automating the term extrusion out of benchmarking
documents the development of this ontology is accel-
erated. This acceleration is even more important on
maintaining an ontology. As the initial development
of such an ontology is only the first step, extension
and maintenance processes are activities which also
get supported by the automated term extrusion. This
is especially useful if new domain specific terms need
to be identified out of new documents, such as service
descriptions (e.g. related to topics like cloud comput-
Future work will focus on step two/three, shown
in Figure 1. As it is shown, the conceptualization of
terms leads, in general, to a cyclically adjustment of
the initial developed ontology. As this process needs
to be supervised by a domain expert only a semi- au-
tomation of this step is possible yet. Nevertheless
this semi-automation will be developed. To support
the domain expert during this step, the differences
between two ontology versions (before and after the
automatic term extrusion) will be identified and pre-
sented to him. Moreover this kind of versioning helps
to comprehend the development process of the whole
In a last step, already existing output data will
be linked to the domain ontology, such as, cost or
performance values collected from different compa-
nies since the last seven years and persisted in various
databases (eg. MySQL or Access DB). Thus, the con-
ceptualization of logical structures in this domain, is
used to get access to benchmarking data. Without the
need of the developmentof a unified database schema.
Therefore new databases can be linked to already ex-
isting ones by the use of an abstraction layer, so called
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