In the first part of this paper the main features of the
algorithms implementing the detection and
classification tasks will be described. The remaining
part of the paper describes the major activity
emerging after the project experimental campaigns,
concerning the postprocessing of the collected data
and the generation of two primary results: i) the 3D
models of the detected archaeological objects and ii)
a set of large scale maps containing the result of an
image mosaicking process, providing an overall
view of the surveyed area. These output results are
mainly oriented to directly involved cultural
operators, enabling them to study in detail every
single object without moving it from its
environmental framework, but will be also available
for dissemination and fruition of the underwater
cultural heritage by the general public.
The main goal of the ARROWS missions is to
perform a systematic mapping of the marine
seafloors and to process the output maps to detect
and classify potential archaeological targets. To that
aim the underwater vehicles outlined in the previous
section will be equipped with a proper set of sensor
devices, e.g. optical cameras and acoustic sonars.
These sensors represent appealing choices to the
oceanographic engineer since they provide
complementary information about the surrounding
environment. Generally speaking acoustic sensors
are exploited to create large scale maps of the
environment while cameras provide more detailed
images of the targets.
The AUV payload equipment will consist of a
couple of digital cameras plus an acoustic device
optionally selected between a sidescan sonar or a
multibeam echosounder, either forward looking or
Since the chosen sensor typologies operate on
different principles the captured data are affected by
different distortions, relating to both systematic as
well as environmental sources of corruption. The
cameras introduce geometrical distortions in the
images because of the propagation of
electromagnetic waves through the optical unit.
Moreover the optical signal is affected by strong
degradation due to energy absorption in the water
On the other hand acoustic sonars are affected as
well by geometrical distortions. That is due to the
peculiar perception of the environment: e.g. side
scan sonar maps contain a central black stripe which
is generated by the propagation of acoustic waves
through the water column. That represents useless
information that has to be erased in order to restore
the correct geometrical properties of the data.
Intensive fluctuations in the pose of the vehicle
which is hosting the sensors, may represent a
relevant source of geometry distortion of the data. In
case of strong oscillations of the vehicle induced by
intense waves or currents this can represent a
dominant issue. This issue highlights the strong need
for the synchronization of the optical and acoustic
data with the navigation data records, in order to get
a proper correction. Under the hypothesis that the
whole set of noise sources can be reduced by proper
restoration and geometry correction techniques the
successive goal is to analyse the output data to
provide an informative description of the
3.1 Geometry Assessment
The assessment of primitive curves segments in an
image is a typical computer vision issue that has
been tackled in many ways. In order to fulfil the
curve detection purposes within the ARROWS
project, a dedicated procedure has been developed.
The implemented algorithm is based on a statistical
approach in order to provide the system with enough
reliability and computational performances. The
application of the algorithm, based on the Gestalt
theory (Patraucean, 2012), is more thoroughly
described in (Moroni, 2013; Moroni, 2014). Some
results are showed in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Application of the curve detection algorithm to a
side scan sonar image detail (image taken from
3.2 Texture Analysis
Texture is a descriptor of the surface appearance of
objects. This parameter can be exploited to discern
between different kinds of objects and to assign each