data available the system could be adapted to process
it with the intent of retrieving knowledge from it.
Another example of a good tool to process data in IoT
is the lambda architecture, which provides the best of
the stream layer processing allied with the batch layer
that provides more accurate results.
The knowledge extracted from the state of the art
systems and technologies guarantees that our
contributions were, as expected, scalable, adaptable,
feasible and viable.
Furthermore, we aim to develop a system that will
address the current shortcomings in this context. This
system will be more directly related to emergency
management. Therefore we aim to construct a
platform that receives disaster data from many
sources, process it via established components and
lastly retrieves it to any party that subscribed to the
specific type of event. Consequently this paper also
serves as a document to establish an architecture for
that type of system, serving as a first practical
application of it. An initial overview of the
technologies that can be used was also made with the
intent of providing the necessary steps to implement a
similar system, or at least provide some additional
knowledge regarding this topic.
A smart emergency system is important in the
current context due to its usefulness and transparency
while dealing with data, as it can provide predictions
and problems before they happen to managers. Thus,
with the use of this type of system data becomes
clearer and leads to a more prepared and quicker
response to any emergency or disaster.
Another interesting application, which empowers
the system, is social mining, which due to the
importance of social networking in nowadays society
seems like and excellent way to complement the
inputs of the system.
This is important to complement the system
because it can detect disasters via a post in a social
network. The post does not need to be in a specific
format, the algorithms will only be looking for
keywords that will trigger the attention of the system.
Although this data is extremely relevant, it is
important to guarantee that it isn’t false. A possible
solution for this problem can be a request to the
sensors that are placed in that specific site.
In short, Internet of Things is successfully thriving
in the current world, therefore these type of systems
will continue to emerge alongside it. An excellent way
to evolve and prepare future cities is to be more
interconnected and aware, in essence enabling better
This work was partially financed by iCIS – Intelligent
Computing in the Internet Services (CENTRO-07-
ST24 – FEDER – 002003), Portugal.
This work was also made possible with the help of
Ubiwhere, Lda, which provided useful inputs in
discussions and also the facilities.
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