Analysis of Data Quality Problem Taxonomies
Arturs Zogla
, Inga Meirane
and Edgars Salna
National Library of Latvia, Mukusalas 3, Riga, Latvia
Datorzinibu centrs JSC, Lacplesa str. 41, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Data Quality, Data Anomalies.
Abstract: There are many reasons to maintain high quality data in databases and other structured data sources. High
quality data ensures better discovery, automated data analysis, data mining, migration and re-use. However,
due to human errors or faults in data systems themselves data can become corrupted. In this paper existing
data quality problem taxonomies for structured textual data and several improvements are analysed. A new
classification of data quality problems and a framework for detecting data errors both with and without data
operator assistance is proposed.
Errors in data occur for various reasons and are
caused both by human data operators and by mistakes
in information systems themselves. Low quality data
in turn limits the ways it can be searched, analysed,
and re-used. In a wider sense some data quality
problems are not errors. If a database for some
products lists prices in US dollars and for other in
Euros, this might be considered a data quality issue,
but not necessarily an error.
A lot of research has been done on detecting and
resolving data quality problems. Most of this
research, however, has been on data quality problems
in non-structured or semi-structured data: images,
audio signals, network packets, etc (Chandola V. et.
al., 2009).
These data quality problems are usually referred
to as data anomalies. It has been suggested to group
all data anomalies into three classes (Chandola V. et.
al., 2009):
point anomalies for individual objects that can be
considered as anomalous relative to other objects;
context-sensitive anomalies for data that is
anomalous only in certain conditions (freezing
temperatures in summer);
collective anomalies for several objects that are
anomalous only when viewed together (two
passengers having tickets for the same seat in an
This paper focuses on data quality (DQ) problems
in structured textual data like relational databases,
CSV and XML documents. Several attempts have
been made to provide extensive taxonomies of data
quality problems in structured textual data. One such
taxonomy groups data quality problems into a
hierarchy of 33 classes (Kim W., et. al., 2003).
Another taxonomy contains 35 data quality
problem classes grouped by context in which a
particular data quality problem appears (Oliveira P.,
et. al., 2005). The existing research on DQ problems
in structured data, however, has been mostly
theoretical or has been applied for a particular
purpose – as part of data migration, data mining, data
transofrmation, etc.
Therefore, the goal of the research is to apply
existing, theoretically proposed DQ problem
taxonomies to real life data and provide necessary
improvements to DQ problem taxonmy based on real
data errors.
In the research one of the existing DQ problem
taxonomies was chosen and validated against several
databases used at National Library of Latvia. In the
process new error classes were identified.It is also
suggested that some DQ problem classes might be
merged, because of almost identical DQ problem
Zogla A., Meirane I. and Salna E..
Analysis of Data Quality Problem Taxonomies.
DOI: 10.5220/0005462604450450
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 445-450
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
By analysing different publications of DQ problem
taxonomies (Kim W., et. al., 2003), (Li L., 2011),
(Hernandez M. A., Stolfo S. J., 1998) and (Rahm E.,
Hai Do H., 2000) one was selected as being the most
appropriate for structured textual data (Oliveira P., et.
al., 2005). It provides the most detailed structure with
35 DQ problem classes. It also has a clear and
accessible structure that makes it easy for data
operators to classify individual instances of data
This taxonomy groups all DQ problems into 6
subgroups by the context in which a particular DQ
problem occurs:
An attribute value of a single tuple;
The values of a single attribute;
The attribute values of a single tuple;
The attribute values of several tuples;
Multiple relations;
Multiple data sources;
For example, a typical DQ problem in “The values
of a single attribute” group was a Synonyms existence
problem, which occurs when several objects contain
different values to express the same concept in a
particular attribute (using both “F” and “Female” as a
value for Gender attribute).
2.1 Validation of Data Quality Problem
To validate the data quality taxonomy several
databases of National Library of Latvia were chosen.
