= B
> B
= B
> B
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
Figure 1: Relative orientation of A with respect to B.
A recently proposed spatial access method, the
mqr-tree (Moreau et al., 2009; Moreau and Osborn,
2012), focuses on minimizing overcoverageand over-
lap when indexing arbitrary objects, while keeping
space utilization at 50% or more. In addition to ef-
ficiently handling objects of non-zero area, the mqr-
tree was shown to achieve zero overlap when solely
indexing point data. This leads to point queries that
can be executed without the need to search the same
regions of space several times.
Therefore, we investigate further the ability of the
mqr-tree to efficiently index a significantly larger set
of objects and to provide a means to efficiently per-
form region and point queries on a very large ob-
ject set. A comparison versus a benchmark strat-
egy shows that: 1) the mqr-tree achieves significantly
lower overlap and overcoverage, and 2) the mqr-tree
also achieves performance improvements when used
to execute region and point queries. This makes the
mqr-tree a significant candidate for indexing the very
large object and point sets required for spatial appli-
cation, and in particular emerging applications such
as recommender systems.
This paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 presents
some background information on the mqr-tree. Sec-
tion 3 overviews the factors that affect the perfor-
mance of spatial access methods. Section 4 presents
the framework and results of our performance eval-
uation. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper and
provides some directions of future research.
In this section, we present some background on the
mqr-tree (Moreau et al., 2009; Moreau and Osborn,
2012) approximation-based spatial access method.
Due to space limitations, more details the insertion
and region search strategies can be found in (Moreau
and Osborn, 2012).
The mqr-tree is a hierarchical spatial access
method. Unlike other proposed hierarchical spatial
access methods (Nievergelt et al., 1984; Guttman,
1984; Sellis et al., 1987; Beckmann et al., 1990;
Kamel and Faloutsos, 1994; Berchtold et al., 1996;
Koudas, 2000), the mqr-tree utilizes two-dimensional
nodes. These nodes allow spatial objects and points
to be inserted in a way that maintain the spatial rela-
tionships between them and exploit them when per-
forming spatial queries. Both the minimum bounding
rectangles that represent objects and those covering
regions that contain objects are organized in the same
manner. Another difference between other proposed
structures and the mqr-tree is that the mqr-tree is not a
balanced data structure. However, the cost in balance
is made up by significant savings in other cost factors,
such as overcoverage and overlap (see Section 3).
The relative placement of a minimum bounding
rectangle with respect to other minimum bounding
rectangles in the mqr-tree is determined by using the
centroids of their corresponding minimum bounding
rectangles. Figure 1 depicts the defined relationships,
where A refers to the centroid of a new minimum
bounding rectangle, and B refers to the centre of a
node region that contains other objects. The orienta-
tions (NE, SE, SW, NW) are defined to include cen-
troids that fall on the axes (E, S, W, N, respectively).
Also, an equals (EQ) orientation is included, to han-
dle two centroids that overlap.
Figure 2 depicts the two-dimensional layout of a
node. A node contains 5 locations, each of which
correspond to one of the orientations (NE, SE, SW,
NW, EQ) defined above. Each location can contain a
pointer to either an object or another node. A node
must have at least two locations that reference either
an object or a subtree. The origin of the node is its
centre. The centre is defined by the centroid of the
minimum bounding rectangle for the node (called the
node MBR). A node MBR contains the minimum
bounding rectangles for all objects and subtrees that
can be reached from the node. As objects are added
to and removed from the node, the node MBR is ad-
justed to accommodate the new and removed objects.
Also depicted in Figure 2 are three objects that are
indexed by the node. The node MBR is depicted by
the dashed box. Object 1 is located in the NW loca-
tion of the node because its centroid is located north-
west of the centroid for the node MBR. Similarly, the
centroid of Object 2 is located northeast of the cen-
troid of the node MBR, so it is place in the NE lo-
cation of the node. Finally, the centroid of Object 3
is located directly south of the centroid of the node
MBR, so it is placed in the SE location in the node.
Figure 3 (from (Osborn and Hinze, 2014)) de-
picts an mqr-tree that contains points representing
a selection of locations in New Zealand. The root
node, which is highlighted in bold lines on the in-