in real time and know immediately the geo-
graphical position.
Also in the transport sector systems are under de-
velopment with the objective of sharing private cars
among a groups of people who have a similar journey.
The main aim is to promote the sustainable mobility
and reduce transportation costs, traffic congestion and
In a shared transport system, typically a driver
makes available to potential passengers the empty
seats of his/her vehicle. To use the service, the pas-
sengers help by paying adequate costs, generally pro-
portional to the shared journey. These systems are
generally called Carpool or Ridesharing.
In this paper we will refer to real-time Rideshar-
ing where the matching between the participants can
also take a few minutes before departure or during the
journey itself.
The objective of this work is to describe an op-
timization algorithm that can process requests from
participants in the system and classify them in order
to propose a solution beneficial for all.
Given a number of drivers offers and passengers
requests, the problem is how to combine these de-
mands efficiently and how to determine which of the
different options are the best for each individual sub-
Since a driver and one or more passengers share
different paths, another problem addressed in this pa-
per is to define an impartial method for the subdivi-
sion of transport costs.
The study of the problems described above has
been addressed in several previous studies, in partic-
ular in (Son et al., 2012) where an algorithm has been
proposed “based on labeling algorithms for solving
the multiobjective shortest path problem”, another so-
lution (Sghaier et al., 2010) uses an algorithm based
on “Distributed Dijkstra based on the multi-agent”
concept. In (Guo et al., 2012) a “Genetic Adaptive
algorithm” was used, while in (Calvo et al., 2004) a
system is presented using web GIS and SMS where
the problem of carpooling is solved with a heuristic
algorithm. Also in (Ferrari et al., 2003) a “Heuris-
tic algorithms based on savings functions” was pro-
posed. Finally (Santi et al., 2014) has been showed
and quantified “the benefits of vehicle pooling with
shareability networks”.
The paper is organized as follows. In the sec-
ond section we discuss the algorithm implemented in
all the critical steps, then we show the temporal se-
quence and the communications between the parteci-
pants, finally we propose a hypothesis of system ar-
chitecture and an example of algorithm usage. In the
third phase we discuss the problem of the cost dis-
tribution and propose a method based on the “Shap-
ley value”. Finally an example of application of this
method is showed.
Siano G., Gallo M. and Glielmo L..
A Method for Managing Transportation Requests and Subdivision Costs in Shared Mobility Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005459501520158
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS-2015), pages 152-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-109-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)