These databases are considered to be particularly
suitable for collecting DQ problem instances for
following reasons:
Some of the databases have been around for
more than 20 years;
Data has been input by many data operators
with different approaches towards how detailed
objects should be described;
Methodology of describing the same type of
objects has changed many times over the years;
In some databases little to no data validation
has been enforced;
Data has been migrated between different
systems and different versions of the same
All of these can be considered as prerequisites for
DQ problems to occur.
2.1.1 Validation Methods
Following databases were selected for testing
purposes (see Table 1).
Table 1: Databases used for validating DQ problem
Database Number of data
Library’s electronic catalogue 4 100 000
Authority data 205 000
Digital object management system 58 000
Digital collection “Lost Latvia” 30 000
It is worth noting that Library’s electronic catalogue
is integrated with the Digital object management
system. First one describes physical collection of
NLL while the other one – digitized versions of these
objects. This means that multiple data source DQ
problems could also be validated.
Two approaches were used to validate DQ
problem taxonomy: qualitative and quantitative
methods. Qualitative method is used to refer to a
process of identifying as many different DQ problem
class instances as possible. In the best case scenario
this would mean providing at least one example for
each DQ problem class.
To achieve this goal, it was decided to choose the
most likely people to identify different DQ problems
– the most experienced data operators for each of the
selected databases. It was clear that for some DQ
problem classes it will be hard or impossible to find
instances in real data. Mostly, because DQ problems,
if detected, are almost always immediately corrected.
So two kinds of DQ problem instances were allowed:
Real DQ problems, where data operator could
provide an existing object with a particular DQ
Hypothetical DQ problem, where data operator
could only describe or recall an instance of a DQ
problem or suggest a possible scenario of a DQ
problem occurring.
Quantitative method refers to a process of
analysing data and looking for accidental errors and
collecting as many DQ problems as possible. The
reason for doing this kind of analysis was to identify
most prominent and most frequently occurring DQ
problems. Unlike for qualitative method, quantitative
analysis is best performed by data operators relatively
unfamiliar with data sources as they might notice DQ
problems, which an experienced data operators might
overlook. Another reason for doing quantitative
analysis was to possibly identify new DQ problem
classes that didn’t exist in the selected DQ problem
2.1.2 National Library of Latvia’s Most
Important Data Quality Problems
By performing qualitative analysis data operators
collected a total of about 200 instances of DQ
problems. Real or hypothetical data errors were found
for almost every DQ problem class from the selected
DQ problem taxonomy with an exception of Different
measurement unit error in a case of multiple data
sources. This data error may occur, for example,
when in case of two related data sources, one uses the
metric system, but the other imperial measurement
system. Because all data sources at National Library
of Latvia use the same measurement systems no data
errors of this kind were found or even suggested.
However, it is obvious that this error may exist in
other cases and therefor this DQ problem class should
be kept.
One task of qualitative analysis was to determine
how well-founded are each of the DQ problems from
the original taxonomy. It was determined that data
operators often confused several DQ problem classes
and required detailed explanations of the meanings of
these classes. The most frequently confused DQ
problem class pairs were:
Syntax violation and Misspelled error classes;
Set violation and Interval violation classes;
Outdated value and Value items beyond the
attribute context classes.
This suggests that several DQ problem classes
from the original taxonomy might be merged to avoid
misunderstandings in classifying particular instances
of DQ problems.
Quantitative analysis was performed by a
third-party relative to the ownership of data sources.
Their task was to identify DQ problems that stood out
for a person relatively unfamiliar with the data source.
One obvious type of DQ problem that can be
identified this way is the Set violation error, when a
data field contains a value outside of a pre-defined set
of values. In a data field with a limited set of data
values those that occur relatively rare compared to
others can be suspected for being incorrect.
Table 2 provides values of a Document Type data
field and number of times each was used in one of the
tested data sources. In several cases this data field
also contained the dimensions of the object, although
a separate data field was available for this
Even without knowing the content requirements
of the particular data field, it is obvious that the data
value that appeared 393 times is probably the
Table 2: Values in a Document Type data field in digital
collection “Lost Latvia”.
