Selective Use of Optimal Image Resolution for Depth from Multiple
Motions based on Gradient Scheme
Norio Tagawa and Shoei Koizumi
Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
Direct Shape Recovery from Motion, Gradient Method, Random Camera Motions, FixationalEye Movements.
The gradient-based depth from motion method is effective for obtaining a dense depth map. However, the
accuracy of the depth map recovered only from two successive images is not so high, and hence, to increase
the depth information by tracking corresponding image points through an image sequence is often performed
by using, for example, the Kalman filter-like technique. Alternatively, multiple image pairs generated by
random small camera rotations around a reference direction can be used for gaining much information of
depth without such the tracking procedure. In the framework of this strategy, in this study, to further improve
the accuracy, we propose a selective use of the optimal image resolution. The appropriate resolution image
is required to have a linear intensity pattern which is the most important supposition for the gradient method
often used for dense depth recovery based on the theory of “shape from motion.” The performance of our
proposal is examined through numerical evaluations using artificial images.
The gradient-based depth from motion methods have
been vigorously studied to recover a dense depth map
(Horn and Schunk, 1981), (Simoncelli, 1999), (Bruhn
and Weickert, 2005), (Tagawa et al., 2008), (Brox
and Malik, 2011), (Ochs and Brox, 2012). How-
ever, the accuracy of the depth map recovered from
two successive images is not enough, and hence some
methods track corresponding points in an image se-
quence to use multiple viewpoint. The accurate track-
ing is also difficult and the various techniques have
been studied, for example, based on the Kalman filter
(Paramanand and Rajagopalan, 2012) and the parti-
cle filter. We proposed a tracking method, too, which
adopts the Bayesian label assignment instead of ex-
plicit tracking (Ikeda et al., 2009). If possible, the
accurate depth recovery with no use of the tracking is
The accuracy of the gradient method hardly de-
pends on the equation error of the gradient equation.
The gradient equation is a first order approximation
of the intensity invariant constraint before and after
the relative motion between a camera and an object,
and in general the second and more higher order terms
causes the equation error. The amount of the error de-
pends on the relative relation between the size of the
image motion called an optical flow and the spatial
frequency of an image intensity pattern. This means
that the appropriate spatial frequency exists at each
pixel respectively according to the size of the opti-
cal flow. Therefore, we can select the optimal image
resolution including the effective frequency and use
it for the gradient equation. However, if the images
have little variations of the spatial frequency, the opti-
mal frequency component will not necessarily be ex-
tracted at each pixel according to the specific optical
flow determinedby the depth at that pixel and the rela-
tive camera motion. To avoid the problem, we should
analyze many intensity pairs, i.e., many optical flows
for each 3-D point on a target object.
On the other hand, the depth recovery method us-
ing random camera rotations imitating fixational eye
movements of a human’s eye ball (Martinez-Conde
et al., 2004) has been proposed (Tagawa, 2010). In
this method, since a camera is assumed to rotate ran-
domly around the reference direction with a small ro-
tation angle, the gradient method is applied simul-
taneously to a lot of image pairs without the image
point tracking. In the usual framework of the gra-
dient method, the optical flow is detected based on
the gradient equation in the first step, and next, the
depth map is recovered from the optical flow. This
two step procedure is not suitable for expanding the
gradient scheme for multiple image pairs, and the di-
rect method is adopted in (Tagawa, 2010), in which
Tagawa N. and Koizumi S..
Selective Use of Optimal Image Resolution for Depth from Multiple Motions based on Gradient Scheme.
DOI: 10.5220/0005462500920099
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Image Mining. Theory and Applications (IMTA-5-2015), pages 92-99
ISBN: 978-989-758-094-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)