Nowadays, a complex service is developed and
managed by a consortium of companies that jointly
contribute to its development, sharing costs and
risks. Different parts of the process are carried out at
different organizations. Each company has its own
responsibility of the part of the choreography of
processes in which it participates. A choreography
approach is than used as coordination across many
domains of control/visibility is required. In this,
assessment and monitoring of cross-organizational
business processes are fundamental. However, an
extensive literature review has revealed that the
combination of SOC, complex adaptive systems and
adaptive control systems has not been addressed in a
conceptual and systematic way. Closing this
research gap is a focal point in this paper.
Based on complex adaptive systems theory, an
adaptive framework of services has been
constructed, including hierarchical levels of control
to enable predictability considering cost, time and
quality characteristics. The closed loops for
controlling the behaviour of the framework are
supported by the measurements of metrics at
different levels allowing establishing individual
pools of rankings of services. A choreography is
then assembled with the most adequate available
services according to customers’ requirements and
The proposed framework and the approach for
services selection allow to dynamically identify the
appropriate set of services to target customer
requirements and preferences, making this offer
available to the customer before (s)he decides to
acquire the whole service. This approach will benefit
the relationship between customer and the provider
in the sense that will assign to the relationship a
favorable degree of reliability, facilitating new
interactions. Thus, this research work contributes to
the state-of-the-art by advancing a conceptual
adaptive framework of services that will ensure a
high degree of predictability for the services’
Future work will focus on the overall assessment
of the choreography and validation of the proposed
framework. The scalability and adaptability of the
framework will also be targeted in future work.
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