Figure 2: Mobile Media SPL feature model.
6.2 Co-evolution Comparator
The second block consists in comparing two input
matrices, by automating the mathematical analysis of
our approach. It integrates the two files generated by
the first block and also the features reference files.
Thereby, it makes a comparison of the evolution his-
tories of the two population and generate a log file
which contains the traces of the comparison and the
resulted differences.
6.3 Perfect Co-evolution Analyzer
The third block deals with the perfect co-evolution
restoration, it integrates the log file generated by the
second blocks and displays the features that may be
restored to the platform. this block gives also the pos-
sibility to integrate the two matrices with the features
reference files and applies the perfect co-evolution
restoration algorithm which we previously elaborated
and generate a new matrix for the SPL platform.
Firstly we started by developing the first block,
currently we are performing a list of test cases to val-
idate it. Subsequently, we intend after that to develop
the second and the third functional blocks. We envis-
age after finalizing the three blocks, integrating them
into an application for complete co-evolution analy-
Our general research work addresses the problem
of change propagation in evolving software product
lines. Thereby, we deal with the analysis of co-
evolution of the platform and the products of the soft-
ware product line to understand how they impact each
other during their evolution. In this paper, we have
first proposed the use of biological technique cladis-
tics to illustrate the evolution history of the products
and the platform through evolutionary trees, each tree
represents the history of a product, then we estab-
lished a mathematical analysis to compare the trees
and to find out the changes of product that were not
propagated to the platform and finally we elaborated
an algorithm to help repropagating the missing fea-
tures to the platform. We illustrated the approach
through a case study on the mobile media software
product line. There are several perspectives to our
current work. Firstly, we will develop a tool to auto-
mate the co-evolution analysis, we separated the tool
to three main functional blocks representing the three
steps of the approach. The first block is currently
developed and under validation. Secondly, we aim
to improve the third step of our approach to act di-
rectly on the feature models of the platform and cor-
rect them.
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