environment (Tian, et. al, 2004). Along the lines of
the WS protocol research, a modification of WS-
Agreement protocol to enable dynamic run-time
renegotiation and SLA adjustments to guarantee
QoS when SLA violation is expected to occur is
proposed in (Modica, et. al, 2007).
All of the above approaches face adaptability
challenges due to the proposed changes required in
the protocol standards. Our work can accurately and
non-intrusively detects the transient behaviour of the
cloud platforms to prevent SLA violations without
modifying the service code or the standard
protocols. Furthermore, our work will complement
the works of fine-tuning QoS parameters for
efficient service composition, selection and
monitoring schemes to maximize QoS and prevent
SLA violations.
Guaranteeing hard QoS on orchestrated web-
services in SOA and virtualized cloud platforms are
increasingly challenging due to security critical
functionality overlaps and the transient performance
behaviour of such platforms. In this paper, we
developed an effective mechanism to dynamically
monitor orchestrated services and compute service
response tme while considering the underlying
performance behaviour of the cloud platforms.
We implemented our proposed approach with
Aspect Oriented programming (AOP) and illustrated
with a practical scenario to validate our design using
three secure services deployed in a private cloud. In
our future work, we consider experimental traces
over periods of time in our private with public (i.e.
Amazon) cloud instances deployed in different
geographic locations.
Authors would like to thank Jim Hanna at AFRL for
setting up the experimental platform, and special
thanks to the reviewers for their valuable feedback
that made this paper more readable.
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