The value of Eps is determined as the distance
between the researchers’ profiles. A researcher's
profile consists of all its relevant rubrics and is
presented as a vector. VINITI rubricator of
knowledge areas is used as a rubricator. The set of
vectors forms a matrix of researchers's profiles . To
calculate the distance a cosine measure of adjacency
is used. The value MinPt is the minimum number of
the subjects of scientific school, i.e. the subjects of
"the communities of interest" in the model of a
scientific community.
For approbation of the proposed approach we
chose scientific communities of D. Serikbayev
EKSTU and Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the
Russian Academy of Science (Ioffe Institute). Papers
and research adirections of their scientifc
communities were examined. The results of
numerical experiments confirmed the efficiency of
the clustering algorithm used.
This paper describes the realization of monitoring
the development of university scientific schools,
which is one of functional components of the
technological approach to university scientific
knowledge management. Some models, methods,
and technologies of university scientific knowledge
life cycle support processes are considered.
The paper describes the developed model of a
specialist which reflects the level of scientific
activity productivity based on the calculation of
entropy and overall scientific activity evaluation.
The approach to identification of university
scientific schools based on the clustering of
university scientific community by common
interests is proposed.
The next stage of this work is to address the
problem of assessment of university scientific
activities and the degree of its integration with
educational process.
The work was performed under grant "The
development of an e-university's ontological
knowledge base”, state registration number
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