DQ problem Value Used
number of
Syntax error 1 postcard 1
Misspelled error 1 potstcard 1
None 1 postcard 393
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 8,5 x
13,5 cm
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 8,5 x
13,5 cm
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 8,7 x
13,6 cm
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 8,7 x
13,7 cm
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 8,8 x
13,5 cm
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 8,8 x
13,8 cm
Value items
beyond the
attribute context
1 postcard, 9 x 14
Syntax error 1. postcard 1
“normal” one, while others should be considered at
least suspicious and should be provided for manual
review. In fact, when provided with this table of
values, data operators at the National Library of
Latvia indeed admitted that the most frequently used
value is the correct one, while others are results of
human errors.
Finally, an empirical study was performed where
data operators were asked to name what they consider
3 most important DQ problems each in their
particular data sources. For data sources used in this
research following DQ problems were named by at
least two data operators as important for their data
Value syntax error;
Set violation error;
Outdated values;
Duplicate objects.
Note that these are not necessarily the most
frequently occurring data errors, but the DQ problems
that data operators consider have the most overall
impact on the operation of data source. For example,
Set violation error and Outdated values error cause
deterioration of data search and retrieval
2.2 Proposed Improvements to Data
Quality Problem Taxonomy
While performing validation of the existing DQ
problem taxonomy (Oliveira P., et. al., 2005), it is
noticed that some improvements to the taxonomy are
2.2.1 Identification and Correction of Data
Quality Problems
First of all, for future development, it is important to
understand, instances of which DQ problem classes
can be identified and corrected automatically and
which will require a partial or full manual assistance
from data operators.
Table 3 summarizes our initial estimates of how
many DQ problem classes can be processed
automatically and how many would require partial or
complete manual assistance.
Table 3: Detection and correction of DQ problem class
Detection and
Number of DQ
problem classes
that can be
Number of DQ
problem classes
that can be
19 7
manually (with
data operator
4 8
Only manually 12 20
Total 35 35
As expected detecting a DQ problem in general is
much easier than correcting that error. For example,
it is easy to check whether all mandatory data fields
have values, but if a particular one does not, in most
cases without data operator assistance, it is
impossible to guess the missing value.
Only one DQ problem class is identified where
correcting error is considerably easier than
identifying it. It might be very hard just by looking at
data to detect that two data sources use different
measurement units. However, once established that
data source X uses one measurement unit and data
source Y another one, values can be easily
transformed using simple arithmetic. For example, a
comparatively simple correspondence exists between
metric and imperial measurement systems, where
conversion between those systems is done by simple
2.2.2 Modification of the DQ Problem Class
By analysing how well data operators could separate
between different DQ problem classes from the
original taxonomy (Oliveira P., et. al., 2005), we
identified following DQ problem classes where no
meaningful data error example could be provided to
separate the two: Inadequate value to the attribute
context and Value items beyond the attribute context.
So merging of these two DQ problem classes can be
The first error describes cases where a value is
input into a wrong data field, while the second error
describes cases where data field contains a complex
value where parts of it would most appropriately have
been input in other data fields. These two errors
represent just a slightly more general case of
Redundancy errors.
A new DQ problem class can be proposed that
does not appear in the original taxonomy Factual
errors. Such errors may appear in data fields that
contain natural language data values and
consequently may contain factual information. An
example of this DQ problem would be a data field
containing value: “The painting is located in the
capital of France – London,” where the statement that
London is capital of France is clearly a factual error.
Original DQ problem taxonomy considered
situations where only individual errors occur.
However, in real life scenarios a combination of two
or several different DQ problems might be
simultaneously present even in a single data field.
In fact, Misspelling error can cause almost every
other kind of DQ problem as well. For example, if a
person’s birth year is misspelled as “19743” instead
of “1974”, this will be both a Misspelling error and
an Interval violation error. Other DQ problem
combinations may exist, like: Syntax error/Set
violation, Set violation/Outdated value, etc.
