2. Description of Image Classes Reducible to a
Recognizable Form:
1) Introduction of new mathematical settings of an
image recognition problem (Step 1);
2) Establishing and study of links between
multimodel representation of images and image
metrics (Steps 3, 5);
3) Study and use of image equivalencies (Step 4).
3. Development, Study and Application of an
Algebraic Language for Description of the
Procedures of an Image Reduction to a Recognizable
Form (Step 6).
We hope that after passing through the above
mentioned steps we’ll be able to formulate the
axiomatics of the descriptive (mathematical) theory
of image analysis.
This work was supported in part by the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (projects no. 14–01–
00881), by the Russian Academy of Sciences within
the program of the Department of Mathematical
Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
“Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods of
Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Systems
of New Generation” (“Algorithmic schemes of
descriptive image analysis”) and “Information,
Control, and Intelligent Technologies and Systems”
(project no. 204).
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