The fact that DQ problem combinations may exist
requires establishing a certain order in which DQ
problems are identified in order to minimize the
number of suspected data errors. For example,
typically correcting misspelling errors first will also
automatically correct other suspected DQ problems
as well.
Following order can be proposed in which DQ
problems from a category “an attribute value of a
single tuple” should be processed:
Missing value;
Misspelling error;
Syntax error;
Interval violation;
Outdated value;
Set violation;
Redundant value;
Meaningless value;
Factual error.
This, for example, means that factual errors
should only be checked after all other kinds of DQ
problems have been resolved.
Here the processing order of “an attribute value of
a single tuple” DQ problems is presented as they are
the most widely encountered, but such order
obviously can be established for other groups of DQ
problems as well.
While validating the original DQ problem
taxonomy, we identified several DQ problems that
can only be detected if sufficient external information
is provided. For example, to detect a Set violation
problem the set of all possible values must be
Section 2 of this paper describes the evaluation of an
existing DQ problem taxonomy with suggested
improvements. While granularity of this taxonomy
can be considered as optimal for classification of
individual instances of DQ problems, it is too detailed
when defining criteria for automatic identification of
data errors.
Although DQ problems like Set violation,
Outdated value and Syntax error all might have very
different causes, the algorithms used to identify these
DQ problems are almost identical. It can be
considered that these DQ problems are examples of a
more general type of data error: Incorrect value.
The detailed version of DQ problem taxonomy is
valuable for analysing reasons that certain errors
appear more frequently than others, however, DQ
problems for identification purposes can be grouped
in more general classes.
A new approach of grouping all DQ problems into
8 classes can be proposed, where each class of DQ
problems is identified with a particular type of
Empty data field (for mandatory and semi-
mandatory data fields);
Incorrectly formatted value;
Incorrect use of special characters;
Contradicting values in linked data fields;
Outdated values;
Set violation;
Spelling/grammar errors;
Object duplicates.
Furthermore, for each of these DQ problem
classes two types of algorithms can be provided:
Assisted algorithm. If additional information is
Autonomous algorithm. If no additional
information is available and the algorithm
essentially must “guess” that a particular DQ
problem exists.
For example, an assisted algorithm for an
Incorrectly formatted value DQ problem class would
receive as an input list of data fields that have
specifically formatted values and a regular expression
that describes the expected format of values. An
autonomous algorithm on the other hand for the same
DQ problem class would “guess” both which data
fields contain specifically formatted values and the
corresponding regular expressions for value formats.
Although autonomous algorithms in general are
more complex than assisted algorithms, prototypes
for these algorithms have been developed for each of
the DQ problem classes, except for
Spelling/Grammar error class, where at least an
external vocabulary is required to perform a
meaningful detection of this kind of DQ problem.
This paper reflects a research in progress on finding
and correcting data quality problems in structured
textual data. Existing DQ problem taxonomies were
evaluated for structured data and one that was most
detailed and easy to use was adopted.
This taxonomy was then tested on real data from
several data sources of National Library of Latvia.
Some suggestions on how to improve the original
taxonomy are given in Section 2.2 of this paper.
Finally, a new regrouping of DQ problems is
proposed based on what algorithms can be used to
detect individual DQ problems. A new DQ problem
classification consisting of 8 groups of DQ problems
is proposed which can then be detected using two
types of algorithms: assisted and autonomous.
Like in the case of detecting DQ problems,
algorithms and methods for correcting DQ problems
will be developed. In general not always this will be
possible without additional input from data operators
(see Table 3). However, with sufficient external
information many DQ problem classes can be
A new universal tool will be developed that will
take any kind of structured data as input and will
detect and, where possible, correct DQ problems
based on criteria provided by data operators. This tool
will be validated by detecting and correcting DQ
problems in databases of National Library of Latvia.
This research is part of the project "Competence
Centre of Information and Communication
Technologies" run by IT Competence Centre,
contract No. L-KC-11-0003, co-financed by
European Regional Development Fund, Research No.
1.18 “Data array quality analysis and enhancement
technologies”. More information at
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